Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1372 What happened? (Fourth update)

Is this still a monk in the early stage of true immortality?

Everyone has this question in their mind.

As for the Chen family, all the Jinxian elders, including Chen Longxiang, the head of the Chen family, also had their eyes widened, with expressions of disbelief and anger on their faces.

"How can this be!"

"How could that finger of his just now be so powerful? Even the eighteenth elder was killed by him!"

"He must have used some secret technique. I don't believe he can use such a magical power a second time!"

The Chen family elders were groaning in low voices, but their hatred for Lin Nan was even stronger.

Many of the Jinxian elders believed that Lin Nan must have used some secret technique or used some incredible treasure just now.

However, no matter whether it is magical powers, secret arts, or treasures of heaven and earth, it is impossible to use them without limit. Often, using them once will cost a huge price.

"Everyone, come together and kill this kid!"

At this time, an elder from the late Golden Immortal stage also roared angrily.

Then he turned over his hand, and there was an immortal treasure sword in his hand, with a heart-stopping light flashing on it.

The elder of the late Golden Immortal stage waved his long sword, and a curtain of light suddenly swept towards Lin Nan.

When the other Jinxian elders heard what the man said, they also took action one after another.

The immortal treasures in his hands emerged one after another, and white lights containing the dharma light intertwined into a spider web, covering Lin Nan.

Seeing this scene, all the monks who were watching quickly stepped back.

"No, so many powerful Golden Immortals are attacking at the same time. The power is too terrifying!"

"Quickly retreat, if there is even a trace of the aftermath of the battle, I'm afraid we will all be killed on the spot!"

"It's really terrifying. The Chen family's golden immortal elders all took action. We haven't seen this kind of scene for tens of thousands of years!"

The monks who were watching were sighing as they backed up crazily.

At this time, they retreated several hundred meters and then stopped, but their faces were still very shocked.

This scene was so spectacular, with so many Golden Immortal elders taking action together, and even two of them had reached the late Golden Immortal stage.

Not to mention that the opponent is just a monk in the early stage of True Immortal. Even a strong man at the peak of Golden Immortal can only avoid his sharp edge!

"It's over, it's over, that man will be killed on the spot this time!"

"Yes, with such a powerful attack, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape even if he wants to!"

"Oh, what a pity."

At this time, all the monks were not optimistic about Lin Nan. After all, the strength gap between the two sides was too big.

If Lin Nan unexpectedly killed the Chen family elder who was in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal stage just now, it shocked everyone. But at this moment, even if they knew that Lin Nan was powerful, they thought it would never be possible for him to come back.

Even the Jinxian elder of the Zhang family retreated several hundred meters away, frowning, looking at the field, and muttering in his heart.

"Although Lord Lin Nan is powerful, can he really survive the combined efforts of so many Golden Immortal elders?"

He was also a little unsure at this time.

But thinking that Lin Nan can destroy the entire Han family, I have some expectations in my heart.

At this time, Lin Nan stood on the spot with his hands behind his back and an indifferent expression, completely ignoring the opponent's attack.

Even Lin Momo and Ling'er were holding hands, as if they were going out for fun, with no trace of panic on their faces.

It wasn't until the opponent's powerful attack was less than three meters away from him that Lin Nan slowly raised a hand and struck forward with a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!


The huge palm shadow suddenly shot out from Lin Nan's hand. Once it appeared, it was like blocking the sky and the sun, covering the entire sky.

Not only that, the huge phantom of the palm was also entangled with the power of the laws of the avenue, emitting a sound of the avenue that resounded in everyone's ears.

"This, what kind of magical power is this!"

"It's really incredible that there is the sound of the Great Dao!"

Seeing this scene, even the elders of the Chen family had serious expressions on their faces.

They were full of confidence just now. With so many golden immortal elders joining forces, the other party would definitely be killed on the spot. But after Lin Nan took action and felt the sound of the avenue in the shadow of the huge palm, he could no longer feel confident.


Then, I saw Lin Nan's huge palm phantom grasped out of thin air, and immediately shattered countless Taoist magic lights with a loud bang.

All the golden immortal elders of the Chen family originally joined forces to attack like a spider web, but at this moment, they disappeared into thin air, as if they had never appeared.

"This, how is this possible!"

"Did I see it wrong? What happened?"

"This is too scary, oh my God!"

Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching were stunned.

Each of them opened their mouths so wide that they could almost stuff a few eggs into them, and their eyes were as wide as bells, glazed over on the spot.

With one palm, he defeated the combined attacks of all the Golden Immortal Elders!

This is really hard for everyone to believe.

But the scene in front of them deeply shocked them.

Even the Jinxian elders of the Chen family looked confused at this time.

They have already felt that Lin Nan must be very strong. He must not be an ordinary person to be able to inspire such a palm, which contains the sound of the great avenue.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It's too unacceptable.

But just as they were immersed in shock one by one, Lin Nan's palm once again covered the golden immortal elders of the Chen family.

The sound of the avenue above did not weaken at all, and was even faster than before.


"No, run away!"


The Jinxian elders of the Chen family were all shocked. When they came to their senses, an idea suddenly came to their minds: Run away!

Strong, too strong!

There is no way to fight against this, we can only run away!


However, before their figures could escape dozens of meters, the huge shadow of the palm fell down, directly slapping all the golden immortal elders of the Chen family into blood mist.


Seeing this scene, there were sudden gasps of cold air among the monks who were watching.

"The God of Death!"

"It's so scary!"


Everyone was shocked beyond measure.

With one palm, all the golden immortal elders of the Chen family were killed.

Shocking, really shocking!

This kind of thing has probably not happened in the entire Fuguang City for hundreds of thousands of years.

The Jinxian elder of the Zhang family was also deeply shocked at this time, with his mouth wide open and unable to speak a word. I just feel extremely lucky and scared in my heart. Fortunately, the Zhang family did not offend Mr. Lin Nan!

At this time, the head of the Chen family stood on the spot in a daze.

"What...what exactly happened?"

Chen Longxiang was completely confused.

As the head of one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City, he is such a proud being. Even if Mount Tai collapses in front of him, he will not change his color.

But now, all the Jinxian elders of the Chen family were wiped out under the man's palm, and he felt like the sky was falling.

Chen Longxiang now feels like he can't stand and is about to faint.

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