Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1317 The little loli takes action! (First update)

For some reason, after hearing the words of Lin Momo and Ling'er, even the people of the Zhao family were deeply relieved.

"What is the ancestor going to do? Not to take revenge, but to recruit disciples?"

"That's right, we should kill that man's entire family now to shock the power of our Zhao family!"

The people of the Zhao family were also whispering, and they were all a little dissatisfied with their ancestor's actions.

Only Zhao Yiyang, the clan leader, could vaguely guess the ancestor's thoughts at this time.

He knew that the ancestor Zhao Ziri would never want to accept the other party's daughter as his disciple for no reason, but wanted to control these two female dolls who might become strong men in the future and use them for the family.

But now, it was difficult for him to explain to his clansmen, so he could only stand aside and stop their discussions with his eyes.

When the ancestor of the Zhao family heard what Lin Momo said, his face suddenly became gloomy.

He had no good intentions and wanted to accept a disciple. Now that he was ridiculed by Lin Momo in public, he was even more angry and shaking.

"Yiyang, arrest these two little girls for me!"

The ancestor of the Zhao family immediately shouted angrily.


Zhao Yiyang nodded quickly.


As a true immortal and strong man, his cultivation level was comparable to that of Zhao Zhanyue. At this moment, he suddenly released the power of a strong man, covering Lin Momo and others.

And the ancestor of the Zhao family's Golden Immortal also released powerful pressure, shrouding Lin Nan and preventing Lin Nan from stopping Zhao Yiyang.

Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching all turned pale.

"It's too scary. Is this the power of the powerful Golden Immortal!"

"The Golden Immortal is indeed powerful. The pressure unleashed by the ancestor of the Zhao family is probably dozens of times more powerful than the leader of the Zhao family, Zhao Yiyang!"

"Quick, run away. If a fight breaks out, even the slightest impact may kill us!"

At this time, all the monks who were watching quickly stepped back.

They came to watch the fun, not to die.

Even the elders of the Sun family and the Qian family retreated several hundred meters back before standing still.

In their opinion, such a distance, coupled with their peak strength in the Hedao stage, should not pose much danger.

As for the casual cultivators, some of whom were of low level, they retreated several miles away before finally stopping with peace of mind.

But at this time, both Lin Nan, Lin Momo and Ling'er had indifferent expressions, and did not pay attention to the actions of the head of the Zhao family and the ancestor of the Zhao family in front of them.

They stood there, as if watching a monkey show, looking at the two powerful men of the Zhao family, with undisguised contempt in their eyes.

"Hmph! Girl, you'd better come here for me!"

When Zhao Yiyang saw the expressions of Lin Momo and the others, he was also a little angry. He shouted loudly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed forward with a palm.

Then, five white rays of light suddenly shot out from his palm, mixed with colorful rays of Taoism and Dharma, like five giant dragons.

The five giant dragons evolved into a huge phantom of their hands in mid-air, immediately draining the surrounding spiritual energy.

Then, the phantom of the palm stirred up the wind and clouds and grabbed Lin Momo and the other two.

"So strong!"

At this time, seeing this scene, the monks who were watching were all shocked.

"Is this the power of a true immortal? It is so powerful that even a monk at the peak of the Hedao stage is like an ant in front of a true immortal!"

Someone sighed.

This is the difference between immortals and mortals. If you don’t become a true immortal, you will never know the huge gap between immortals and mortals!

"Although the father of those two girl dolls is powerful and not weaker than the head of the Zhao family, now he is being targeted by the Zhao family's Jinxian Ancestor and cannot protect himself. These two girl dolls will definitely be captured without any effort!"

Someone speculated.

"Yes, it's a pity. If the Zhao family didn't have the Jinxian ancestor, even if the head of the Zhao family came in person, it would be impossible to capture the two female dolls!"

Some people began to sigh.

In their opinion, if Lin Nan was not targeted by the ancestor of the Zhao family's Jinxian, then Zhao Yiyang would not only be unable to capture the two female dolls, but it would not even be impossible for him to be killed by Lin Nan.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Momo in the field.

Although they already knew the answer, they were still extremely nervous.

However, at this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er still looked calm and calm, as if the huge shadow of a hand in the sky was not grabbing them.

And their actions, in the eyes of others, made them think that they had been captured without any effort.

It wasn't until the huge shadow of the hand was less than three meters away from the two of them that Lin Momo slowly raised her head, then stretched out her little hand and slapped it upward with a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

A shadow of a palm with a terrifying aura was inspired from Lin Momo's little hand.

As soon as it appeared, it suddenly enlarged. In the blink of an eye, it was already several times larger than the shadow of Zhao Yiyang's palm.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Momo's palm directly hit Zhao Yiyang's attack.

The originally terrifying phantom of the palm instantly disintegrated and disappeared under Lin Momo's attack, as if it had never appeared before.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

At this time, all the monks who saw this scene were stunned.

"How can this female doll be so strong!"

"I must be dazzled! What I saw! It's incredible!"

Everyone couldn't believe that it was a blow from a true immortal. Although it was not done with all his strength, it was not something that a Nascent Soul stage girl could catch.

But that's not the end of it.

At the same time, Ling'er also shouted softly, "Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm!"

Then, she slapped her little hand, and a shadow of her palm appeared directly, covering Zhao Yiyang.


Zhao Yiyang was extremely surprised when he saw Lin Momo disintegrate his attack with one palm, but before he could recover, he saw Ling'er's palm attacking him again.

On that palm, there was a faint aura of the Great Dao. Although it was not strong, the level was much higher than the ordinary Dao Yun of Heaven.

This kind of Taoist aura made his heart palpitate, and he could only feel a trace of it when he was going through a tribulation.

And now, I actually feel it from a female doll's attack. How incredible this is.

However, Zhao Yiyang, who was at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, was not afraid at all. He also swung his palm forward to meet Ling'er's Great Heaven-Destroying Palm.


Then, the two attacks collided, making a loud noise.

At the same time, a huge vortex of spiritual energy was formed with the two people as the center, spreading to all directions.

"not good!"

When the onlookers saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright, and they immediately retreated again.

The whirlpool of spiritual energy was so violent that even though the onlookers had retreated several miles away, many casual cultivators were still affected and were torn apart and died on the spot.

At this time, in the field, Ling'er's palm easily annihilated Zhao Yiyang's attack, and then covered Zhao Yiyang again.

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