Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1346 A mere ant deserves to know my name? (Second update)

"Then...that man left just before you came in, and he brought his wife and two seven-year-old daughters with him!"

Under everyone's shocked and angry gazes, the old man immediately continued.

"What! It's them!"

Hearing this, the head of Xuanzong, Yuanying, could no longer sit still.

Before entering Youjian Trading Company just now, his eyes did glance at Lin Nan and others, but he didn't pay attention at all at that time.

But now, when the old man said it, he immediately thought of it.

"Go, kill them and avenge Elder Kunyi!"

Sect Master Yuanying shouted angrily, waved his hand, and led the group of Golden Immortal elders to chase out the door.


At this time, everyone in Youjian Trading Company breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the door, Lin Nan was strolling on the street with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters.


At this moment, a voice came from behind them.

Then several figures suddenly appeared, blocking their way.

Lin Nan glanced casually and discovered that the people in front of him were the Shangxuanzong monks who had entered Youjian Trading Company before.

However, his expression was still indifferent, and he did not pay attention to these twenty or thirty people at all.

"Did you kill Elder Kunyi who went to Xuanzong?"

An elder who was in the middle stage of Golden Immortal came forward, looked at Lin Nan, and said coldly.

The other elders also looked at Lin Nan with cold eyes, especially the leader Yuanying. They were waiting for Lin Nan's answer.

"I casually crushed an ant to death. What, you still want to take revenge?"

Lin Nan sneered, with a strong sense of contempt in his tone.

Elder Kunyi was only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. In his eyes, he was no different from an ant. Not only that, he even crushed the true immortal disciple Qin Yang to death.

But Lin Nan didn't bother to say anything more.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, the monks who were watching took a breath of cold air at this moment.

"This, this man is too arrogant!"

A True Immortal monk who had just appeared immediately exclaimed.

"He is indeed crazy, but he also has the capital to be arrogant. The president of a trading company before was killed by him."

Someone next to me explained.

"What! He was able to kill the president of Youjian Trading Company! He was a person at the peak of Golden Immortal!"

The True Immortal monk from before opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

"So he has the qualifications to be arrogant. But this time he has to face the strong men of the entire Shangxuan Sect, who are much more powerful than that trading firm. I think he will kneel down!"

The man next to him also shook his head sadly.

Although there is a trading company that is powerful, it is only the president alone.

But Shangxuanzong is different. There are twenty or thirty Jinxian elders in Shangxuanzong, many of whom have reached the middle stage of Jinxian, and there are even two who have reached the late stage of Jinxian.

It can be said that the entire Shangxuan Sect, except for the sect leader at the peak of Jinxian, the rest of the forces combined are almost on par with Youjian Trading Company.

At this time, upon hearing Lin Nan's answer, all the Jinxian elders of Shangxuan Sect were also shocked.

"Be bold!"

"Presumptuous! Boy, you are dead today!"

"If you dare to speak so rudely, you really think that my appointment to Xuanzong is just for show!"

All the Jinxian elders yelled angrily.

The leader Yuanying also took one step forward and walked in front of everyone. He looked at Lin Nan with a murderous look in his eyes and said coldly, "Since it was really you who did it, then you will not die unjustly!"

After saying that, Sect Leader Yuanying immediately smacked his palm forward.


A huge palm phantom shot out from his hand and immediately pressed against Lin Nan's family.

"So strong!"

"As expected, he is indeed the master of Shangxuan Sect!"

"If the sect leader takes action, that man will definitely die!"

Seeing Sect Master Yuanying take action, all the monks were surprised and praised him one after another.

Especially those monks who were watching, their cultivation was generally only at the level of true immortals. Under the power of Master Yuanying's palm, he was slightly unsteady on his feet.

At this time, Lin Nan looked indifferent.

When his palm was less than three meters away from him, he slowly raised a finger and pointed forward.


A ray of white light shot out from Lin Nan's hand and instantly transformed into a giant white dragon, letting out an earth-shattering dragon roar.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw Lin Nan's finger of white light, instantly piercing through the shadow of Sect Master Yuanying's palm.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

"The sect master's attack was defeated. Could it be that I saw it wrong!"

Seeing this scene, many monks were surprised.

In their opinion, Lin Nan's family should have been killed by this palm. How could they still have the power to fight back.

At this time, even Sect Master Yuanying showed a look of astonishment.

The opponent defeated his powerful attack with just one finger. Who is this man? How could he be so strong?

"You, who exactly are you?"

The leader Yuanying did not attack again, but issued a question.

"A mere ant deserves to know my name?"

Lin Nan sneered and glanced at the people attending Xuanzong with extreme disdain in his tone.

"Since you are here to die, you must be prepared to die!"

Lin Nan's voice sounded in everyone's ears again, as if coming from the Nine Abyss of Hell.

Then, he waved his hand and clapped it out.


The huge palm prints were overwhelming, covering all the twenty-three golden immortal elders of Shangxuan Sect, including the leader Yuanying. At this time, they all felt the aura of death following them.

"No, run away!"

Looking at the huge palm print in the sky and feeling the terrifyingly powerful aura, Master Yuanying's expression suddenly changed and he shouted quickly.

The other Jinxian elders also felt horrified at this time.

"How can this be so strong!"

"Impossible, he can never be so strong!"

"This has surpassed the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm. Is he an Immortal King?"

At this time, all the Jinxian elders were stunned.

When had they ever faced such a powerful opponent? With just one palm, all of them felt the breath of death.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All the monks of Shangxuanzong were running away quickly. At this moment, they had already forgotten about revenge. Survival was the most important thing.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the group of monks had escaped hundreds of meters.

Especially the leader Yuanying, who had reached the peak of Golden Immortal. He was the first to escape and the fastest. He was already a thousand meters away.

But at this moment, all the monks of Shangxuanzong suddenly felt their eyes dim, and then their consciousness suddenly fell into darkness.

The monks who were watching all had their mouths wide open at this moment, showing expressions of disbelief.

Just now, they saw a sight they had never seen in their lives.

The mysterious man's huge palm print pressed down out of thin air, and immediately killed all the Shangxuan Sect members who had fled in all directions, turning them into blood mist.

Even the head of the Xuanzong clan, Yuanying, was not spared.

This is really shocking.

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