Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1397 What? You are Lin Nan! (First update)

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, everyone from the Wang family and the Qian family arrived in front of Lin Nan's mansion.

"This is Lin Nan's mansion, but why can't I detect it with my spiritual sense?"

At this time, a Jinxian elder of the Wang family said with some doubts.

After all, this person is also in the late stage of Golden Immortal, and he is very powerful among the people, second only to the two family heads.

At this time, other elders also released their spiritual thoughts to investigate Lin Nan's mansion, but the results were the same, and they were unable to detect the specific situation in Lin Nan's mansion.

"I'm afraid there is some powerful restriction in this mansion that even intercepts our spiritual thoughts!"

Wang Rulin's face was also a little solemn, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

"Yes, are there other powerful people in this mansion?"

Even Qian Wuchen was a little worried.

If it was just Lin Nan, they were already prepared to fight him, so they wouldn't be worried. But if there are still strong people who can set up restrictions and even intercept their spiritual thoughts, this is a bit too powerful.

"Then let's be polite first and then fight!"

After thinking for a moment, Wang Rulin suddenly said.

"Yes, that's fine. Once we find something is wrong, we may still have room to turn around!"

Qian Wuchen on the side also nodded.

If there are really powerful monks in this mansion, and they don't tear their faces apart when they first come up, it won't be too embarrassing to say it's a misunderstanding.

Everyone nodded after hearing the words of the two family heads.

At this time, the Jinxian elder of the Wang family immediately stepped forward and shouted in front of Lin Nan's mansion, "The two heads of the Wang family and the Qian family in Fuguang City have led a group of elders to visit the owner of the mansion and please say: Open the door and see you soon!"

A huge sound, like thunder, rumbled into Lin Nan's mansion.

At this time, the onlookers who followed were standing far outside the mansion, watching everything that happened here.

"I wonder why the Wang family and the Qian family came to see Mr. Lin Nan?"

A monk who was watching asked curiously.

"It can't be that there is any grudge against Master Lin Nan. If that's the case, the two aristocratic families join forces, tsk tsk, this is a situation that has not happened for tens of thousands of years!"

"Yeah, I don't know if Lord Lin Nan will be my opponent then!"

Other monks also made speculations, and some even became worried about Lin Nan.


At this time, a figure suddenly flashed and appeared in front of everyone.

"What brought you here?"

The person standing in front of everyone was Lin Nan. His face was a little unhappy at this time, and his tone was naturally not very polite.

However, when they saw Lin Nan's figure, the Wang family and Qian family had cold expressions.

"We are looking for the owner of this mansion. You, a little servant, are not qualified to talk to us!"

Wang Rulin, the head of the Wang family, asked coldly.

"Yes, let the owner of your mansion come out, or let Lin Nan come out!"

Behind Wang Rulin, a Jinxian elder also shouted angrily.

When the other elders saw this scene, they all looked proud. In their opinion, a mere cultivator in the early stage of a true immortal is simply not worthy of their extravagant efforts.

If they hadn't been unclear about the specific situation of this mansion now, I'm afraid they would have taken action and killed this ignorant true immortal monk on the spot.

"I am Lin Nan!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly, glanced at everyone, and said without any hesitation.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, many elders of the Wang family and Qian family were suddenly surprised. They stared at Lin Nan, somewhat unbelievable.

Even the two family heads, Wang Rulin and Qian Wuchen, who were at the peak of Golden Immortality, were stunned for a while.

"What? You are Lin Nan!" Wang Rulin asked in surprise.

"This, how is this possible! You are only at the early stage of True Immortal. Is there another Lin Nan in this mansion?"

Qian Wuchen also looked puzzled.

"This is my mansion. If you come here, if you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, just get out!"

Lin Nan was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, and just looked like he was rejecting them thousands of miles away.


"Be bold!"

"You dare to talk to our family master like this, you just don't know how to live or die!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, especially the word "Go", the Golden Immortal elders of the two major families were immediately stunned.

They were among the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City. How could anyone dare to be so rude?

Even the two family heads at the peak of Golden Immortal had angry looks on their faces at this time.

He brought Elder Jinxian here with murderous intent, but before he could take action, the other party made rude remarks first. This was completely disrespectful of their reputation as one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City.

"Boy, tell me, if there are any strong people in your mansion, call them out!"

At this time, Qian Wuchen wanted to attack, but Wang Rulin pressed him down. Then Wang Rulin turned to look at Lin Nan and asked.

"There are no strong people here, and to deal with you ants, do you still need a strong person to take action?"

Lin Nan still looked calm and indifferent, with extreme contempt in his tone.

Even if they are among the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City, even if they are monks in the Golden Immortal realm, they are aloof and superior to ordinary cultivators, but in Lin Nan's eyes, they are no different from ants.

"court death!"

"Kill him!"

At this time, both Wang Rulin and Qian Wuchen lost their patience, and immediately waved their hands and said to the Golden Immortal elders.

In their opinion, even if the opponent is really Lin Nan, there is no need for them to take action even if the monk is in the early stage of True Immortal.

Moreover, they even began to wonder if someone had misinformed the rumors in Fuguang City about how powerful Lin Nan was and how he even killed many strong men from the Li family.

"Let me do it!"

At this time, an elder from the Wang family who was in the early stage of Golden Immortal stood up, holding a low-grade Immortal Treasure with a hint of disdain in his tone.

The other elders also nodded when they saw the elder in the early stage of Golden Immortal speaking.

After all, it is enough to kill a monk in the early stage of True Immortal and an elder in the early stage of Golden Immortal!


The elder in the early stage of the Wang Family's Golden Immortal Stage immediately waved the low-grade Immortal Treasure in his hand, and a ray of white light shot out from his Immortal Treasure and shot directly towards Lin Nan.

After doing all this, he directly put away the immortal treasure and stood there, as if waiting to see how Lin Nan would be easily killed by him.

The white light also reached Lin Nan in an instant at an incredible speed.

At this time, Lin Nan was still standing there with his hands behind his back, not even looking at the crowd.

"Isn't this kid stupid?"

A Jinxian elder from the Qian family also sneered when he saw this scene.

"Hmph, even a true immortal comes out to show off, and his death will be in vain!"

The other Jinxian elder of the Wang family beside him also laughed incessantly.

"Yes, this is your own fault!"

"Seek death!"

Other elders also expressed their opinions.


At this moment, the white light finally hit Lin Nan. However, just three feet away from Lin Nan, he hit an invisible light barrier.

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