Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1337 Who are you? (First update)

Soon, the three women entered a state of cultivation.

At this time, Lin Nan was also very relaxed. He protected them from the side and arranged a formation so that the three women's practice would not be disturbed.

However, just after the three women practiced for half a day, several divine thoughts suddenly enveloped them.

Lin Nan slowly raised his head, frowning slightly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Then, several monks appeared in front of Lin Nan.

"Who are you? How dare you occupy the training ground on my Shangxuanzong territory!"

The leading monk immediately shouted angrily at Lin Nan.

Behind him, several monks looked at Lin Nandao with arrogance, "If you kneel down and kowtow to us now, maybe our senior brother Qin Yang can spare your life!"

"Yes, kneel down now. Otherwise it will be too late. Even if you kneel down and kowtow to us, it will be useless!"

"Kneel down quickly!"

Several people were clamoring, and it seemed that Lin Nan was convinced.

However, Lin Nan's spiritual thoughts swept through everyone, and found that several of them were only in the realm of true immortals.

Even the leader, Qin Yang, is only in the late stage of True Immortal.

With such strength, let alone the first level of the Immortal Realm, even in the Holy Realm, it cannot be considered very strong.

After all, there are some Golden Immortal Ancestors in the Holy Realm. And even more so with existences like Manhuangzi and the Seven Immortal Kings.

Of course, in the holy realm, under normal circumstances, true immortals can indeed run rampant.

But in this fairy world, in the realm of true immortals, they are only at the bottom.

Lin Nan couldn't figure out what made these people so confident.

"I've never heard of Xuanzong. My whole family is practicing here. Get out of here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Although Lin Nan was a little unhappy at this time, he still just scolded him.

"Oh! How brave you are to tell us to get out!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, a monk in the early stage of True Immortal raised his brows, with surprise and sarcasm on his face.

"Do you know who we are! We are disciples of Shangxuan Sect!"

"Have you heard of Shangxuanzong? This is the largest sect within a million miles!"

"Now, if you are sensible, please kneel down and kowtow to our senior brother Qin Yang, otherwise you will be dead!"

The monks angrily scolded Lin Nan one after another, completely ignoring Lin Nan.

But this is natural. Lin Nan has always kept a low profile. Even in the immortal world, the aura on his body is still that of a true immortal.

If he really releases the aura of the Emperor of Heaven, I'm afraid the entire immortal world will be shaken!

Of course, Lin Nan didn't do this.

Once he releases the aura of the Heavenly Emperor, all the powerful men above the Immortal Kings in the entire first heaven will probably come to worship!

Too much trouble!

Among the people's words, Qin Yang looked even more arrogant at this time.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced sideways at Lin Nan, as if he was waiting for the other person to lower his eyebrows and bend down to beg for mercy.

However, Lin Nan sneered, his expression extremely contemptuous. He didn't even look at the other party, but said lightly, "I'll give you three seconds. If you don't get out, I will let you get out!"


Everyone was angry when they heard Lin Nan's words.

Are you kidding? This is the territory of Shangxuanzong. When will it be the turn of a monk in the early stage of True Immortal to act arrogantly here?

"You really don't know how to live or die!"

"Since you are seeking death, don't blame us!"


Then Qin Yang waved his hand and immediately sent a monk in the middle stage of True Immortal to kill Lin Nan.

The monk in the middle stage of True Immortal didn't seem to take Lin Nan seriously. In his opinion, the early stage of True Immortal was not something that could be destroyed immediately!

At this time, he stepped forward, stretched out a palm, and slapped forward.


On that palm, a Tao Yun Law is condensed, like a real dragon, surrounding it up and down, which is extremely extraordinary.

"Senior Brother Zhang is really powerful, his strength is much stronger than before!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhang won't kill that kid directly with this palm, right? We are still waiting for him to kowtow and beg for mercy!"

"Oh, once Senior Brother Zhang takes action, it will be difficult for that kid to survive!"

When the monks in the early stage of True Immortality saw the monk in the middle stage of True Immortal take action, they all showed surprise on their faces, looking at Lin Nan as if they were looking at a dead person.

It seems that they have seen that Lin Nan will be slapped to death by Senior Brother Zhang next.

After all, facing such a palm from Senior Brother Zhang, it is really difficult for a cultivator in the early stage of True Immortal to resist.

But at this time, Lin Nan looked indifferent.

Seeing that the opponent's attack was less than three meters away from him, Lin Nan slowly raised his eyes.

Then, a golden light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

The golden light soared into the sky, as if tearing apart the void, and instantly hit the palm of the mid-level True Immortal monk.


The seemingly powerful palm silhouette collapsed instantly like a chicken or a dog under Lin Nan's gaze.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, those early True Immortal monks were also shocked.

"What's going on? Could it be that Senior Brother Zhang showed mercy?"

"Yes, that must be the case. I'm afraid Senior Brother Zhang is also waiting for the other party to kowtow and beg for mercy. He is just scaring the other party."

Everyone started talking.

"Junior Brother Zhang, what on earth are you doing? Kill him immediately!"

At this time, Senior Brother Qin Yang seemed a little impatient and said loudly.

But before he finished speaking, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that Lin Nan's golden gaze did not dissipate after defeating the palm shadow of the mid-level True Immortal monk, but flew directly towards him.

Almost instantly, the golden light penetrated the monk who was in the middle stage of True Immortal.


Then, under the eyes of everyone, the cultivator in the middle stage of True Immortality turned into a ball of blood mist and died on the spot.


When several people saw this scene, they all looked in disbelief.

"This, Senior Brother Zhang was killed?"

"How is this possible! Senior Brother Zhang is a monk in the middle stage of True Immortality!"

"Then, who is that man? He is definitely not just an early stage True Immortal!"

Several people were shocked. Now, they finally realized that Lin Nan was definitely not a monk in the early stage of True Immortal.

They made a mistake!

This is terrible. Even the monks in the middle stage of True Immortality are no match for the opponent's vision. A few of them are only in the early stage of True Immortality, let alone them.

At this moment, the only person they can rely on is Senior Brother Qin Yang who has reached the late stage of True Immortal.

"Senior Brother Qin Yang, what do you think, what should I do?"

A monk in the early stage of True Immortality quickly asked Qin Yang.

Several other early True Immortal cultivators also cast inquiring glances.

Qin Yang's face looked a little ugly at this time, and Lin Nan's strength was somewhat beyond his expectation.

But seeing so many junior brothers waiting for his answer, he took a deep breath, looked at Lin Nan, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Do I need to tell you? Three seconds, it's time!"

Lin Nan's voice, like the god of death from the abyss of hell, enveloped the ears of several people.

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