Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1499 Go find out and kill him!

With 2,500 points, Lin Momo and Ling'er were already ranked first.

The second-placed Five Little True Monk from Tianzang Temple has 1,800 points.

The third-placed six palaces of Beichen Palace have fifteen hundred points.

Obviously, these two teams were not idle this day, and their points increased by two to three hundred.

But no matter how much their points increased, they were still far from Lin Momo and Ling'er's 2,500 points.

In this second level of the secret assessment, only the top three teams can advance.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, the team of Lin Momo and Ling'er will be next, plus the team of the six palaces of Beichen Palace and the team of five small true monks of Tianzang Temple.

As for Guanghan Palace and Fuguang City, their points at this time are far behind the top three, and they are both just over a thousand.

"Are you still here waiting to die?"

At this time, seeing that everyone from the Qingming Sect had not left yet, Lin Momo looked at them and said coldly.

"Yes, yes, let's leave now!"

After hearing Lin Momo's words, Qing Ming's twelve sons did not dare to say anything more, but they felt like they were beeping in their hearts.

They were waiting for Lin Momo and Ling'er to leave, and wanted to rob the team behind them.

After all, they don't have any points now. If they leave empty-handed like this, I'm afraid even the elders of Qingming Sect won't spare them.

As for how much of their current combat strength is left and whether they are opponents of other teams, these Twelve Sons of Qingming can no longer consider it.

However, under Lin Momo's order, they could only leave the secret realm obediently and step into the light door at the exit of the secret realm.

Even at this moment, everyone in the Qingming Sect felt a sense of regret. If they had not planned to stay and rob other teams before, now they would have left the secret realm with the first place in points.

"Sister, let's go too. Anyway, we will definitely be able to advance to the third level this time. We are not the scumbags from Qingming Sect who like to rob families and homes."

After seeing everyone from Qingming Sect leaving, Ling'er looked at Lin Momo and said.

With their current points, it is impossible to be ranked among the top three.

After all, the door to the secret realm will be closed in less than an hour.

Within this hour, all teams must leave.


Lin Momo also nodded.

The two figures also flashed and entered the light door at the exit of the secret realm.

At this time, in Qingming Sect.

"Twelve sons of Qingming, how come your points this time are zero?"

In the meeting hall, the head of the Qingming Sect sat at the head of the table with a cold face, while the second elder on the side was asking questions.

"Could it be that the proud sons of several other major forces joined forces to deal with the twelve sons of Qingming Sect? Tell me, which family is the leader?"

The great elder on the side also had a cold face and said angrily.

In his opinion, unless the other three major forces of the five major forces join forces to deal with them, it is impossible for the Twelve Sons of Qingming to not get a single point.

"Sect Master, elders, we were tricked by two female dolls this time. Not only did they steal our points, but they also killed many of our Qingming Sect's core disciples and outer disciples!"

The first son of Qingming knelt on the ground and said with a hint of resentment in his tone.


"Two girl dolls?"

"Oh my god, what kind of girl can defeat you twelve Qingming sons, and also kill the core disciples of my Qingming Sect!"

Hearing the words of Qing Ming's first son, the elders on the side all opened their mouths in surprise.

You know, these elders, many of them are only at the early stage of the Immortal King, and compared with the first son of Qing Ming, they are a little behind.

And now, even Qingming's first son is no match for those two girls. How is this possible! It really subverted their imagination.

"It's true, Sect Master, elders, you must stand up for us!"

The other twelve sons of Qing Ming were also kneeling on the ground, with hatred on their faces.

This time, the Twelve Sons of Qingming were in trouble. They didn't even have a chance to enter the third level.

"Hmph! Two mere girls dare to provoke me, the Qingming Sect. Whose girl are they from? Go find out immediately and kill them!"

The leader of the Qingming Sect, who was sitting at the head of the table, finally spoke, with a strong murderous intent in his voice.

This is the territory of Qingming Sect. No one dares to provoke Qingming Sect like this, so the other party must die!

"Yes, Lord Sect Master!"

After hearing the words of the Qingming Sect Master, the other elders quickly bowed and said.

After saying that, when they looked up, they had already lost the figure of the Qingming Sect Master.

He just left a word and then disappeared. This leader of the Qingming Sect was indeed like a dragon that saw its beginning but never its end.

However, none of the elders present, including the Twelve Sons of Qingming, dared to utter a single slander.

After all, this Qingming Sect Master is the only one in the entire Qingming Sect who is at the peak of the Immortal King, except for the Immortal Ancestor.

It is said that within a few hundred years, the Qingming Sect Master may be able to step into the ranks of Immortal Masters and become the second powerful Immortal Master in the history of the entire Qingming Sect.

Even the peerless talent of Qing Ming's first son was still far behind the contemporary master Qing Ming.

And those elders, including the great elder, are not as talented as Qingming's first son, let alone the master of Qingming.

Except for the existence of Master Qingming, the peak Immortal King, even the realm of the Great Elder is only in the late stage of Immortal King at this time.

Later, under the leadership of the great elder of Qingming Sect, the third elder, fifth elder, seventh elder, ninth elder and others took the twelve sons of Qingming and left Qingming Sect directly to search for Lin Momo and Ling Ming near the foot of Qingming Mountain. traces of his son.

From the mouths of the Twelve Sons of Qingming, these elders also learned that Lin Momo and Linger were not from any of the five major forces.

And as Lin Momo and Ling'er advance to the third level, they will inevitably stay near Qingming Mountain.

At this time, Lin Momo and Linger came to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing.

"Papa, Mom, we got first place this time!"

Lin Momo raised her little head and looked at Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing and said.

"Yes, Daddy, Mommy, my sister and I are so good!"

Ling'er also pouted her little mouth, with a proud look on her face.

The expressions of the two female dolls at this time are completely waiting for you to praise them.

"Amazing, amazing, my daughter, Lin Nan, is the most powerful in the nine heavens and ten earths!"

Lin Nan also stroked the hair of his two daughters lovingly and did not hesitate to praise them.

"You are indeed amazing, just like your daddy!"

Liu Ruqing also nodded, looking at his two daughters with a smile, but while speaking, he also glanced at Lin Nan, obviously there was something in his words.

However, Lin Nan looked completely ignorant and continued to praise his two precious daughters.

And at this moment, suddenly, huge waves of spiritual thoughts came over, covering the surrounding group of monks unscrupulously.

Waiting outside this secret realm were not only Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, but also many other casual cultivators watching the excitement.

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