Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1363 Powerful and irresistible! (Third update)

At this time, whether it was the fourth elder, the sixth elder, the tenth elder, or the sixteenth elder, the eyes looking at Lin Nan's incarnation were full of hatred.

"Everyone, come together and kill this officer!"

The four elders, as powerful men in the late Golden Immortal stage and the strongest among the elders present, immediately shouted loudly.


The other elders all nodded in response.

In their opinion, no matter how powerful Lin Nan was and could kill the fourteen elders, they would still be able to kill Lin Nan if so many elders attacked at the same time.

After all, the Fourteenth Elder is only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, and is still far behind the late Golden Immortal stage.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked indifferent, as if killing the fourteenth elder just now was just a trivial matter.


A terrifying coercion was inspired from the spiritual thoughts of the four elders, and instantly enveloped Lin Nan's incarnation.

At the same time, he turned his hand, and a middle-grade immortal treasure appeared in his hand.

The immortal treasure was like a halberd, more than a foot long. Holding it in his hand, he felt like a god descending to earth.


Then, the fourth elder shouted loudly and waved the halberd in his hand into the air. Suddenly a white light shot out from the halberd and turned into a light dragon in mid-air, emitting a powerful dragon power.

At this time, the Sixth Elder also waved the fairy sword in his hand, and rays of magic light were inspired from his sword, intertwining into a huge spider web, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, covering Lin Nan's incarnation.

The other two elders did not dare to neglect. They slashed forward with their palms one by one, and their palms turned into a huge shadow, like blocking the sky and the sun. They grabbed Lin Nan, as if they wanted to crush Lin Nan directly.

The other elder reached out and twisted his hand, and several small swords were fired from his fingers. The small sword flew into the air, then suddenly enlarged, then turned around and stabbed towards Lin Nan.

And each of these small swords actually reached the level of low-grade immortal treasures.

Several small swords formed a mysterious sword array, which was powerful enough to rival the attack of a middle-grade immortal treasure.

Seeing this scene, Han Shihui, the head of the Han family who was about to take action, finally restrained himself.

He nodded. At this moment, the formation of the Han family was extremely powerful. Among them, two are late-stage Golden Immortals, one is mid-stage Golden Immortal, and one is early-stage Golden Immortal.

With such strong men joining forces, even if they face themselves at the peak of Golden Immortal, they will still be able to fight.

Han Shihui put his hands behind his back and looked at the battlefield with gloomy eyes. In his opinion, Lin Nan would definitely die this time.

At this time, Lin Nan's incarnation had a calm expression. He swept his eyes in mid-air, clearly detecting the attacks directed at him.

However, he did not rush to take action. Instead, he waited until those attacks were less than three meters away from him before slowly raising his hand.

Then, he slapped his palm into the air.


A huge phantom of a palm was inspired from Lin Nan's incarnation hand, and a huge power of the law of the avenue suddenly condensed.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

What Lin Nan used was the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm. If Lin Nan used all his strength to use this palm, I am afraid that the entire Immortal Realm could be shattered.

But this time, he only used one ten thousandth of his strength.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the huge phantom of the hand, which was directly shot under their joint attack.


With a loud noise, whether it was the white light dragon, the Daoze spider web, the small sword formation, or the phantom of the palm, they were all directly smashed to pieces by Lin Nan's palm. Even a dark void was opened in the void, as if there was no connection between them. It seemed as if the heaven and the earth had been swallowed up.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

"No, I must have seen it wrong."

"This person... can never be so strong!"

At this time, seeing this scene, the Han family elders who took action were all stunned. Several of them opened their mouths wide and murmured to themselves.

The opponent's palm was incredibly powerful.

With so many of his people joining forces to attack, let alone defeating them, I am afraid that even a powerful Golden Immortal would not be able to attack them head-on.

But the man in front of him actually did it with one palm.

Even Han Shihui, who was at the peak of Golden Immortal, was like a duck being strangled by the neck, his eyes widened and he couldn't scream.

After a while, everyone came back to their senses.

And they all looked at Lin Nan with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Who is this man?"

"How can it be so strong!"

"I'm afraid, only the head of the family can be his enemy!"

Several Han family elders were silently complaining in their hearts.

After all, a strong man like Lin Nan, who was a late-stage Golden Immortal monk, was no match for the other.

"You've finished attacking, now take my slap!"

At this time, Lin Nan's voice also sounded slowly, as if coming from the Nine Abyss of Hell, making everyone's hair stand on end.

Then, he saw that Lin Nan did not take back his palms, but stood there with his hands behind his back.

But at this moment, the palm he originally struck, after scattering the opponent's attack, condensed again, thinking about those Han elders covering it.


"This, what kind of magical power is this!"

"It's incredible!"

When several elders of the Han family saw this scene, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

Just now, the phantom of Lin Nan's palm disappeared after deflecting their attack.

They thought that the palm would disappear afterwards, but unexpectedly, the palm did not disappear at all, but was waiting for Lin Nan to say a word.

This is a bit incredible.

At least as a powerful Golden Immortal, he has never seen anything so weird in his life of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

But at this time, they were no longer allowed to think any more, Lin Nan's palm had already suppressed them.


Huge coercion instantly enveloped them, like a million mountains, making everyone unable to breathe.

"No, get back!"


"This person is too strong, we are no match at all!"

Several Han family elders shouted, their voices full of horror and regret.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The speed of these people was not bad. In almost the blink of an eye, they had already fled hundreds of meters away.

However, then a loud bang was heard.

Lin Nan's palm finally came down.

The fleeing elders of the Han family, even though they had escaped hundreds of meters, were still directly turned into blood mist by this palm and died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, even Han Shihui, who was at the peak of Golden Immortal, took a breath of cold air.

"This, how is this possible! Even I can't do it! Maybe... only the ancestor of the Immortal King realm can do it!"

Han Shihui's eyes were a little dull and he murmured.

Lin Nan's palm just now was so terrifying that it made him feel helpless to resist.

Han Shihui had only felt this feeling from his ancestor who was in the Immortal King realm of the Han family.

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