Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1322 It’s too easy to kill you! (Second update)

The Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty glanced at the casual cultivator who was speaking. Without saying a word, he waved his hand and a ray of light shot out from his hand and attacked the casual cultivator.

The casual cultivator was just a monk in the Mahayana stage. At this time, he felt the terrifying aura from the attack of the Golden Immortal disciples, and suddenly felt like he was possessed by the god of death.

His face instantly turned pale, and his body quickly ran away.

At this time, he only had one thought. If he was hit by the opponent's attack, even if he only took a small amount of it, he would be killed directly.

When the other monks saw this scene, they were all shocked. This Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty is simply overbearing and has no reason to explain.

They were furious, but powerless.

But just when the Golden Immortal disciple's law light was less than three feet away from the casual cultivator, a white light suddenly shot out and collided with the law light.


After a loud noise, the attack from the Golden Immortal disciple suddenly turned into nothingness and dissipated on the spot.

Feeling that the terrifying aura disappeared, the fleeing cultivator also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he looked around and saw that Lin Momo had just retracted her hand.

Obviously, it was Lin Momo who saved his life just now.

"Thank you both for your help!"

The casual cultivator was particularly frightened, but he still came to Lin Momo and Ling'er, bowed and said.

At this time, the face of the Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty was a little ugly.

He, a powerful Golden Immortal, wanted to kill an ant in the Mahayana stage, but he failed unexpectedly.

The culprits were the two female dolls in front of him.

"Are you really looking for death?"

The voice of the Golden Immortal disciple was cold, and it was obvious that he didn't take Lin Momo and the two of them seriously at all.

In the early days of the Golden Immortal, he had killed countless people during the countless years of fighting against the Divine Dynasty of Time.

"I'm afraid you are the one seeking death!"

Ling'er's face turned cold at this moment, looking at the Golden Immortal disciple, with a hint of killing intent in his words.

"Haha, that's ridiculous! It's too easy to kill you, just two early-stage Golden Immortals!"

When the Jinxian disciple heard Ling'er's words, he immediately sneered and looked extremely proud.


After hearing the words of the Golden Immortal disciple, everyone also understood at this time that the two daughters of Master Lin Nan were not as good as the Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty.

They are just a group of casual cultivators, and the strongest ones are only in the Hedao stage.

Not to mention the powerful Golden Immortals, even the powerful True Immortals can only be distinguished by whose aura is stronger.

But until this moment, the auras of Lin Momo and Ling'er were not revealed. Naturally, they didn't know that their realm was one level lower than that of the Golden Immortal disciple.

"It's over, it's over. If Lord Lin Nan's daughter is not as good as that disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty, I'm afraid she will be killed on the spot by him!"

Some monks were worried about Lin Momo and Ling'er.

After all, the Jinxian disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty killed people without blinking an eye, and there was absolutely no reason to say so.

The previous group of monks just bumped into him accidentally and were all killed by him. It was really cruel.

"Where is Master Lin Nan? Why don't you come out? If his daughter is killed, something big will happen!"

There are also monks who are worried.

If Master Lin Nan's daughter is killed in Yaoguang City, then I am afraid that Master Lin Nan will be angry and the entire sanctuary will be in turmoil.

"You two ladies, you'd better go and leave us alone!"

"Yes, yes, you should leave quickly. This Golden Immortal monk from the Youxuan Dynasty is too strong!"

Many monks were trying to persuade Lin Momo and Linger, hoping that they would leave quickly.

After all, in their opinion, although the other party's realm is higher than that of the two female dolls, it should be difficult for the other party to leave the two female dolls.

"Humph, it's too late!"

However, seeing this scene, the Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty snorted coldly.

At this moment, he had determined that Master Lin Nan was not nearby, so he planned to kill Lin Momo and Ling'er directly.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited. If I kill these two female dolls and return to the Youxuan Dynasty, my achievements will be so rich.

I'm afraid even the Immortal King Elder would have to lower his head in front of me!

At this time, the Golden Immortal disciple seemed to have seen the scene where he was promoted to elder as an exception.

Although no monk in the Golden Immortal realm has ever become an elder, he killed Lin Nan's daughter. What an achievement! It may not be impossible to make an exception once.

Thinking of this, the Golden Immortal disciple no longer hesitated and turned his hand over, revealing a long sword in his hand.


As soon as the long sword appeared, it made a crisp sound like a dragon's roar, which shook the ears of all the monks present.

"Hiss, this is an immortal treasure! And it's a powerful immortal treasure!"

Seeing this scene, some monks suddenly exclaimed.

These casual cultivators rarely even see sacred objects, let alone immortal treasures!

The golden immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty in front of him was obviously not an ordinary immortal treasure, but a treasure among the immortal treasures.

"It's too strong. Just the light of Tao and Dharma coming from the Immortal Treasure makes me feel a little unable to support it!"

"Quick, retreat! Otherwise, once the battle occurs, even the slightest aftermath will not be something we can bear!"

Everyone stepped back one after another and retreated for several miles before gradually stopping.

For these casual cultivators, the battle of the powerful Golden Immortal is like destroying the world, and cannot be stained at all.

But Lin Momo and Ling'er looked indifferent.

They glanced at the fairy treasure in each other's hands, and a sneer appeared on their lips.

It's just a middle-grade fairy treasure, not even comparable to the top-grade fairy treasure. You know, even the top-grade fairy treasures, they still have a few pieces in their pockets.

And that's not counting the high-grade defensive immortal treasures they wear.


The Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty swung out his sword, and streaks of white light suddenly emerged from his sword.

Among those white lights, there were countless Dharma rays surrounding them, carrying a heart-stopping aura, shrouding Lin Momo and the two of them.

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er didn't even look at each other.

When the magic light was less than three meters away from her, Lin Momo slowly took out a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

Today's Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm has reached its highest level after several months of hard training by Lin Momo.

Even facing a strong person in the early stage of the Immortal King, this palm can seriously injure him, let alone a disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty who is in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Momo's palm directly annihilated the opponent's attack.

Then, it turned into a huge shadow of a palm and pressed towards the Golden Immortal disciple.

In just a moment, the Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty was completely covered by the huge shadow of his palm, and then there was a loud bang, and the entire ground collapsed.

The Golden Immortal disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty was suddenly shot into a ball of blood mist and fell on the spot!

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