Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1298 Who are you? Lord Lin Nan! (Second update)

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous! It's been a long time since anyone dared to speak nonsense in front of me. Anyway, let me kill you today!"

After saying that, the Master of Wanbao Pavilion suddenly turned his hand, and an immortal treasure sword appeared in his hand, which turned out to be a top-grade immortal treasure.


I saw him swiping the long sword in his hand, and a huge ray of light from the Tao Yun Law suddenly appeared, sweeping towards Lin Nan like a waterfall.


Under the attack of the Wanbao Pavilion Master, the entire sky seemed to be torn apart, making loud noises.

"What! So powerful!"

"Is this the powerful Golden Immortal? How terrifying!"

"Yes, just the momentum alone makes a monk like me feel like we are falling into an abyss. It's really terrifying!"

Seeing the attack from the Master of Wanbao Pavilion, the monks who were watching were all frightened.

It was really shocking. This was the first time they saw the powerful Jinxian fighting, and he could actually launch such a powerful attack.

However, Lin Nan had an indifferent expression at this time. He glanced at the Master of Wanbao Pavilion and completely ignored the opponent's extremely powerful attack.

The huge Daoyun Law Waterfall arrived in front of Lin Nan in the blink of an eye, but just when Lin Nan was about to take action, a figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

Then, the figure waved the immortal treasure in his hand and collided with the attack of the Wanbao Pavilion Master.


After a loud noise, the powerful attack completely dissipated, revealing the face of the figure.

"Kyuzhou City Lord!"

At this moment, the group of monks who were watching were stunned when they saw the figure's appearance.

This is the lord of Jiuzhou City, Jiang Jiuzhou.

His portrait was once plastered all over Jiuzhou City, and no one knew about it. But now they were surprised to see the real person.

Just now, such a powerful attack by the Master of Wanbao Pavilion was blocked by the Lord of Jiuzhou City. It was really unbelievable.

Although Jiang Jiuzhou is also in the Golden Immortal realm, he is only in the early stage of Golden Immortal. Compared with the Master of Wanbao Pavilion, he is still a small level behind.


After blocking the terrifying blow from the Master of Wanbao Pavilion, the Lord of Jiuzhou turned pale at this moment, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face turned a little pale.

But then, after a few breaths, his expression returned to its original state.

This is the power of the powerful Golden Immortal. Even if he is slightly injured, he can recover in an instant.

"Jiang Jiuzhou, what do you mean?"

At this time, seeing Jiang Jiuzhou appear, the Wanbao Pavilion Master also had a hint of anger on his face.

He is not afraid of Jiang Jiuzhou, and even defeating Jiang Jiuzhou is just a matter of hands.

But now we are still in Jiuzhou City, and it would not be good if we fall out with the city lord. What's more, now he has to face Lin Nan, not Jiang Jiuzhou.

However, after hearing what the Master of Wanbao Pavilion said, Jiang Jiuzhou did not answer.

Instead, he turned around, stared at Lin Nan again, and then fell to his knees with a plop.

"Are you Master Lin Nan? I am sorry for my sin, but I am not able to greet you from a distance. I am really ashamed!" Jiang Jiuzhou knelt on the ground and bowed.

The tone was extremely respectful, as if a minister was meeting a sage.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"What's going on?"

"Why did the City Lord kneel down to that man?"

"It's incredible, what did I see today!"

"How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible! My eyes must be dazzled!"

At this time, everyone was talking a lot. They didn't know which part Jiang Jiuzhou was acting in. It was really confusing.

"That's all, he who doesn't know is not guilty, get up!"

At this time, Lin Nan also waved his hand and said lightly.

He was not surprised that Jiang Jiuzhou recognized him. After all, this is the lord of a city, so it is normal for him to know something about himself.

On the other hand, it was a bit strange that the Master of Wanbao Pavilion, as a monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, didn't know about his existence. Maybe the other person just hasn't seen him, it's impossible that he hasn't even heard of him.

However, this holy realm is so big that even if there are golden immortal monks who have never seen him, Lin Nan would not be surprised.

"What? Lin... Lord Lin Nan? Are you Lord Lin Nan?"

At this time, the Wanbao Pavilion Master seemed like a duck whose neck was pinched, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, looking like he couldn't believe it.

"This is Master Lin Nan. If you see Master Lin Nan, why don't you come over and kneel down and kowtow!"

Although the opponent was a monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal and was stronger than him, Jiang Jiuzhou at this time had a tone of lecturing a junior, very arrogantly.

This is Lin Nan! What kind of existence is that?

In the entire holy realm, all the powerful people, even the Immortal King and Immortal Lord, changed their expressions upon hearing this!

Now that I can see Lin Nan's figure in person, it is simply a great honor.


When the Master of Wanbao Pavilion heard Jiang Jiuzhou's words, his whole body felt as if he had been cramped, and his whole body collapsed on the ground.

"Lord Lin Nan, I didn't know you were Lord Lin Nan. I was blind just now and offended Lord Lin Nan. Please spare your life, Lord Lin Nan! Spare your life!"

The Master of Wanbao Pavilion started crying, as if his parents were dead.

"Who just now said that they would rip out the souls of my whole family and burn their souls for ten thousand years?"

Lin Nan's tone was cold, and he had no intention of letting the Master of Wanbao Pavilion go.

"The villain deserves to die, the villain deserves to die. The villain was confused for a moment and said the wrong thing. Please forgive me, Lord Lin Nan!"

Lin Nan's cold tone made Wanbao Pavilion Master feel as if he had lost half his life. He was now trembling with fear and fear.

He kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, hoping that Lin Nan could spare his life.

When the monks who were watching saw this scene, they were all a little dumbfounded.

"Who is this man? How could he make the Wanbao Pavilion Master in the Golden Immortal Realm kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Some people wonder, after all, their cultivation level is too low, and they simply don’t know some of the secrets that only higher-ups can know.

"Didn't you hear that, that's Lord Lin Nan!"

someone explained.

"Lord Lin Nan? Who is Lord Lin Nan?"

"Anyway, it's someone you can't afford to offend. Didn't you see that even the powerful Golden Immortal can't afford to offend him? Can you afford to offend him?"

The person who explained was also a little impatient. After all, he didn't know who Lin Nan was.

"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend."

The rest of the people immediately shook their heads.

Nonsense, even the powerful True Immortals and Golden Immortals can't afford to offend them. Monks in the Fusion and Mahayana stages like them are probably not even worthy of carrying someone's shoes!

At this time, Lin Nan stopped talking nonsense and directly stretched out his hand and slapped it away.


In the eyes of everyone, the master of the Wanbao Pavilion in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal was directly slapped to death by Lin Nan with a palm, turning into a ball of blood mist, and even the soul was directly annihilated.

This is Lin Nan's mercy. Otherwise, according to Lin Nan's previous character, he would definitely retaliate in kind, stripping the soul of the Master of Wanbao Pavilion and burning his soul for ten thousand years!

Jiang Jiuzhou, who saw this scene, also looked at Lin Nan in shock, with deep fear in his eyes.

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