Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1361 Do you want to invite the ancestor to come out? (First update)

Han family, in the meeting hall.

At this moment, everyone is meeting under the leadership of the head of the Han family to discuss the future development plans of the Han family.

"Head of the family, I think we should strengthen our Han family's own strength. As for the expansion of other families, we can slow down." An elder in the middle stage of Jinxian stood up and said to an old man above him.

This old man is the current head of the Han family, Han Shihui!

A strong man at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm.

"Seventh Elder, our Han family needs people and money right now. It is the time when the family is most powerful under the leadership of the family leader. If we don't take action against other families now, then when will we wait!"

Another middle-stage Golden Immortal elder also stood up and retorted to the previous elder.

Among them, the elders are also members of their respective clans. Some believe that when they are at their strongest, they should expand rapidly and seize resources from other families.

Other elders believe that they should continue to develop their own strength. Although the Han family is strong now, other aristocratic families in Fuguang City are not much weaker.

"It's not good, Master!"

But just as everyone was arguing, a voice suddenly came from outside the meeting hall.

Then, everyone's eyes were attracted by the voice.

The person who appeared in everyone's eyes was none other than Han Cheng, who had just returned from his trek.

At this time, his face was a little pale, and his whole body was almost exhausted. He finally returned to the Han family's mansion.

"Elder Nineteen, you, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Han Cheng, the other Han family elders all looked a little surprised.

They could see that Han Cheng seemed to be an ordinary person now, without any aura of cultivation in him.

You must know that although Han Cheng has the lowest strength among the entire Han family elders, he has also reached the golden immortal level. How could he become an ordinary mortal all of a sudden.

"Master, you have to make the decision for me!"

Han Cheng ignored everyone's gazes and went directly to Han Shihui, the head of the Han family, and knelt on the ground with a plop, sobbing.

"What happened? Who did it?"

At this time, Han Shihui's face was also extremely ugly.

This is the elder of the Han family. Who on earth destroyed his Dantian and became a mortal.

You know, now that the Han family is the most powerful, even if the other party is one of the other ten aristocratic families, they still have to pay a sufficient price.

"Yes, it's a strange man..."

After breathing for a moment, Han Cheng finally told everything that happened with Lin Nan before.

"What? Killed a true immortal peak servant with one look?"

"Destroyed several true immortals with one palm?"

"With just one blow, you will be crippled?"

At this time, hearing Han Cheng's words, the entire Han family elders were stunned, with incredible looks in their eyes.

Even the head of the family, Han Shihui, looked gloomy.

He originally thought that it was someone from another powerful family who took action, but he didn't expect that it was a strange man with an unknown name, and he was within the sphere of influence of their Han family.

"Do you suspect that man's cultivation has reached the realm of the Immortal King?"

Finally, Han Shihui spoke again and asked coldly.

"Yes, Master of the Family, that person can strike so fiercely, I'm afraid... I'm afraid even you, the Master of the Family, can't do it!"

Han Cheng's face was pale at the moment, but he finally improved a lot and said quickly.

After his words fell, the entire meeting hall fell into silence again.

The Immortal King is an extremely powerful being. Even the head of the Han family is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm.

"Do you want to invite the ancestor to come out?"

At this time, Han Shihui frowned.

Since he became the head of the family, the Han family has grown rapidly, and there is almost no need to ask the ancestor for anything.

But now, it is really unimaginable to ask the ancestor to come out of seclusion for a strange man.

"I will handle this matter, you go back first!"

After a while, Han Shihui finally spoke again.

He planned to explore Lin Nan's reality first. If the other party was really powerful to the level of an Immortal King, then it would not be too late to ask the ancestor to come out.

Han Cheng also nodded when he heard the head of the family's words.

He knew that his glory would end from this moment.

No matter how powerful the Han family becomes in the future and becomes the number one family in Fuguang City, it may have nothing to do with him as a mortal.

After Han Cheng left, Han Shihui looked at the silent elders and said lightly, "That man actually occupied my Han family's territory. Elders, who is willing to go with me to discuss it?"

"Master, I am willing to go with you!"

"I do too!"

"And I!"

As soon as Han Shihui finished speaking, several elders spoke quickly.

This also shows that Han Shihui's prestige in the entire Han family has indeed reached its peak at this time.

In the end, almost all the elders were willing to stand up and go with the family head to find Lin Nan to argue.

"Okay, in that case, then the fourth elder, the sixth elder, the tenth elder, the fourteenth elder, and the sixteenth elder, you go with me!"

In the end, Han Shihui only ordered five of them to go to Lin Nan's mansion with him.

Among these five people, the fourth elder and the sixth elder have reached the late stage of Golden Immortality, the tenth elder and the fourteenth elder are in the middle stage of Golden Immortality, and only the sixteenth elder is in the early stage of Golden Immortal like Han Cheng before.

But compared to Han Cheng, the strength of these sixteen elders is even better.

Soon, under the leadership of Han Shihui, the group of six arrived in front of Lin Nan's mansion.

"This mansion is indeed grand and grand, with a sense of simplicity."

Seeing the splendid mansion, Han Shihui nodded.

They never thought that there would be such a beautiful place within the Han family's sphere of influence, but they had neglected it before.

But then, he released his spiritual thoughts and wanted to check out the scene in the mansion, but his face was shocked.

"This mansion can actually isolate spiritual thoughts!"

Han Shihui murmured.

He is a monk at the peak of Golden Immortal. Being able to isolate his spiritual thoughts shows how magical the guardian formation of this mansion is.

When other Han elders heard this, they also quickly released their spiritual thoughts, but without exception, they were all isolated.

It was only at this moment that Han Shihui and other Han family elders showed solemn expressions on their faces. Obviously, the owner of this mansion must not be underestimated.

"Han Shihui, the head of the Han family, led all the elders to pay a visit!"

Then, Han Shihui shouted loudly directly in front of Lin Nan's mansion.

Lin Nan, who was in the mansion, had already noticed the arrival of several people.

However, he thought he was just a passer-by. It wasn't until the other person spoke that he realized he was from the Han family.

"It's the Han family again!"

Lin Nan felt a little unhappy.

Although he plans to open a mansion here, he doesn't want people to disturb him all the time.

"That's all, since you are the head of the Han family, I guess after sending this group of people away, no one will come to bother you!" After thinking for a while, Lin Nan thought to himself.

Then, he waved his hand, and the door of the mansion opened immediately.

"I have bought this piece of land with you and the Han family! Didn't you receive the Immortal Crystal?"

Lin Nan's voice sounded like thunder in the ears of Han Shihui and others.

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