Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1382 Witch! (Second update)


Then, the figure of the 19th elder of the Li family flashed and turned into a rainbow, flying away into the distance.

Now he finally knew how terrifying the female doll in front of him was, and that he couldn't kill her at all.

Even if he didn't escape, he would most likely be slapped to death by the other party.


But just when the 19th elder of the Li family had just flown dozens of meters away, Lin Momo's Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm had already landed, and he directly slapped it into a blood mist.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"This, how is this possible!"

"That's the elder Jinxian of my Li family. How could he die? It's impossible!"

"My eyes must be wrong, it's an illusion, this is all an illusion!"

Everyone in the Li family roared in their hearts at this moment, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

It was really unimaginable that the nineteen elders they had just placed their hope on were slapped to death by the opponent in the blink of an eye.

On the opposite side, everyone in the Zhao family also looked confused.

Although they knew how powerful Lin Momo was, they didn't expect to be so powerful.

He was a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm. He was killed with just one palm. Why did it feel a little unreal!

But at this time, Lin Momo took a step forward and walked towards the monks of the Li family.

"Just now, did you say you wanted to kill me?"

Lin Momo's voice sounded like it came from the abyss of hell, bone-chilling, with a hint of murderous intent.

As for the Li family monks, after hearing Lin Momo's words, they were like ducks strangled by their necks, their eyes widened, and they were so frightened that they could not speak.

At this time, they only felt a cold air running from their backs to their brains, and their whole bodies were covered.


After several breaths, the Li family monk who was in the late stage of True Immortal finally came to his senses and knelt down in front of Lin Momo with a plop.

"It was my fault. I was blind. I don't dare to do it anymore. I don't dare to do it anymore. Please forgive me!"

The Li family monk in the late stage of True Immortal cried and begged for mercy, making trouble like garlic.

thump! thump! thump!

The other Li family monks were also in shock, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Momo.

While kowtowing, they kept begging for mercy.

But at this moment, Lin Momo was full of murderous intent. She waved her little hand, and suddenly a huge shadow of her hand fell from the sky.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!


Under this palm, even the golden immortal monks would be killed directly, let alone a group of monks in the true immortal realm.

Without any suspense, after a loud noise, all the True Immortal monks of the Li family were turned into a ball of blood mist.


Seeing this scene, the monks from the Zhao family showed frightened expressions on their faces.

"This is the God of Death!"


"You're so decisive, you'll kill me if you tell me to!"

Everyone in the Zhao family kept muttering in their hearts, but their eyes showed deep fear.

Now, I'm afraid, given them ten courages, they wouldn't dare to provoke these two little witches again.

After killing everyone in the Li family, Lin Momo clapped her hands, as if she had done an insignificant thing.

She walked up to Ling'er, took Ling'er's hand, and said lightly, "Sister, since these guys can't get the fairy crystal, let's go!"

"Well, sister, let's go somewhere else. It is said that there are many opportunities in this Zixia secret realm!"

Linger also nodded.

After all, this opportunity is not that great, it is just a mid-grade immortal treasure.

If we can get a greater opportunity, maybe the two girls will also be tempted.

Before leaving, Lin Momo glanced slightly at the monks of the Zhao family.

Feeling Lin Momo's gaze, the Zhao family monks were so frightened that they staggered, unsteady, and almost knelt down.

But then, Lin Momo withdrew her gaze, and Ling'er turned into two streams of light and flew away into the distance.


Seeing Lin Momo leave, everyone in the Zhao family breathed a sigh of relief.

They saved their lives this time.

"Hurry up and find other opportunities!"

A monk in the late stage of True Immortal from the Zhao family said immediately.

"Yes, yes, it is not easy to enter the Zixia Secret Realm once. We can't waste any more time!"

The other Zhao family monks also nodded repeatedly.

However, no matter how they pretended to be relaxed, the two small figures lingered in their minds. They were two little devil-like beings.

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er released their spiritual thoughts.

Although their current cultivation level is only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, they are the most monster-like existences in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths besides Lin Nan.

Especially their spiritual thoughts, not to mention ordinary Golden Immortal monks, even those who are in the Immortal King realm are far behind them in terms of spiritual thoughts.

After releasing their spiritual thoughts, Lin Momo and Ling'er immediately noticed several human signs.

In those places, there are as many as eight or nine monks, as few as two or three monks, all looking for their own opportunities.

Moreover, several of the monks are already attacking certain magic circle restrictions, as if there are some treasures.

The two looked at each other and smiled. In this way, they could find many opportunities.

"Sister, let's go find the treasure!"

Lin Momo took Ling'er's hand and chose a place where several monks were breaking the magic circle.

After a stick of incense, the monks in that place were killed when they were about to kill Lin Momo and the other two.

Lin Momo and Linger had an extra high-grade fairy treasure in their hands.

"Next, next place!"

Then, the two of them flashed and appeared in another place.

And here, under the leadership of a Golden Immortal monk, several True Immortal monks also took action at the same time, attacking a magic circle.

With the arrival of Lin Momo and the others, they were naturally furious and wanted to kill the two ignorant girls.

As a result, a cloud of blood mist was left on the spot, and Lin Momo and Ling'er had another 100,000-year-old fairy grass in their hands.

"Let's go to the next place!"

Lin Momo said again.

"Well, sister, you can harvest opportunities quite quickly like this!"

Linger also said happily.

A few days later.

Throughout the Zixia Secret Realm, many monks knew that there were two seven or eight-year-old female dolls. They killed many monks and robbed many treasures.

Especially the monks from the top ten aristocratic families, many monks from almost every family were killed.

Even among them, many are elders in the Golden Immortal Realm.

You know, these elders in the Golden Immortal Realm are the mainstays of the top ten aristocratic families, but now, they died in this Zixia Secret Realm.

"Look, we must find those two female dolls, skin them with cramps, and burn their souls for ten thousand years!"

After the head of the Qian family learned that six Jinxian elders had died at the hands of Lin Momo and the others, he immediately let out an angry roar.

"Find those two people, I will make them regret coming into this world!"

The head of the Sun family's eyes were filled with blood and he said bitterly.

In their Sun family, twelve Golden Immortal elders had died at the hands of Lin Momo and the other two, and as for the clan members in the True Immortal realm, there were even more.

The heads of the other ten major aristocratic families, the Zhao family, the Li family, the Zhou family, and the Wang family, each let out an angry roar and vowed to hunt down Lin Momo and the two of them until death.

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