Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1501 Breaking the news!

"Oh my god, even the Wangpin Immortal Treasure was taken out, this man is definitely dead now!"

"Yes, the power of the powerful Immortal King has been increased by at least half with the blessing of the King-grade Immortal Treasure. That is simply an earth-shattering attack!"

"It's over, it's over, this man will definitely die without a complete body!"

The group of monks watching from a distance sighed when they saw that the ninth elder of Qingming Sect had even taken out the Wangpin Immortal Treasure.

The powerful Immortal King, coupled with the King-grade Immortal Treasure, with such strength, no matter how powerful the man is, it is impossible for him to survive!

at this time.

With the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure in hand, the eyes of the ninth elder of Qingming Sect once again condensed a fierce killing intent.


Just now, his blow failed to kill Lin Nan, which already made him lose face, especially in front of juniors like the Twelve Sons of Qingming.

Now, he naturally used all his strength to kill Lin Nan with one blow.


A huge light curtain like a waterfall shot out from the Ninth Elder's Wangpin Immortal Treasure, making a loud rumbling sound, piercing the sky and killing Lin Nan.

On the huge light screen, countless giant dragons transformed into Taoist Dharma light were hovering, and they let out earth-shattering dragon roars that resounded throughout the sky.

"The Ninth Elder will use his full strength this time to kill a mere casual cultivator. It shouldn't be a problem!"

The other elders of Qingming Sect who saw this scene were also secretly thinking in their hearts.

The Twelve Qing Ming Sons also looked at the Ninth Elder in the field with a hint of hope on their faces.


The huge light curtain arrived in front of Lin Nan almost in the blink of an eye. At this time, it was less than three meters away from Lin Nan.

But while everyone was waiting to see Lin Nan beheaded on the spot, Lin Nan made a move.

He slowly raised his gaze and glanced at the other party contemptuously. Then he stretched out a hand and slapped forward with a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!


A huge palm shadow suddenly shot out from Lin Nan's hand, and in an instant it was like blocking the sky and the sun, facing the huge light curtain coming from the attack of the Ninth Elder.

In this palm, Lin Nan used one ten thousandth of his strength.

To kill a strong person in the Immortal King realm, even a strong person at the peak of the Immortal King level, only two ten thousandths of his strength is enough.

Now using one ten thousandth, this ninth elder of the Qingming Sect, who was only in the early stage of Immortal King, was already a dead person in Lin Nan's eyes.

After taking this palm, Lin Nan retracted his palm and did not even look at the other party.


In the sky, the huge phantom of Lin Nan's hand was like tearing through the void. It instantly tore the huge light curtain attacked by the ninth elder of Qingming Sect into pieces and dissipated in mid-air on the spot.


"This, how is this possible!"

"What kind of magical power is this? It's so powerful!"

"Oh my God! Even such a powerful attack from the Ninth Elder was easily defeated? Who is this man?"

At this time, seeing this scene, the elders of Qingming Sect and the twelve sons of Qingming were all shocked.

Experts who have reached their level can naturally understand how terrifying the Ninth Elder's attack just now was.

Not to mention that Lin Nan's aura was only in the early stage of True Immortal. Even a monk who had reached the early stage of Immortal King would probably have to retreat three feet from the Ninth Elder's attack and would not dare to resist head-on.

Lin Nan, on the other hand, just casually slapped his palm and defeated the attack of the Ninth Elder in an understatement. This was simply unbelievable.

The monks watching in the distance looked even more stunned at this time.

The attack inspired by the elder of the Qingming Sect had already made them extremely horrified, but Lin Nan's palm subverted their imagination. It was much more powerful than the attack of the elder of the Qingming Sect.

But while everyone was shocked, the huge palm shadow shot by Lin Nan in the sky did not dissipate after defeating the attack of the ninth elder of Qingming Sect, but instead covered the ninth elder again.


As the shadow of the huge palm descended, a dark crack was suddenly torn open in the sky.

"What! Not good!"

When the ninth elder of Qingming Sect saw this scene, his face turned pale.

He could feel the aura of death emanating from the huge shadow of his hand, shrouding himself.

To him, this was simply unbelievable.

Since he became a strong man in the Immortal King realm, he has not felt the breath of death for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, there are not many existences that can hurt him in the entire eastern continent of the Xuanwu Star Territory.

What's more, he is still an elder of the Qingming Sect. Even if someone can kill him, he may have to worry about the powerful backing of the Qingming Sect.

But now, he felt the feeling of being killed again.


At this time, the Ninth Elder had only one thought in his mind, and that was to escape!

Only by escaping from the attack of this palm shadow can he survive. Otherwise, today will be his fall.


After all, the Ninth Elder was a man who had experienced thousands of battles. Without any hesitation, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot away into the distance.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his figure appeared thousands of meters away.

"What? The ninth elder escaped!"

"Oh my God, this, how is this possible!"

"Is this man really so powerful?"

At this time, seeing the ninth elder fleeing, the other elders of Qingming Sect and the Twelve Qingming Sons also looked shocked.

Only the twelve sons of Qingming knew how powerful Lin Momo and Ling'er were, but everyone was shocked by how powerful Lin Nan was.

The Ninth Elder's speed was not unsatisfactory. He had escaped a thousand meters in just an instant. If he had been given another time to breathe, it would not have been a problem to escape ten thousand meters.

But at this moment, Lin Nan's palm fell at an incredible speed.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the figure of the Ninth Elder stagnant for a moment, and then was hit by a huge palm that covered the sky. It instantly turned into a ball of blood mist, and died on the spot. Even the soul was gone. Can escape.


Seeing this scene, both the elders of Qingming Sect and the twelve sons of Qingming, as well as the casual cultivators watching in the distance, were all deeply shocked.

Among the crowd, there were gasps of cold air one after another.

"Oh my God! What did I see today! The elder of Qingming Sect was killed!"

"It breaks the sky, it really breaks the sky now!"

"The elder of the Qingming Sect was killed. This is something that has never happened in hundreds of thousands of years. I'm afraid it will really turn upside down this time!"

The group of monks who were watching came back to their senses, and all of them started talking with frightened voices.

The elder of the Qingming Sect was killed, which was a direct slap in the face to the entire Qingming Sect. Under such circumstances, the man in front of him and the Qingming Sect must be in a fight to the death.

And how can a mere casual cultivator, no matter how strong he is, compete with Qingming Sect, one of the five major forces!

In the eyes of almost everyone, Lin Nan was already destined to die.

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