Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1351 You are the first! I will bury you with my own hands! (Third update)


While Lin Nan was taking his family to play in Fuguang City, a voice suddenly came from behind him, and then, a group of monks immediately surrounded them.

Lin Nan raised his gaze slightly and glanced at everyone, only to find that he didn't recognize many of them.

"Wei Zhang Wu, your aura is correct!"

At this time, among the group of people, a monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal walked up to Wu Weichang, nodded and said.

This person is the person who was previously responsible for investigating the disappearance of Xianmai.

After hearing the man's words, Wu Wei Chang's eyes became cold.

He looked Lin Nan up and down and said coldly, "You were the one who killed my disciple of the Wu family? Who else, please call them out together!"

"A disciple of the Wu family?"

After hearing what Chief Wu said, Lin Nan had killed so many people that he couldn't even remember them for a moment.

But then he realized that when he killed the group of monks guarding the immortal veins, he seemed to have heard about someone from the Wu family.

"It turns out it's them, just kill them, crush a few ants to death, what's the fuss!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"Where is the immortal vein now?"

When Wei Chang heard Lin Nan's words, he almost vomited blood. Those were disciples of the Wu family, and among them were golden immortal monks like Wu Cheng.

But the most important thing right now is the Immortal Vein. If the Immortal Vein can be recaptured, the Wu family's losses can at least be minimized.

"Immortal veins? That is a thing of heaven and earth. Those who are capable can get it. What does it have to do with you!" Lin Nan had already moved his eyes away from several people at this time, not wanting to take another look.

"you wanna die!"

"Asshole, we are from the Wu family! How presumptuous!"

"You really don't know how to live or die!"

"Lord Guardsman, let us kill them!"

Several of Wu Wei Zhang's men were suddenly furious. Their eyes looked at Lin Nan and others, as if they could burst into flames of hatred.

"If you are so looking for death, then you can't blame me!"

At this time, Captain Wu was already furious. He immediately waved his hand and ordered his men to kill Lin Nan.

At the same time, all the monks from Fuguang City gathered around to watch.

"This, isn't this the captain of our city guard in Fuguang City!"

"Yes, yes, this is the powerful Golden Immortal of the Wu family!"

"Who is that man? He actually provoked Wu Wei Zhang. This is really reckless!"

At this time, many monks in the crowd recognized Wei Chang. After all, this person is not only a powerful Jinxian of the Wu family, but also the captain of the city guard of Fuguang City. In the eyes of these casual cultivators, he is really a superior being.

On the other hand, on Lin Nan's side, there were several early True Immortal monks who were really weak.

Amid the sighs of the crowd, several early-stage Golden Immortal monks under Chief Wu had already attacked Lin Nan.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

White lights mixed with the light of Dao Yun Law instantly shrouded Lin Nan like dense spider webs.

Auras of murderous intent also enveloped the entire sky.

Even the monks who were watching couldn't help but take a few steps back.

However, Lin Nan had an indifferent expression. Even Liu Ruqing and her two daughters beside Lin Nan did not take him seriously at all.

It wasn't until those attacks were less than three meters away from Lin Nan that Lin Nan slowly raised a hand and struck forward with a palm.


A phantom of a palm erupted from Lin Nan's hand, and instantly covered all the attacks as if it were covering the sky and the sun in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, even a mere true immortal in his early stage wants to resist!"

At this time, seeing Lin Nan take action, a monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal was still sneering.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Lin Nan's palm shot out, instantly disintegrating all their attacks. The countless white lights that were originally powerful turned into nothingness in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

"This is too evil!"

At this time, seeing this scene, almost all the monks were stunned.

Especially the expressions of those early Golden Immortal monks who attacked changed.

They didn't expect that such a powerful attack could be defeated by the palm of an unknown early True Immortal monk. It was really unbelievable.

Even Chief Wu frowned at this time.

However, all this was not too unexpected. After all, he had previously investigated that Lin Nan killed the Wu family and Wucheng.

Being able to kill an early Golden Immortal cultivator is normal if you have some strength.

However, before his expression could calm down, he saw that the palm struck by Lin Nan did not dissipate after defeating everyone's attacks, but continued to cover several early Golden Immortal monks.

"not good!"

"This, this person is probably much stronger than us!"

"Get out of the way!"

Feeling the powerful power in Lin Nan's palm, several early-stage Golden Immortal monks all looked horrified, and their figures quickly moved aside.

But before they could leave the place, Lin Nan's palm had already struck down.


A loud noise was heard, and then in the eyes of everyone, several early-stage Golden Immortal monks were suddenly shot into a ball of blood mist and died on the spot.

"What! This, this is too outrageous!"

"I must have seen it wrong!"

"How is it possible? This is so unbelievable!"

The monks watching on the sidelines all had their mouths wide open at this moment, and their heads were a little down.

What happened? A monk in the early stage of True Immortal killed several powerful Golden Immortals with one palm, which really subverted their imagination.

Even Chief Wu was standing aside at this time, somewhat speechless.

Just now, he thought there was nothing wrong with Lin Nan being stronger, which was expected, but he didn't expect that Lin Nan seemed to be stronger than he expected.

Although he didn't expect those early Golden Immortal monks to be able to kill Lin Nan, he should at least have no problem defeating them.

But the reality is so different from imagination.

"good very good!"

After a few breaths, Wu Wei Zhang finally came to his senses. He laughed angrily and looked at Lin Nan with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You are the first one who dares to kill someone like this in front of me, Captain Wu! I will bury you with my own hands!"

Chief Wu's voice rang in everyone's ears, and he stepped forward step by step, closing the distance between him and Lin Nan.

"It's over, it's over. Chief Wu is about to take action. This man will definitely die!"

"Yes, that is the Golden Immortal monk of the Wu family, much more powerful than those monks just now!"

"It's not good to provoke anyone, but I'd rather provoke someone from the Wu family. This man... alas!"

Seeing that Wu Wei was going to take action personally, the onlookers who had recovered from their surprise shook their heads and sighed. They knew that Wu Wei was not an ordinary golden immortal, and the man in front of them was probably doomed this time.

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