Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1305 Dad, my daughter’s life is miserable! (First update)

"Where did you come from, little baby? Get out of here, otherwise I won't blame you for being rude!"

The monks from the Cloud and Mist Holy Land immediately shouted angrily.

"I say it again, let go of that sister!"

At this time, Lin Momo also had an angry look on her face.

The female cultivator had been dragged several meters away by the disciples of the Holy Land, and was about to leave the crowd.


But obviously, the disciple in the integration stage didn't pay any attention to Lin Momo's words.

In his eyes, the other party was just two little babies in the Nascent Soul stage, really not worth mentioning.

Even when he was about to leave, he glared at Lin Momo and Ling'er, as if to warn them.

The old man was being dragged away at this time. But even now, he still refused to let go of his daughter.

"Old guy, if you don't let go, I'm going to beat you to death!"

The disciple in the integration stage of the Holy Land also had an angry look on his face, looking at the old man in the Nascent Soul stage as if he was a fierce spirit.

"Dad, my daughter's life is hard. Please let go. Don't risk your life for your daughter!"

The female cultivator was crying. At this time, she only hoped that the disciples of the Holy Land would not take action against her father.

The group of monks who were watching couldn't help but shake their heads at this time, as if they couldn't stand it anymore. But if they were to help, it would be a bit difficult.

But at this moment, Lin Momo finally couldn't bear it anymore. She turned her little hand and slapped the disciple in the integration stage with her palm.


A huge palm shadow shot out from Lin Momo's hand and instantly enveloped the disciple in the integration stage.


At this time, I felt a terrifying aura, and the Holy Land disciples in the integration stage also felt a life and death crisis.

He suddenly looked up and saw Lin Momo's attack, his expression suddenly changed.

"Impossible, this can never be an attack by a Nascent Soul Stage monk!"

At this time, he was roaring in his heart.

Facing such a powerful attack from Lin Momo, he had no power to fight back.

You know, he is a disciple of the Fusion Stage of the Holy Land of Clouds and Mists, so how could he not be a match for a Nascent Soul Stage female doll opposite him. There is only one possibility, and that is that the opponent's strength far exceeds the Nascent Soul stage.

However, it was already too late for the disciples in the integration stage to escape at this time.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw that the disciple in the integration stage was immediately slapped to death by Lin Momo and turned into a ball of blood mist.


Seeing this scene, the group of monks watching were shocked.

"Whose little baby is this? You are in big trouble!"

"Yes, you should inform your family quickly. If you run away now, it might still be too late!"

"That's a disciple of the Holy Land of Clouds and Mists, little baby, run away!"

The group of monks who were watching all quickly tried to persuade him.

The imprisoned female cultivator and the old man also came to Lin Momo.

"Thank you both for saving me. But it's not worth it for our two benefactors to provoke the Holy Land for us!" The old man said to Lin Momo and Lin Momo while wiping away his tears.

"Yes, benefactor, it's our fault that has caused the benefactor's trouble. You should leave quickly. If the Holy Land comes to find us, we, father and daughter, will bear all the consequences!"

The female cultivator was also decisive.

At this moment, she had planned to stay, even if she faced the criticism from the Holy Land of Cloud and Mist, as long as she would not implicate the two girls who saved her.

"It's just a holy land, I'll destroy it when it comes!"

At this time, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing walked up to Lin Momo and touched their daughter's hair, with a look of affirmation in their eyes.

After hearing Lin Nan's words, both the father and daughter and the other monks watching were a little stunned.

This man speaks so loudly that he even looks down on the Holy Land. Who is he?

But just as everyone was shocked, a huge spiritual thought suddenly enveloped them.

"The brave little thief dares to kill me, the elder of the White Dragon Holy Land. Please save your life today!"

At the same time, a loud voice came, resounding in everyone's ears.

Then, everyone saw an old man descending in front of Lin Nan and others at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

The aura on his body was extremely powerful and murderous, making the monks who were watching feel an aura of death.

"This, this is the strong man from the White Dragon Holy Land!"

"He seems to be a true immortal strongman!"

Among the crowd, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the casual cultivators who had reached the Hedao stage.

A strong man in the true immortal realm is so powerful.

But seeing that the old man seemed to be looking for Lin Nan and others, everyone else felt relieved.

"This, isn't this one of the three great ancestors of the White Dragon Holy Land, the ancestor of the Zhou family!"

At this time, someone exclaimed.

"What? He is the ancestor of the Zhou family? No wonder he is so powerful!"

"Yes, the ancestor of the Zhou family is one of the three saint ancestors of the White Dragon Holy Land, and his strength ranks first among the three saint ancestors."

"It's over, it's over. I'm afraid that man is dead this time. If he offends the ancestor of the Zhou family, he won't die even if he has a few lives."

There was a lot of chatter among the crowd for a while.

They were all shocked by the state of the ancestor of the Zhou family.

However, they had many speculations about the grudge between Lin Nan and the ancestor of the Zhou family. They didn't know why. They could only guess from the words of the ancestor of the Zhou family just now that the man in front of them might have killed the elder of the Holy Land.

But no matter what, just by rushing to save the father and daughter just now, Lin Momo and Ling'er gave a lot of favor to the other monks who were watching.

At this time, everyone felt sorry for Lin Nan's family.

"What? The young one is here and the old one is here? If you don't know better, I don't mind razing the entire White Dragon Holy Land to the ground!" Lin Nan also glanced at the ancestor of the Zhou family and said lightly.

Even the monks in the realm of true immortals dare to show off in front of him.

If Lin Nan wanted to, he could easily crush him to death at any time.

"What an arrogant boy. You can kill the elder of my Zhou family who is at the peak of the Hedao stage. I'm afraid your strength is more than what it seems. Who are you?"

Although the ancestor of the Zhou family was furious, at this moment, he did not take action directly against Lin Nan.

He was also a little surprised at this time. After all, according to his spiritual inspection, the other party was really just a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

But how is this possible!

The elder of his Zhou family is at the peak of the Hedao stage, and he also has a high-grade holy object given by him.

To kill such a strong man, if they are peak Hedao monks of the same realm, at least eleven or two people must join forces. And the other party is only one person, which shows that the other party is very likely to have reached the realm of true immortality.

But the ancestor of the Zhou family was in the late stage of True Immortal, and he did not look down upon ordinary True Immortal cultivators.

But now he couldn't find out Lin Nan's true cultivation level, and he was a little worried.

"Who am I, and you deserve to know?"

Lin Nan didn't even look at the ancestor of the Zhou family, his tone was full of contempt.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then I will kill you right now and extract your soul to refine it. I'll see if you don't regret it!"

The ancestor of the Zhou family was also annoyed by Lin Nan and immediately shouted angrily!

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