Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1334 So strong! The Holy Emperor is so strong! (Second update)

"No, it's a strong man from the Youxuan Dynasty!"

"Quick, run away to the sacred mountain, or we will all die!"

"It's scary, it's too scary!"

At this time, the entire monks in Yaoguang City were panicking and fled to the sacred mountain outside the city one by one.

However, the realm of these monks is extremely low, most of them are only in the combined stage and the Mahayana stage, and the strongest among them are only in the early stage of combined Taoism.

In the hands of the Golden Immortal disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty, he was almost as easy to kill as a chicken or a dog.

At this time, everyone in the Youxuan Dynasty was like a death reaper, waving sickles.

After a while, they had reached the foot of the sacred mountain.


At this time, Lin Nan's spiritual thoughts were suddenly released, and a huge pressure enveloped the entire Youxuan Dynasty monks.

"Lin Nan, come out and die!"

When Xuan Wuji felt Lin Nan's spiritual thoughts, he shouted loudly, his voice shaking the sky.

Beside him, whether they were elders who had reached the early stage of Immortal Lord, or other Immortal King elders, or Golden Immortal disciples, all of them were full of fighting spirit.

They finally have to face the biggest threat in the entire sanctuary, Lin Nan!

If they could kill Lin Nan, they would definitely be able to rule the entire sanctuary. When the time comes, the disciples and elders of their Youxuan Dynasty will run rampant.


A figure flashed and appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you calling me!"

Lin Nan's voice carried a hint of murderous intent, and he looked at Xuan Wuji, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Although Lin Nan would not care how many monks in the holy realm died, the Youxuan Dynasty killed people in front of them, which was the greatest disrespect to themselves.

"Yes, Lin Nan! Your daughter and your slaves killed our elder disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty in the Wanxuan Secret Realm. If you are willing to kneel down and kowtow now, and hand over your slaves and daughters to us, maybe I will let you go. A way out!" Xuan Wuji looked at Lin Nan and said lightly.

Since he reached the late stage of Immortal Lord, his confidence has already exploded.

In this holy realm, not to mention the Immortal Queen for a long time, even the Immortal Lord could not see a single one. Although the only Lin Nan was a bit mysterious, he did not take it seriously at the moment.

"Kneel down to the Holy Emperor!"

"Apologise to our Youxuan Dynasty!"

"Hand over the murderer!"

At this time, the elders and disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty shouted loudly one by one.

They seemed to be venting the resentment accumulated in their hearts over the past few months, and seemed to be filled with hatred for those dead elders and disciples. Every one of them was hysterical, almost shouting to the point of breaking their throats.


Lin Nan rolled his eyes, looking a little untroubled.

Then, he waved his hand, and a palm print shot out from his palm instantly.


Almost instantly, a huge palm shadow enveloped the group of elders and disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty. Then, a loud bang was heard, and a huge crater with a radius of several miles sank at the foot of the entire sacred mountain.

And above the huge pit, there was a thick mist of blood.

With one palm, most of the Golden Immortal disciples and Immortal King elders of the Youxuan Dynasty were wiped out.

At this time, Xuan Wuji didn't even have time to react, let alone save the elders and disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty.


Seeing this scene, the remaining elders and disciples also gasped in shock.

Just now, they had just escaped from the gate of hell. They had no idea how much virtue they had accumulated in their previous life before they could save their lives.

At this moment, the whole place was silent, and no one dared to make any more noise.

At this time, Xuan Wuji finally came to his senses. His eyes were filled with anger, and he looked at Lin Nan and shouted, "Lin Nan, you are looking for death! Take your life!"

This was the only remaining foundation of the entire Youxuan Dynasty, and now half of it was destroyed by Lin Nan. It was even more difficult for him to accept than digging up his family's ancestral graves.

After saying that, Xuan Wuji no longer hesitated and immediately took action against Lin Nan.

A strong person in the later stage of Immortal Master will go all out for the first time he takes action.


A huge light curtain shot out from Xuan Wuji's palm, and the strong Tao Yun Law on it almost condensed into substance. At this moment, the light curtain shrouded Lin Nan like half of the sky torn apart.

"So strong! The Holy Emperor is so strong!"

"The Holy Emperor will surely win!"

"Lin Nan must die! Kill him and my elders and disciples will take revenge!"

At this time, all the monks from the Youxuan Dynasty in the Holy Domain were excited.

They finally saw the powerful Holy Emperor take action.

Even the great elder in the early stage of the Immortal Lord's face was a little flushed at this time, showing an extremely excited look.

After the Holy Emperor reached the late stage of Immortal Lord, he felt that its strength completely exceeded the limit of his imagination and was no longer on the same level as himself.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked indifferent.

He stood there, not even looking at Xuan Wuji, but said lightly, "I thought it would be very difficult for you to cultivate the five qi in your chest and become Taiyi Immortal Lord, but I didn't expect you to seek death yourself!"

After saying that, Lin Nan clapped him with a palm.

boom! !

The huge shadow of the palm fell, and at this time, Xuan Wuji, who had just heard Lin Nan's words, showed a hint of shock, but then, he was directly shot into a blood mist.

Taiyi Immortal Lord, there was no other person in the entire Youxuan Dynasty who knew this secret, but he didn't expect that the man in front of him could see through his secret.

He finally realized Lin Nan's terror. But at this time, everything was too late.

At the same time, this palm also killed all the elder disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty's holy domain.

Even the great elder in the early stage of the Immortal Lord was not spared.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just when Lin Nan had just wiped out the entire Youxuan Dynasty, several figures suddenly came down from the sacred mountain.

"Lord Lin Nan!"

"Lord Lin Nan!"

The visitors were none other than the Seventh Son of the Immortal King and Manhuangzi.

They found out that the monks from the Youxuan Dynasty had arrived at the foot of the sacred mountain, and they had already set off, and the speed was not unpleasant.

Unexpectedly, by the time they arrived, Lin Nan had already solved all the troubles.

"Okay, you all go back. They are just a few fleas that I have pinched to death." Lin Nan said lightly. After saying that, he walked towards his mansion without looking back.


At this moment, Manhuangzi and the Seven Immortal Kings also took a deep breath when they saw the scene in front of them.

There was deep shock in their eyes.

"This, this is the entire Youxuan Dynasty!"

Manhuangzi murmured.

"Yes, the Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji is a powerful Immortal Master, and the Great Elder of the Youxuan Dynasty is also a powerful Immortal Master!"

"But so what, in Master Lin Nan's hands, he could be killed with just one slap!"

"Lord Lin Nan, who are you and why are you so powerful?"

Everyone was talking a lot.

However, they have never been able to figure out Lin Nan's identity.

In their eyes, Lin Nan was too powerful, almost ridiculously powerful.

In the past, they thought that Lin Nan was at the level of Immortal Master, but now it seems that Lord Lin Nan is probably even higher than the level of Immortal Master!

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