Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1302 Are you the one who killed my grandson? (Second update)

At this time, in an elder's training chamber in the White Dragon Holy Land, an old man suddenly raised his head.

There was a look of anger on his face. Just now, he felt the life breath of one of his descendants disappear.

If he were an ordinary tribesman, he would not care so much, and it would be impossible for him to connect his soul breath with himself. This grandson is a genius of the entire Zhou family, and he is regarded as someone who can inherit his mantle in the future.

For this reason, he deliberately left his mark on this grandson and knew every move of the other party.

But now, the other party was just practicing around the Three Saints Ancient City, but died. It was really hard to accept.

Around the Three Saints Ancient City, who doesn't know the majesty of their three holy places, and who dares to kill the people in their holy places.

"Who is it? Who killed my genius descendant?"

Elder Zhou suddenly stood up and left the secret cultivation room in a flash.

He wanted to investigate and find out the whole thing immediately.

Lin Nan, along with Liu Ruqing and his two daughters, wandered around in the Three Saints Ancient City, completely ignoring the previous conflicts with the Holy Land disciples.

As the Emperor of Heaven, if this is just a holy place, if it really angers him, it will be destroyed with a flip of his hands!

"Daddy, this place is indeed more prosperous than the previous Jiuzhou City!"

At this time, seeing the dazzling array of things on the street, selling everything, Lin Momo suddenly felt that even a pair of small eyes were not enough.

"Yes, yes, sister, there is something fun over there, let's go check it out!"

Ling'er also looked around, and then suddenly saw an interesting place, and quickly pulled Lin Momo there with her.

Liu Ruqing stood beside Lin Nan, looking at her two daughters with a smile on her face, and she was extremely happy in her heart.

Such a day for the family to go out for a stroll is really wonderful and rare.

Lin Nan held Liu Ruqing's little hand and stared at the two daughters from a distance, with a look of happiness naturally flowing on his face.


However, just as the family had been wandering around for less than half an hour, a huge spiritual thought suddenly enveloped them.

"It's them!"

At this time, a monk in the Mahayana stage pointed at Lin Nan and others and said to an elder in the Hedao stage beside him.

"You didn't admit it?"

The old man in the Hedao stage looked gloomy and asked again.

"Elder Zhou, you can't be wrong. Many of our monks saw them killing White Dragon Holy Land disciples before, including your descendants!"

The Mahayana monk nodded quickly.

He was one of the monks who had been watching before. This time, Elder Zhou from the White Dragon Holy Land was investigating the murder of his grandson. He immediately stood up to identify him. He just wanted to leave a good impression in front of the elders of the Holy Land.

After all, as a monk in the Mahayana stage, he is just a casual cultivator, and cultivation is too difficult.

After hearing this, Elder Zhou just nodded and gave the Mahayana monk a handful of spiritual stones, which amounted to tens of thousands.

"Thank you, Elder Zhou, thank you, Elder Zhou!"

Seeing so many spiritual stones, the Mahayana monk also thanked them profusely.

Then, Elder Zhou's figure flashed and he came to Lin Nan and others.

"Is it you who killed my grandson?"

Elder Zhou's tone was cold and full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to stare Lin Nan to death.

At the same time, a terrifying coercion from the monks in the Hedao stage was also shrouded, covering the entire street.

Some monks who were wandering around the street were surprised when they saw this scene. They quickly stepped back and stood watching from a distance.

"Kill your grandson?" Lin Nan was a little surprised when he heard what the other party said, but he was too lazy to explain, and continued, "I crushed a few ants to death. I don't know if any of your grandsons are among them!"


Hearing Lin Nan's words, the monk who was watching was a little surprised.

"Who is this man? He speaks so arrogantly!"

"I don't know, but the Hedao-stage monk opposite him seems to be Elder Zhou from the White Dragon Holy Land!"

"What? Elder Zhou? It is said that the elders of the White Dragon Holy Land are all strong men at the peak of the Hedao stage. This person seems to be extremely powerful!"

"Alas, it seems that this man has a grudge against Elder Zhou, and his cultivation level is only at the Nascent Soul stage. I'm afraid he will definitely die!"

For a time, the crowd was talking a lot, and they all looked at Lin Nan with a trace of pity.

In their eyes, Lin Nan was just a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, while the other party was an elder of the Holy Land at the peak of the Hedao stage. It was easy to see which one was stronger and which one was weaker.

"Okay, okay! It seems you have some tricks up your sleeve, and you are by no means the Nascent Soul Stage monk you seem to be on the surface!"

When Elder Zhou heard Lin Nan's words, he was also a little angry.

However, he did not lose his mind. The other party was able to kill his descendants and even several Mahayana disciples, so it was obviously impossible for them to be only at the Nascent Soul stage.

But as a person at the peak of the Hedao stage, he has never been afraid of anyone except immortals. What's more, there is the powerful White Dragon Holy Land behind him. In the holy land, there are true immortals and even golden immortals.

After hearing Elder Zhou's words, Lin Nan was silent, not even bothering to explain to him.

Lin Nan didn't even look at Elder Zhou. In his eyes, he was just a slightly bigger ant, not enough for him to look at him.

"Kill my grandson, I will make you pay for your life today!"

When Elder Zhou saw Lin Nan's contemptuous look, even the Clay Bodhisattva was angry, and he immediately shouted angrily.

Then, he turned his hand, and a holy sword appeared in his hand.

As soon as the holy object appeared, it emitted bursts of powerful Tao Yun light, which was colorful and dazzling.

"This, this is probably a powerful holy object!"

At this time, a monk who was watching also exclaimed.

He has cultivated to the Mahayana stage, but he has never seen a sacred object. Today is an eye-opener.

"Yes, this is a high-grade holy object. Even among holy objects, it is extremely powerful."

On the side, a monk in the Hedao stage said.

There was a hint of sourness in his tone, and endless desire flashed in his eyes.

He is a monk in the Hedao stage, but he is only a casual cultivator. What he uses now is only magic weapons, not even low-grade holy objects.

But the other party is already using high-grade holy objects, which is really annoying.


Hearing the words of the Hedao-stage monk, a group of onlookers took a deep breath.

A top-grade holy object, what a powerful treasure this is.

Their eyes fell on Lin Nan and others again. At this moment, their faces were full of pity.

Facing a powerful peak Hedao stage expert with a high-grade holy object in his hand, even if the opponent is really not as simple as the Nascent Soul stage as Elder Zhou said, I am afraid he will definitely be killed. .

"Who made him offend the White Dragon Holy Land? You know, in the Three Saints Ancient City, who dares to offend the people of the Three Holy Lands!"

Some monks also said coldly.

"Yes, isn't this asking for death! Oh, what a pity!"

Everyone thought that Lin Nan's family was dead!

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