Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1400 The Emperor of Heaven makes elixir! (Fourth update)

In the next few days, the entire Fuguang City was peaceful, and no one came to Lin Nan's mansion to cause trouble.

As for the Zhang family, after possessing one hundred thousand immortal crystals, the power of the entire family gradually increased, and for a time, it became much stronger than before.

In particular, Zhang Jiajia advocated that Yunlong had reached the limit of the peak realm of Golden Immortal, and had almost half-stepped into the early stage of Immortal King.

At this time, Liu Ruqing and her two daughters were still continuing to practice.

Lin Nan lived a very leisurely life in his mansion. Usually they just sip tea and admire the flowers, and then their spiritual thoughts would scan the three girls' training chambers from time to time to check the progress.

"Well, Momo and Ling'er are probably about to break through to the middle stage of Golden Immortality, but my wife is still a little behind."

After Lin Nan finished his investigation, he murmured to himself.

After so many days of seclusion and practice, coupled with the fact that there is a high-grade immortal vein underground in this mansion, the immortal energy is extremely strong, and finally the progress of the three girls has made a qualitative change.

In Lin Nan's opinion, Lin Momo and Ling'er may break through in the next two or three days.

Although Liu Ruqing is less qualified than her two daughters, she can break through to the middle stage of Golden Immortality in less than ten days and a half.

Once a monk reaches the middle stage of Golden Immortal, his strength will be more than ten times stronger than that of the early stage of Golden Immortal.

Originally, Lin Momo and others were able to fight against the monks in the early stage of Immortal King in the early stage of Golden Immortal. With the help of the Immortal Vajra Armor and Exalted Immortal Treasure, they were able to protect themselves even against the monks in the peak stage of Immortal King. .

And once you reach the middle stage of Golden Immortal, it will be no problem to kill the monks who are in the middle stage of Immortal King.

As for the defensive ability, there hasn't been much change, but it is still much stronger than before.

Lin Nan thought about it. The spells that the three girls were practicing now, the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm, had reached the top level of immortal arts. Even if they could be used at the level of the Immortal Emperor, it was more than enough.

After all, Lin Nan himself often uses the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm.

As for defensive power, in addition to high-grade immortal treasures, Lin Nan can also refine imperial-grade immortal treasures. However, now that the three female talents are in the early stages of golden immortality, it would be too exaggerated to use imperial-grade immortal treasures.

As for speed, the three women's cultivation has only reached the third level, which is a thousand miles in an instant.

There are three major levels behind it: ten thousand miles in an instant, a hundred thousand miles in an instant, and a million miles in an instant.

After truly cultivating to the sixth level, which is so close to the end of the world, and reaching a million miles in an instant, even the Immortal Emperor may not be able to catch up. After all, reaching the Immortal Emperor level, in the ninety-nine heavens of this Immortal Realm, the speed is only about 100,000 miles in an instant.

And the quasi-emperors of each heaven may be able to reach such terrifying speeds, traveling a million miles in an instant.

But at what level the quasi-emperor was, it was unlikely that he would interact with the Golden Immortal monk.

After thinking about it, Lin Nan didn't think of anything that could make the three women stronger.

But he suddenly looked through the small purse on the table and found that there was a lot of fairy grass in it.

These fairy grasses were obtained by Lin Momo and Ling'er from the Zixia Secret Realm. They were of great value. Some of them were even thousands of years old.

Such fairy grass can already penetrate Lin Nan's eyes.

"Well, let's refine some elixirs first!"

Lin Nan thought for a while and realized that he could refine two elixirs directly using the thousand-year-old fairy grass as the main medicine.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan waved his hand and took out all the fairy grass.

Then, he raised his hand in the air, and an alchemy furnace condensed with the laws of the Great Dao suddenly appeared in the void.

The alchemy furnace made bursts of roaring sounds, and it was the avenue that was roaring.

If there were any emperor-level experts, their jaws would probably drop in shock when they saw this scene.

This is a great avenue, and even the powerful Immortal Emperor has only just stepped into it.

But now, Lin Nan is using the avenue to condense the alchemy furnace, and he is also making the sound of the avenue.

But at this time, Lin Nan still frowned.

"Thousands of years of immortal grass, although rare, still does not meet the requirements for refining heavenly elixirs. It can only be used to refine elixirs!"

Lin Nan murmured to himself.

Heavenly Pill, that is a pill for heaven-level experts, even the quasi-emperor covets it.

But now Lin Nan just doesn't have a good enough main medicine. Otherwise, he can refine even the heavenly elixir.

However, refining elixirs with thousands of years of immortal grass is no longer a problem.


Then, Lin Nan waved his hand, and a white light flew out of his hand.

The white light immediately passed through the Great Avenue Alchemy Furnace, was absorbed into the furnace, and turned into a group of green flames.

The aura emanating from the flame seemed to be more powerful than the aura of the avenue. This was the Hongmeng Sky Fire that Lin Nan accidentally collected.

At this time, using Hongmeng Sky Fire to refine the elixir can be said to be overkill.

But Lin Nan didn't bother to pay attention. Who called him the Emperor of Heaven? He was just so willful.

Afterwards, Lin Nan put all the immortal grass into the Dao Alchemy Furnace.


The avenue alchemy furnace actually started refining the elixir automatically.

Two full days passed.

The batch of elixir finally took shape.

At this moment, Lin Nan suddenly opened his eyes. With a wave of his hand, the Great Avenue Alchemy Furnace in the void disappeared out of thin air.

And the round elixir appeared instantly.

But the moment the elixir appeared, there were loud rumbling sounds throughout the first level of the immortal world.

"It's the elixir calamity!"

Lin Nan also frowned when he saw this scene.

At this moment, every elixir he refines has to go through the elixir tribulation. This is the rule of heaven.

Once the elixir succeeds in overcoming the tribulation, it will turn into immortal-level powerhouses. If the level of the elixir is high enough, it is not impossible to even transform into immortal masters and immortal emperor-level powerhouses.


Throughout the sky, endless laws of heaven continued to gather. For a time, the sky over the eastern continent of the Xuanwu Star Territory was changing.

"What on earth happened?"

Thousands of miles away from Fuguang City, a strong man in the late stage of Immortal Master suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were looking through the void, his brows were deeply furrowed, but he didn't know what happened.

"Is there some important treasure that has been born? It seems to be in the Eastern Continent!"

At this time, an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse in the southern continent also looked up at the sky, his eyes flashing, as if he wanted to go and find out.

After a full stick of incense, he withdrew his gaze, calmed down his mind, closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

At this time, in Fuguang City, the Sun family in Beicheng District was in a secret room.

An old man suddenly opened his eyes, with doubts in his eyes, "The avenue roared, the color of the sky and the earth changed, what on earth happened?"

This person is none other than Sun Haonan, the ancestor of the Sun family who was in the early stage of the Immortal King state.

At the same time, in the Zhao family residence in Nancheng District.

An old man who was practicing in seclusion also opened his eyes. His eyes flashed and he murmured to himself, "Did there be some important treasure in Fuguang City? No, I must leave the seclusion immediately!"

This person is the ancestor of the Zhao family in the early stage of Immortal King, Zhao Yueguan.

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