Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1394 Today, he will definitely die! (Second update)

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, a dozen figures arrived in front of Lin Nan's mansion.

At this time, a Jinxian elder of the Li family stood up and wanted to smash Lin Nan's mansion into pieces with one palm, but Li Daoyi stopped him.

"Master, why don't you let me take action?"

The Jinxian elder asked a little strangely.

"Have you not noticed that there is something strange about this mansion that makes it impossible for people to detect it with their spiritual thoughts?"

Li Daoyi's expression was a little solemn, and his brows were wrinkled.

The other Jinxian elders also nodded.

Just now, they used their spiritual thoughts, but they were unable to penetrate Lin Nan's mansion, and they had no idea what was going on inside.

"The head of the family wants to...?"

The Jinxian elder also took a step back and asked cautiously.

Afterwards, Li Dao didn't answer a word and stepped forward directly to the gate of Lin Nan's mansion.

"The head of the Li family, Li Daoyi and the Jinxian elders of the Li family are here to pay a visit. Fellow Taoist, please come out and see me!"

Li Daoyi's voice was loud, like a bell or a drum, directly penetrating the space and sending the sound into Lin Nan's mansion.

Lin Nan frowned slightly, but he was a little unhappy.

"Li family?"

Lin Nan thought for a moment and realized that this should be one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City.

And when the other party comes to find me, I am afraid that only the two daughters have some conflicts with them in the Zixia Secret Realm.

At this time, not far outside Lin Nan's mansion, the casual cultivators from Xicheng District were also flying over one by one, looking here.

"How did these strong men from the Li family come to this nameless mansion?"

"I wonder who lives in this mansion. Did they provoke the Li family?"

"This mansion seems to have appeared not long ago. There was no mansion here before!"

The monks who were watching all felt very strange and didn't know what was going on.


Lin Nan's figure flashed outside the mansion and appeared in front of everyone.

"What do you want from me?"

Lin Nan asked lightly.

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the people in the Li family, including Li Daoyi, were a little surprised.

They didn't expect that what came out was a mere monk in the early stage of true immortality.

"We are looking for the owner of this mansion. Fellow Taoist, you are only in the early stage of a True Immortal, so you should ask your owner to come out!"

Li Dao glanced at Lin Nan with some disdain. In his opinion, Lin Nan could only be regarded as a gatekeeper under the owner of the mansion.

"I am the owner of this mansion!"

Lin Nan still had an indifferent expression, and seemed to be unwilling to even explain. He only said a few words and then stopped talking.


The group of Li family monks looked at Lin Nan in disbelief when they heard Lin Nan's words.

Obviously, they couldn't believe that what they and others were looking for was actually a monk in the early stage of True Immortality.

"There are two girl dolls living here. Call them out. The debt you owe must be repaid!"

Li Daoyi didn't say any more, and directly asked Lin Momo and Ling'er to come out by name.

"They are my daughters, I can take care of anything!"

Lin Nan said.


After hearing Lin Nan's words, the Li family monks all took a sharp breath.

The two little witches turned out to be the daughters of the man in the true fairy realm in front of them, which seemed to make them a little confused.

Those two female dolls were both Golden Immortal monks who could kill the 19th elder of their Li family.

And their father is actually a monk in the early stage of True Immortal? It's incredible.

But after being stunned for a moment, everyone came to their senses. Since this man was the father of the two female dolls, it saved them a lot of trouble.

"Those two little girls killed the 19th elder of my Li family and many members of my clan. Since you have come forward, I will kill you first, and then kill your two daughters!"

An elder who was in the middle stage of Golden Immortal suddenly stood up and said to Lin Nan.

In his opinion, Lin Nan was only in the early stage of a True Immortal, and it was easy to kill him.

"My daughter will kill just a few ants. If you want to die, I don't mind squeezing a few more ants to death!"

Lin Nan's voice was cold, ringing in the ears of everyone in the Li family, like the god of death from hell.


"What a loud tone!"

"It's just a matter of life and death!"

"I'll kill you now!"

When the many golden immortal elders of the Li family heard Lin Nan's words, they all became furious.

Especially the middle-stage Golden Immortal elder who stood up before shouted angrily and attacked Lin Nan directly.


In his hand, a long fairy sword suddenly shot out a white light. The white light flew into the air and turned into a long dragon. It let out waves of powerful dragon roars and enveloped Lin Nan.

hold head high!

The giant dragon roared, and almost in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Lin Nan.

"It's over, it's over, who is this man? He actually angered the strong man of the Li family!"

"I'm afraid he will definitely die now!"

"Yes, after all, the Li family is also one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City. No matter how strong this man is, there is no way he can fight with the Li family!"

When the monks who were watching saw Elder Jinxian of the Li family taking action, they all became worried for Lin Nan.

After all, in their eyes, Lin Nan was just a drop in the ocean in front of the giant Li family. The Li family is someone that even the Zhang family doesn't want to offend.

However, Lin Nan still had a calm look at this time. He didn't even look at the elder of the Li family who was in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. He stretched out a finger and pointed forward.


A white light visible to the naked eye shot out from Lin Nan's finger, like an arrow from a string, and instantly hit the attack of the Golden Immortal elder.


Then, the attack of the elder of the Li family's Golden Immortal was like a devastation, and was instantly defeated.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

"Am I wrong? A monk in the early stage of True Immortal can actually resist the attack of the Golden Immortal elder of the Li family?"

"Oh my god, what kind of magical power is this and how can it be done?"

The group of monks who were watching were all surprised when they saw this scene.

Originally, they thought that Lin Nan would be easily killed by the elder of the Li family's Jinxian, but they did not expect that the other party defeated the powerful attack of the elder of the Li family's Jinxian with just one finger.

It's really shocking.

At this time, even the Jinxian elders of the Li family, including the head of the family, Li Daoyi, could not help but condense.

"It seems that this kid is not in the realm of true immortality, I'm afraid he is hiding his cultivation!"

A Jinxian elder from the Li family immediately woke up and said suddenly.

"Yes, but no matter how he hides his strength and offends my Li family, he will definitely die today!"

Another Jinxian elder also said fiercely.

The other Jinxian elders of the Li family, including the head of the family, Li Daoyi, also nodded secretly.

In their opinion, even if Lin Nan had three heads and six arms at this moment, there was absolutely no hope of survival.

After all, a mid-stage Golden Immortal elder couldn’t kill him, and there were many other Golden Immortal elders, and even him, the head of the family at the peak Golden Immortal realm!

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