Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1314: It’s over! (Second update)


Zhao Zhanyue, who was in the True Immortal Realm, waved his hand directly, and a huge palm shadow condensed from his hand, turned into a ray of white light, and grabbed Lin Nan and others.

On the phantom of the palm, powerful rays of Taoism shone, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

"This Mr. Zhao is so strong!"

"Yes, this is a powerful true immortal. Zhao Zhanyue of the Zhao family is as famous as the city lord Zhao Yiyang!"

"What! He is actually as famous as the city lord!"

"Oh, that man's family may not survive this time!"

At this time, seeing Zhao Zhanyue's attack, all the cultivators who were watching changed their expressions.

The other party is too powerful and has reached the realm of true immortality. Among them, the strongest one is only at the peak of the Hedao stage, and the gap cannot be measured by Dao.

They asked themselves, if they faced this palm, they would probably die.

However, Zhao Zhanyue was very measured in his actions.

The opponent was able to destroy Zhao Wandi, the young master in the Hedao stage, and his strength and cultivation were definitely not as low as they seemed on the surface.

Although he did not use all his strength with this palm, his purpose was not to kill the opponent, but to arrest him.

At this time, Lin Nan had an indifferent expression, and even Liu Ruqing and her two daughters had a hint of teasing in their eyes.

Not to mention Lin Nan, who was the Emperor of Heaven, even for monks like them, who were in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it was just a matter of hands to kill Zhao Zhanyue.

Now the other party dares to attack him and others. This is simply a joke.

And Zhao Zhanyue's attack also arrived in front of Lin Nan in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Nan's family was going to be easily killed, suddenly, Lin Nan raised his head slightly, stretched out a finger, and moved forward slightly.


Then, a ray of white light shot out from his fingers, streaking across the sky in an instant, defeating the shadow of Zhao Zhanyue's palm on the spot.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

"That was the attack of a powerful True Immortal. How could it be defeated so easily?"

"Who is that man? How could he be so strong!"

Lin Nan's behavior was simply unbelievable in the eyes of the monks who were watching.

That is a powerful True Immortal cultivator, a being as famous as the city lord, and the entire Yuelong City is probably not even able to count it.

But in front of the mysterious man in front of them, it didn't work at all, which was too subversive of their imagination.

At this time, there were also a few unfamiliar faces in the crowd.

They are the elders from two other ancient families.

"Old Qian clan, this man seems to be a bit strong!" A tall monk looked at the old man beside him and said with a hint of surprise in his tone.

The aura exuding from this person is also extremely powerful. He has reached the peak of the Hedao stage and is only one step away from becoming a true immortal.

He comes from the Sun family, an ancient family, and is the strongest person in the Sun family after his ancestor and clan leader.

"Yes, this person's strength may be no less than that of Zhao Zhanyue. Our family is lucky to have such a strong person to deal with the Zhao family!" The Qian family elder nodded.

At this time, Zhao Zhanyue's expression was a little surprised.

He looked at Lin Nan and others opposite in surprise, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Just now, although he didn't attack with all his strength, he still had the intention of taking down the opponent with one blow. But the other party easily accepted his attack, which surprised him.

Especially the two elders from the Zhao family behind him were even more confused.

In their opinion, shouldn't it be easy for their true immortal elders to take action? How could it fail?

"It seems that your strength has reached the realm of true immortals. I underestimated you! But this time, I will definitely take you down!"

Zhao Zhanyue paused and said again, his tone regaining confidence again.

After saying that, he slapped his palm forward again.

This time, he used all his strength, and the wind in his palm was several times more powerful than before.

Dazzling rays of light shone in the shadow of his palm, and the powerful law of Tao almost tore the air, making a sonic boom sound.

"Elder, be serious, this time the opponent will definitely catch you!"

At this time, the Hedao-stage elder of the Zhao family was also mumbling to himself.

"Yes, if you dare to provoke our Zhao family, you must be willing to bear the consequences!"

Another elder from the Zhao family also nodded repeatedly.

However, among the crowd, the elders of the Qian family and the Sun family had a trace of expectation in their eyes, wanting to see how Lin Nan would turn the tables.

At this time, Lin Nan also showed a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Although he is not a person who kills indiscriminately, but if the other party provokes him again and again, then there is no harm in crushing him to death.

Just when Zhao Zhanyue's attack was approaching, Lin Nan took action again.


He stretched out his arm and slapped forward with his palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

This was exactly the palm technique that Lin Nan had taught Lin Momo and Ling'er before, but in his hands, the power of the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm was more than a hundred times stronger.

A shadow shot out of the sky, instantly pulling out a dark ribbon in the void. If you observe carefully, you will find that the dark color is actually the mark left after the void is swallowed up.

At the same time, the shadow of the palm was surrounded by the aura of the avenue, making the world tremble.


"This is so strong!"

"How can this be!"

Just now, everyone was shocked by the powerful strength of Zhao Zhanyue, who was in the True Immortal realm, but seeing Lin Nan's attack, they felt like a storm in their hearts.

Compared with Lin Nan, Zhao Zhanyue's attack was just like a child's trick, completely inadequate.

Even the elders of the Qian family and the Sun family were a little pale at the moment.

"How can this man be so strong!"

"It's over, it's over. If this man is here, I'm afraid our Yuelong City will not be safe!"

Both of them exclaimed.

If Lin Nan is stronger and can suppress the Zhao family, it will naturally be a good thing for their two ancient families.

But Lin Nan was now so powerful that it made them feel a deep sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

When Zhao Zhanyue saw this scene, he was also shocked.

He only felt that the hairs all over his body stood up, and a cold air rushed directly from his spine to the back of his head. It was the breath of death.


At this time, Zhao Zhanyue had only one idea, which was to escape immediately.

The other two elders of the Zhao family were also pale at this moment, and their whole bodies were trembling like chaff.

They had never seen such a powerful person, not even the ancestor of the Zhao family, who had reached the Golden Immortal realm, could not be so strong.

But before Zhao Zhanyue could move, Lin Nan's palm had already struck down.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, the three elders of the Zhao family, including Zhao Zhanyue, were immediately beaten to death on the spot and turned into a ball of blood mist. Even their souls could not escape.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Strong, really too strong.

Powerful beyond everyone's expectation.

However, Lin Nan calmly stopped and walked away with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters as if nothing had happened.

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