Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1368 A mere ant was wiped out by me! (Fourth update)

"Master, I don't know this either. However, when I was inspecting, I found that mansion, and I used my spiritual thoughts to find out the specific situation in that mansion!"

The Golden Immortal elder continued.

"What? Even the divine mind can't detect it!"

Hearing what Elder Jinxian said, the other elders of the Zhang family, including family member Zhang Yunlong, felt a sense of astonishment.

You know, that is Elder Jinxian, and his spiritual thoughts can be blocked, which shows that this mansion is indeed extraordinary.

"Could it be that the strong man in this mansion was the one who destroyed the entire Han family?"

At this time, doubts arose in everyone's minds.

"Master, no matter what, I think our Zhang family should send someone to visit!"

An elder in the late Golden Immortal stage also stood up and said solemnly.

"Yes, Patriarch, no matter whether this person is the one who destroyed the Han family or not, it is beneficial and harmless for our Zhang family to have a good relationship with him!"

Another elder also said.

"Yes, head of the family. If this person is really the one who destroyed the Han family, I'm afraid our Zhang family will have to rely on this person if we want to survive in Fuguang City in the future!"

The previous Jinxian elder also nodded.

"Well, you should indeed pay a visit, but the head of the family should go in person!"

The Zhang family advocated that Yunlong also nodded.

No matter what the other party's background is, the Zhang family will always investigate.

But just to be cautious, the head of the family paid a personal visit, which seemed sincere.

After hearing Zhang Yunlong's words, the Zhang family Jinxian elders didn't say much. Even some elders in the late Golden Immortal stage quickly requested to go together.

Finally, Zhang Yunlong took four elders of the late Golden Immortal stage and headed towards the direction of Lin Nan's mansion.

At this time, in Lin Nan's mansion.

Lin Nan, on the other hand, had a calm expression and was enjoying tea and flowers in a leisurely and elegant manner.

However, his brows suddenly raised, and his eyes fell on a secret room.


The stone door of the secret room suddenly opened, and a sneaky little head came out of it.

But as soon as the little head stretched out, he saw Lin Nan's figure. He immediately laughed and came to Lin Nan.

"Papa, Momo is tired from practicing and doesn't want to continue in seclusion!"

This person was Lin Momo, who walked up to Lin Nan and said coquettishly.

"Well, the ultimate practice is to relax and relax. When you are tired, come out and play!"

Lin Nan stroked Lin Momo's hair with a look of love on his face, without any intention of blaming her.

When Lin Momo heard Lin Nan's words, she also had a look of joy on her little face. She chirped, kissed Lin Nan on the face, and said naughtily, "Daddy is so good!"

And just a moment after Lin Momo came out, the door of another stone room opened with a bang.

A small figure also appeared, and then flashed to Lin Nan's side.

"Daddy, Ling'er doesn't want to practice anymore. Practice is so boring!"

Linger pouted and said.

"Okay, okay, then you all can come out and have fun. If you want to practice, you can practice!"

Lin Nan smiled and nodded.

As the Emperor of Heaven, it didn't matter whether his two daughters were strong or weak. In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there was still someone who could hurt his daughter.

Therefore, we are not strict with our two daughters at all. Everything is as long as the two daughters are happy.

Lin Nan, on the other hand, was shrouded in another stone room with his spiritual thoughts, and found out that Liu Ruqing was concentrating on practicing, but did not disturb her.

After all, Liu Ruqing's talent was slightly lower than that of her two daughters. If she practiced for a while longer, she might be able to keep up with her two daughters' progress.

But at this moment, a sound suddenly came from outside the mansion.

"The Zhang family advocated Yunlong and led the Zhang family elders to come and pay homage to their seniors!"

Hearing that voice, Lin Nan frowned. Although he was a little unhappy in his heart, he didn't reject the person thousands of miles away.

After all, this was his first time contacting this house, so he took Lin Momo and Ling'er out.

Soon, Lin Nan appeared in front of everyone in the Zhang family.

"Why did you come to see me?"

Lin Nan asked lightly.

Everyone in the Zhang family felt stunned the moment Lin Nan appeared.

It can be detected from their spiritual thoughts that Lin Nan's aura is only in the early stage of True Immortal, which is really incredible.

Even Lin Momo and Ling'er next to Lin Nan only showed the aura of the early stage of true immortals at this time.

A mere monk in the early stage of True Immortality turned out to be the owner of this mysterious mansion. Moreover, the Han family was destroyed, but this mansion was safe and sound.

Some of the monks were confused.

"This fellow Taoist, may I ask, has he always lived here?"

The Zhang family advocated that Yunlong suppress the doubts in his heart and asked respectfully.

"I just moved here a few days ago!"

Lin Nan replied calmly.

"Does fellow Taoist know about the destruction of the Han family?"

Zhang Yunlong asked respectfully again.

"The Han family is just a mere ant, and I wiped it out casually!"

Lin Nan still looked indifferent.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, everyone in the Zhang family, including Zhang Yunlong, felt horrified.

"This, this, is this true?"

Zhang Yunlong's tone was stuttering, and for a moment he looked at Lin Nan in disbelief, confirming again.

"What? Do you suspect me of lying?"

Only then did Lin Nan's eyes fall on the Zhang family, with a hint of severity in his tone.

"No, I don't dare! Sir, it's a villain who is short-sighted. I am here to apologize to you!"

Zhang Yunlong shook his head quickly, knelt on the ground with a plop, and admitted his mistake again and again.

Although this mysterious man only had the aura of an early stage True Immortal, in Zhang Yunlong's heart, he already knew that this man was definitely an unparalleled powerhouse.

The powerful Han family was all wiped out by this man. One can imagine how terrifying his strength is.

If there is a slight mistake now, I am afraid that the entire Zhang family will follow in the footsteps of the Han family.

thump! thump!

Seeing the family leader Yunlong kneel down, the Jinxian elders of the Zhang family also knelt down quickly and apologized to Lin Nan.

"Get up!"

Lin Nan's face turned around at this time, and he waved his hand to let everyone stand up.

"If nothing happens, just leave. I don't want anyone to disturb this mansion!"

Lin Nan said lightly again.

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, everyone in the Zhang family breathed a sigh of relief.

This Lin Nan gave them the feeling of facing the great power of heaven, making their breathing a little heavy and their hearts always on their chests.

And listening to Lin Nan's words, Zhang Yunlong also understood that this peerless strong man might be living in seclusion here!

Thinking of this, he quickly waved his hand to leave with the Golden Immortal elders.

He also made up his mind to immediately arrange for monks from the Zhang family to guard the mansion within a few dozen miles when he returns. No one is allowed to come and disturb you.

But just as they were about to leave, a crisp voice suddenly sounded behind them.


Lin Momo looked at the head of the Zhang family and several Jinxian elders and said.


Hearing this crisp voice, the hearts of everyone in the Zhang family suddenly rose to their throats.

Especially the Zhang family advocate Yunlong turned around with a stiff neck and looked at Lin Momo with a blank look on his face.

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