Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1312 Kill you? Dirty my hands! (Fourth update)

At this time, outside the valley, the leader was a young man wearing brocade clothes. He exuded a powerful aura, and he had reached the early stage of Hedao.

Behind him were several servants, but none of them were weak. The strongest one had also reached the early stage of Hedao, and the others had also reached the Mahayana stage.

"Young Master, if you bring this spiritual vein back, I'm afraid the Lord of the City will be extremely happy!"

Next to the young man, the servant of the Hedao stage said.

"Uncle Li, you are right. Although this is a low-grade spiritual vein and is partially missing, it is still considered a great treasure in Yuelong City. At least it will make the Zhao family's position in Yuelong City more stable!" "

The young man nodded.

This person is the young master of the Zhao family in Yuelong City, Zhao Wanni.

His father is the city lord of Yuelong City, Zhao Yiyang, who is a strong man in the true immortal realm.

However, this Yuelong City is not only dominated by the Zhao family, but also has two other major families, which are also the leading ancient aristocratic families in Yuelong City.

Therefore, if you obtain this low-grade spiritual vein, it will indeed increase the strength of the Zhao family by one level, and it is not impossible to overpower the other two major families.

Then, under the leadership of Zhao Wandi, several people quickly entered the valley, hoping to collect the low-grade spiritual veins.

However, as soon as they entered the valley, they discovered Lin Nan and four others.

"Where did you come from? You didn't see my young master doing business here, why don't you get out of here!"

Li Bo, who was in the Hedao stage, immediately looked at Lin Nan and the others and shouted angrily.

He has a special status in the Zhao family. Different from ordinary servants, he can be said to be half the master of the young master Zhao Wanni. Therefore, this Uncle Li is used to being arrogant and domineering except for those directly related to the Zhao family.

The remaining servants also looked at Lin Nan and others coldly, with a hint of contempt in their eyes.

But as soon as Uncle Li's words came out, Zhao Wandi raised his hand and said calmly, "Oh, Uncle Li's words are wrong. If we just let them go like this, I'm afraid the news here will spread, so I'd better kill them." Bar!"

"Yes, the young master is right!"

After hearing what Zhao Wandi said, Uncle Li also nodded.

As an ancient family in the Holy Domain, it was only a piece of cake to kill a few casual cultivators.

After saying that, Uncle Li immediately dodged and came to Lin Nan and others.

In his mind, he had already found out that Lin Nan and others were only at the Nascent Soul stage. To kill a few Nascent Soul Stage monks is no different than crushing a few ants to death.

Li Bo directly stretched out his hand, with powerful rays of light contained in his palm, and grabbed it towards Lin Nan and others.


A huge aura locked Lin Nan and others firmly.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wandi also nodded.

The servants behind him were all beaming with joy, "Uncle Li's strength has improved a lot. I'm afraid he won't be far away from reaching the middle stage of Hedao!"

"Yes, Uncle Li is our role model. In the future, we must be like Uncle Li and be loyal to the young master!"

"The young master is also extremely talented. He has only practiced for two hundred years and has already reached the stage of harmony. I am afraid that in the entire Yuelong City, there will be no one in thousands of years!"

"Yes, yes, the young master has a bright future. He will definitely be able to become a true immortal in the future, and even a golden immortal may not be impossible!"

A group of slaves quickly switched from flattering Uncle Li to the young master Zhao Wandi.

When Zhao Wandi heard what the slaves said, he naturally enjoyed this feeling very much.

He is the genius monk of the entire Zhao family. No one in the Zhao family can reach the Hedao stage in two hundred years. In addition, his father Zhao Yiyang is not only the contemporary head of the Zhao family, but also the lord of Yuelong City, and has reached the realm of true immortals.

Such a status and such a backstage trump card can be said to be extremely powerful.

For a moment, Zhao Wandi also felt a little elated.

But at this moment, Lin Nan slowly raised his eyes. He looked at the attack of Uncle Li in the Hedao stage, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.


The golden light was like lightning, instantly penetrating through Uncle Li's palm.

The huge palm shadow that was originally extremely powerful was directly defeated like a rotten tomato in Lin Nan's eyes.

Then, the golden light didn't stop, and penetrated Uncle Li's body with a swish.


A soft sound was heard, and then, Uncle Li's body was seen exploding on the spot, turning into a mass of blood mist on the spot.



Seeing this scene, Zhao Wandi and others, who were still excited, were suddenly stunned.

"This...how is this possible!"

The servants were also a little confused.

This is a strong man in the Hedao stage. He can't even resist a glance in front of the other party?

At this moment, they all looked at Lin Nan, with deep fear in their eyes.

Who is this man? How could he be so powerful?

"You...don't come over!"

At this time, Zhao Wandi felt a little guilty. When he saw Lin Nan taking a step towards him, he immediately screamed.

"Did you just say that you wanted to kill us?"

Lin Nan's tone was cold, and he looked at Zhao Wandi calmly and said.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, monks like Zhao Wandi can be regarded as rare geniuses, but in Lin Nan's eyes, he has killed too many such monks.

Even peerless geniuses who were countless times more amazing than him didn't know how many mortals Lin Nan had killed.

"I, I am the genius of the Zhao family, you can't kill me!"

When Zhao Wandi heard Lin Nan's words, he felt as if he was falling into an abyss, as cold as bone. All he can think of now is to use the family's power to save his life.

"Kill you? Dirty my hands!"

At this time, Lin Nan also said coldly.

After saying that, he snorted coldly, and a huge coercion suddenly emanated from him, covering all the people in front of him.


The pressure, like a million mountains, instantly crushed several people to the ground.

puff! puff! puff!

Then, several people's faces turned pale, and bursts of broken sounds came from their dantian.

"You? You ruined our cultivation?"

At this time, Zhao Wandi's face was as white as a piece of paper, and he collapsed on the ground, his tone filled with horror.

His cultivation was abolished and he became an ant-like mortal from then on.

You know, he is the genius of the Zhao family. The feeling of falling from the nine heavens into the abyss is countless times more uncomfortable than killing him directly.

"Young Master, it's over, we're done!"

At this time, several other servants also looked miserable.

Slaves like them rely on their own strength. If they become useless, let alone an ancient family like the Zhao family, even an ordinary monk family cannot take them in.

In the holy realm, if a mortal wants to survive, the chance is almost zero.

Although Lin Nan did not kill these people at this time, it was tantamount to making these people wait for death and suffer greater pain, which was more shocking than killing them.

Afterwards, Lin Nan stopped caring about these people and left directly with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters.

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