Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1506 Oh, a bunch of ants!

At this time, Lin Nan and others were in their temporary residence.

"Daddy, in the next third level, we want to take first place!"

Lin Momo looked at Lin Nan with a hint of pride on her face.

"Yes, my sister and I, one is first and the other is second. But I don't know what the reward of this Immortal Association is?"

Ling'er said repeatedly from the side.

In the eyes of the two of them, they will definitely take first and second place, but it doesn't matter who is first and who is second.

"No matter how good the rewards from the Immortal Association are, they can't be better than what Dad gives you."

Lin Nan said lightly.

The so-called Immortal Association is just a competition among the younger generation of monks in the Eastern Continent. How could they come up with something too good?

Lin Nan estimated that at most they would be top-grade immortal treasures, and as for king-grade immortal treasures, there might be one or two. But it is absolutely impossible to have a high-grade immortal treasure.

After all, the high-grade immortal treasure is used by the powerful in the immortal realm.

As for the King-grade Immortal Treasure, perhaps it can be awarded to the first place in the Immortal Association. After all, this group of younger monks are not far away from the realm of the Immortal King.

But even if it is a king-grade fairy treasure, it is far from the high-grade fairy treasure that Lin Nan refined for his two daughters and wife.

Moreover, Lin Nan just feels that it is not necessary now, otherwise, even a holy-grade fairy treasure can be easily refined.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

But at this moment, suddenly, a group of monks with powerful aura suddenly arrived outside Lin Nan's residence.


A huge spiritual thought was instantly released, covering Lin Nan and the others.


Lin Nan frowned a little, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

Unexpectedly, another desperate ant came to die.

"Lin Nan, get out!"

At this time, a roar suddenly came from outside, and the sound of thunder was rolling, shaking the earth and the earth.

This person is none other than the eighth elder of Qingming Sect, Huang Wuji!

Next to him was Zhan Wushuang, the leader of the Qingming Sect. Followed by the entire Qingming Sect's elders and core disciples.

"No, this, these are the strong men of Qingming Sect. What are they doing? Seeking revenge?"

At this time, upon hearing the loud roar, many casual cultivators gathered around and looked at the Qingming Sect group with some surprise.

After all, the aura of these monks is too strong and frightening.

Especially this time, almost everyone was furious, as if they had overwhelming murderous intent.

Lin Nan's figure flashed, disappeared from the place, and reappeared in front of everyone.

"You're looking for me?"

Lin Nan glanced at the seventy or eighty strong men in front of him. Among them, the weakest ones were all core disciples of Qingming Sect who had reached the peak of Golden Immortal.

But there was no trace of fear on his face, and he even had an aura of looking down upon the world.

"Are you Lin Nan? Very good! Today is your death day!"

The eighth elder Xuan Wuji looked at Lin Nan and said coldly.

He had already seen Lin Nan's portrait during previous investigations, and now he just wanted to confirm it again.

"Yes, I will kill this officer today to avenge the elders and disciples of my Qingming Sect!"

"Kill this officer and make him regret living in this world!"

When the elders and disciples of Qingming Sect saw Lin Nan's figure, they all cursed angrily.

In the distance, the group of monks watching were a little stunned when they heard the words of these Qingming Sect monks.

"Did I hear you correctly? Has Lin Nan offended the entire Qingming Sect?"

"Oh my God, even the master of Qingming Sect is here this time. This Lin Nan is probably dead!"

"Death is certain! Almost all the powerful men of the Qingming Sect have been dispatched. Who can survive?"

The onlookers' monks looked at Lin Nan with eyes full of pity, as if they had seen the fate of Lin Nan being killed.

"Lin Nan, if you kill my Qingming Sect disciples, I will sacrifice your life for them today!"

At this time, Zhan Wushuang, the leader of Qingming Sect, finally stood up, looked at Lin Nan, and said coldly.

After all, the strength Lin Nan showed before was able to kill the great elder of Qingming Sect. At this time, the elders and disciples of Qingming Sect only dared to curse Lin Nan, but did not dare to actually fight with Lin Nan. Battle.

Only the leader of Qingming Sect, Zhan Wushuang, who has reached the peak of the Immortal King, can fight with Lin Nan.

"Sect Master, kill him!"

"The sect leader is invincible, kill this colleague and avenge his fellow sect!"

"Kill this officer!"

Seeing Zhan Wushuang standing up, the entire Qingming Sect's elders and disciples were all excited.

"Oh my God! This kind of momentum has never been seen in hundreds of thousands of years!"

The entire Qingming Sect's elders and disciples were so excited that the casual cultivators who were watching were amazed.

This is really shocking. They have never seen such a scene in their whole life of cultivation.

Today, we can finally see it.

Especially the master of the Qingming Sect, who is a strong man at the peak of the Immortal King. If such a strong man takes action, it will be so shocking and invincible!

"Oh, a bunch of ants!"

Lin Nan, who saw the scene in front of him, still looked indifferent, and even said lightly with a contemptuous sneer from the corner of his mouth.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, the elders and disciples of Qingming Sect were all stunned, and even took a breath of surprise.


"It's really too arrogant and presumptuous!"

"You really don't know how to live or die, and you are still so frivolous!"

"You are not aware that you are about to die!"

The elders and disciples of Qingming Sect all shook their heads and sighed, and even looked at Lin Nan with eyes full of resentment and contempt.

In their opinion, Lin Nan would definitely die if the sect leader took action.

But now, Lin Nan is still not about to die.

Otherwise, Lin Nan should immediately kneel on the ground, kowtow and beg for mercy.

Zhan Wushuang, the leader of the Qingming Sect, also had his eyes condensed at this time, and the anger in his eyes was like a strong wind, sweeping towards Lin Nan opposite.


At the same time, Zhan Wushuang also swung his palm forward, and an extremely powerful palm print shot out from his hand, sweeping towards Lin Nan at an extremely fast speed.


The huge palm print was surrounded by powerful auras, and countless dharma lights turned into giant dragons, wandering around.

At the same time, the dragon breath on those giant dragons enveloped almost all the monks present.

The bursts of dragon roars were earth-shattering, as if they came from an alien fairyland.

"So strong!"

"This, what exactly is the combat power of the master of Qingming Sect, a peak Immortal King? It's really terrifying!"

"Then Lin Nan is definitely dead. That palm is so terrifying, it is simply invincible!"

The group of monks who were watching were all horrified when they saw Zhan Wushuang's palm.

Even many of the monks among them were hurriedly stepping back at this moment, not daring to stand too close.

Such a powerful attack must be able to kill these casual cultivators even if there is even a trace of aftermath.

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