Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1521 If you don’t leave, then you die!

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News about the death of Ji Ziyue, the lord of Ziyue City, then spread to Beichen Palace.

After all, Twilight City is also a very important city under Beichen Palace, and the city owner of Twilight City is a strong man in the middle stage of Immortal King, and is one of the reserve elders of Beichen Palace.

But now, he has fallen like this, which naturally makes the entire upper echelon of Beichen Palace a little surprised.

"Who beheaded Ji Ziyue?"

In the meeting hall of Beichen Palace, Li Daoru, the elder of Beichen Palace who was sitting at the top, looked at the elders below with a gloomy face and said.

The aura on Li Daoru's body is very powerful, as if he has reached the peak level of the Immortal King.

With such strength, he can rank among the top five in the entire Beichen Palace.

Only the palace master of Beichen Palace, the old palace master, and several legendary immortal ancestors were more powerful than him.

However, because Li Daoru was injured before, his realm has been fixed at the peak level of Immortal King, and there is no hope of advancing to Immortal King anymore, so he is in charge of the overall situation of Beichen Palace on weekdays.

The Palace Master of Beichen Palace and the Old Palace Master are both in retreat, trying to reach the realm of Immortal Lord.

If they can reach the level of Immortal Lord, then the strength of their Beichen Palace will be even higher. By then, it will not be a problem to overtake the five major forces in the east.

"Reporting to the Great Elder, the secret report we have now is from a man named Lin Nan."

The seventeenth elder on the side heard Li Daoru's words and quickly stepped forward to report back.

The Seventeenth Elder, as a powerful person in the late stage of Immortal King, although he is not too strong in Beichen Palace, he cannot be underestimated.

"Lin Nan?"

Hearing the words of the seventeenth elder, the other elders, including the great elder Li Daoru, all frowned.

They were very unfamiliar with the name Lin Nan, having never heard of it before.

"Then what realm is Lin Nan in?"

Li Daoru still had a cold expression and asked again.


The seventeenth elder was speechless, and he didn't know much about Lin Nan.

"Great Elder, this remains to be verified."

After a pause, the Seventeenth Elder blushed and said.

"Hmph! Don't you even know the other party's details now?"

The great elder Li Daoru was obviously unhappy when he heard what the seventeenth elder said.

But then, he looked at everyone and said coldly, "Although Ji Ziyue is not an elder of our Beichen Palace, she can still be regarded as a member of my Beichen Palace. This time she was killed by Lin Nan, so she must pay the price !”

"What the Great Elder said is absolutely true!"

"Great Elder, we will definitely track down this person and kill him when the time comes!"

"Yes, anyone who dares to provoke me, Beichen Palace, will definitely die!"

When the other elders heard Li Daoru's words, they quickly bowed and said.

"Well! Everyone, get down!"

Li Daoru's expression softened a little, and then he waved his hand to let everyone disperse.

After all, in his opinion, just Lin Nan shouldn't be a big deal.

With the elders taking action on this kind of matter, there was no need for him to ask too detailed questions.

Subsequently, the entire Beichen Palace issued an order to trace Lin Nan's traces and kill him.

Anyone who kills Lin Nan will receive generous rewards from Beichen Palace.

At this time, Lin Nan, along with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters, came leisurely to the direction of Beichen Palace.

They are still 70,000 to 80,000 miles away from Beichen Palace. If they travel with all their strength, they can reach there in just a few breaths. However, Lin Nan led his family, playing and walking forward.

This speed is naturally extremely slow. If there were no accidents, it would probably take ten days and a half to reach Beichen Palace.

"Daddy, look, there seems to be a strange treasure in front of you!"

While walking, Lin Momo suddenly pointed to a valley dozens of miles ahead, with light shining in her eyes.

There were extremely dazzling rays of light shining in the valley, and it looked as if some important treasure had been born.

"Daddy, why don't we go over and have a look!"

Ling'er on the side also said quickly with her little eyes shining.


Lin Nan nodded and smiled slightly.

Although there were few precious treasures in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that could catch his eye, even if there were any rare treasures in the valley, they were nothing more than a pile of rubbish in Lin Nan's eyes.

But since my daughter is happy, that's enough.

Then, Lin Nan and his family turned into a stream of light and arrived at the edge of the valley almost in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, what fell into the eyes of Lin Nan and others was a huge fairy grass.

The fairy grass is seven or eight thousand meters high, and its rhizome is also extremely strong, with a diameter of more than tens of meters.

There are hundreds of leaves on the fairy grass, and each leaf is like blocking out the sky and the sun, which is as big as several houses.

The huge fairy grass emitted bursts of powerful Taoist magic light, shining in all directions, making people feel a sense of excitement in their hearts.

"Purple fairy grass!"

Lin Nan glanced at it and recognized this fairy grass. It was the purple fairy grass.

Moreover, this is a million-year-old purple fairy grass, which is extremely rare.

But at this time, beside the huge fairy grass, there were several monks with powerful auras, each holding fairy treasures, and they seemed to be confronting each other.

If you want to pick this fairy grass, you must first defeat other competitors. Otherwise, during the picking process, the opponent may make a sneak attack.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Nan and the others, the monks with powerful auras in the Immortal King Realm also turned their attention.

"A few mere ants, do you want to take a share of the pie?"

An old man who was in the middle stage of the Immortal King glanced at Lin Nan and the others and said in a disdainful tone.

"That's right, this is not a place that you Golden Immortal monks can get involved in. If you are sensible, get out of here!"

Another middle-aged monk in the early stage of Immortal King also issued a warning.

"Let you three breathe. If you don't leave, leave your lives here!"

An old woman in the early stage of the Immortal King was also using a cane, but her words contained strong murderous intent.

Seeing this scene, Lin Nan looked indifferent.

He didn't pay much attention to this purple fairy grass, but the other party's attitude towards him was a recipe for death.

"What if I don't leave!"

Lin Nan replied coldly.

"Don't leave? Jie Jie Jie! Then you die!"

When the old woman in the early stage of the Immortal King heard Lin Nan's words, she let out a creepy smile, then waved the crutch in her hand and charged towards Lin Nan.

The crutch in her hand seemed to be her natal fairy treasure, reaching the level of a king.

Seeing the old woman take action, the people who were confronting also stopped, and all of them turned their attention to Lin Nan.


A Taoist law light with a terrifying aura shot out from the old woman's crutch, and instantly turned into a long dragon, roaring and flying towards Lin Nan.

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