Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1293 You spoiled both your daughters! (First update)

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er were walking on the street, playing with the high-grade immortal treasure and bronze mirror they had just purchased.

Soon, they met Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing.

"Papa, Mom, do you think we bought something?"

Lin Momo and Ling'er held up the ancient bronze mirrors in their hands and shook them twice. They looked at Lin Nan and smiled, completely ignoring the eyes of others.

The ancient bronze mirror still emitted bursts of golden light, which was very dazzling and dazzling.

"This, this is probably an immortal treasure!"

At this time, a monk in the Hedao stage in the crowd saw the bronze mirror in Lin Momo's hand, and his eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes! This is definitely the light of the Tao that only immortal treasures can radiate!"

"Tsk, tsk, a female doll is holding an immortal treasure in her hand and swaggering through the market. Are you afraid that no one will come to snatch it?"

Many monks who were watching were talking a lot at this moment.

But there were too many people around now, and although they all had bloodthirsty desires in their eyes, no one took action.

"Okay, put it away. You have gained a good treasure today!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly, looked at Lin Momo and said.

Lin Momo nodded, handed the bronze mirror to Ling'er, and put it into her small purse.

"Papa, you said this is a good treasure. Isn't it just a top-grade fairy treasure? I have dozens of such fairy treasures." Lin Momo pouted her mouth in confusion.

"Yes, I have quite a few here too! I got them all with my sister."

Ling'er on the side also raised his big, watery eyes and looked at Lin Nan.

"This is not a high-grade immortal treasure, but has a hidden aura. Just the aura it emits makes people think it is a high-grade immortal treasure. If it is unsealed, it may not be impossible to become a high-grade immortal treasure!" Lin Nan said lightly.

In the Holy Realm, even monks in the Immortal Realm are extremely eager for high-grade immortal treasures.

But in Lin Nan's mouth, he just said it calmly and didn't mind at all.

If it weren't for the fact that this high-grade immortal treasure had some effect on his two daughters, including Liu Ruqing, he wouldn't even bother to mention it.

"Papa, what kind of treasure is this that is so powerful?"

At this time, Lin Momo had been intrigued by Lin Nan and asked quickly.

Even Liu Ruqing on the side looked at Lin Nan with curious eyes, waiting for his answer.

After all, this is a high-grade fairy treasure. So far, the most powerful treasure Lin Nan has refined for the three of them is a high-grade fairy treasure.

But now, the two daughters have found a high-quality fairy treasure, which shows how rare this is.

However, Lin Nan did not speak, but quietly left with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters.

After all, there are many people here, and although he doesn't care, he doesn't want to be watched like a monkey by so many people.

Now that the two daughters have revealed their wealth, many people are thinking about them.

Soon, Lin Nan's family of four came to a remote alley.


Suddenly, several monks stopped them.

Lin Nan raised his eyes and glanced at a few people. These people were just monks in the integration stage. They were only one level higher than the Nascent Soul stage and had not even reached the Mahayana stage. However, they dared to come even if they were willing to sacrifice for money. Intercept a few of your own.

"You Nascent Soul stage monks, hand over the treasures you have on your body, maybe we can let you live."

The leading monk, who was at the peak of the integration stage, looked at Lin Nan and the others and said coldly.

"Yes, if you don't know each other, today next year will be your memorial day!"

Beside the monk at the peak of the integration realm, a late-stage integration monk also said fiercely.

"Momo and Ling'er have seen it, once you expose your wealth, someone will definitely come to snatch it away. This is the principle of the jungle in the world of immortality!"

Liu Ruqing looked at her two daughters and instilled her own ideas into them.

After all, this is the best opportunity to educate two daughters and should not be missed.

"It's not a big deal. These principles may be golden rules for others, but they are of no use to my daughter. Whoever dares to covet my daughter's property in these nine heavens and ten earths, I will let him come and go!" Lin Nan Ze said calmly.

"You have spoiled both daughters rotten!"

At this time, although he could not refute Lin Nan's words, Liu Ruqing still rolled his eyes at him.

"Boy, if you still talk nonsense when you are about to die, aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

After hearing what Lin Nan and others said, the monks in the integration stage said coldly.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense to them, kill them directly, take the property and leave immediately." A monk in the late stage of integration said.

"Yes, it's not us monks who are staring at them now, but we happened to be early!"

The monk at the peak of the integration stage also nodded.

After saying that, he waved his hand, and a spiritual weapon shot out from his hand, directly covering Lin Nan and the others.

At this time, Lin Nan's eyes were dull and expressionless, and he didn't even bother to take action directly.

In his eyes, two golden lights suddenly shot out, and with a sudden sound, they directly bombarded the spiritual weapon.


Then, under everyone's incredulous gaze, the spiritual weapon turned into a pile of debris and dissipated in mid-air as soon as it came into contact with Lin Nan's gaze.

"What's going on?"

"Did I see it wrong?"

"This is impossible!"

At this time, the monks in the integration stage seemed to have seen a ghost, their eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of them, unable to believe it.

But before they could recover, Lin Nan's eyes had already enveloped them.

puff! puff! puff!

Then, under Lin Nan's golden gaze, several people turned into ashes without even making a scream.

With one glance, he instantly killed several monks in the integration stage.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked indifferent, as if nothing had happened at all.

He held the little hands of his two daughters, glanced at Liu Ruqing beside him, and said softly, "Let's go!"

However, not long after the four people left, several more monks chased them.

At this time, they suddenly stopped.

"Is there the smell of monks being killed in the integration stage here?"

A monk in the Hedao stage frowned.

"It can't be those people. Those people are just in the Nascent Soul stage. Are there other monks who are ahead of us?"

Another monk in the Hedao stage said repeatedly.

"Hurry up and chase, I'm afraid someone will take over if you're too late!"

Then, seven or eight monks in the Hedao stage quickly turned into a rainbow and chased in the direction where Lin Nan and others left.

Immediately afterwards, a figure also appeared there. If Lin Momo and Ling'er saw it, they would definitely recognize that this person was the Red Dragon True Immortal.

But he just frowned, and then he flashed again and chased forward.

Along with him, there were several peak Hedao stage beings, just like subordinates, just following him.

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