Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1523 Give you three time to breathe!

At this time, Grandma Jiuli also had a look of horror in her eyes.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Grandma Jiuli roared crazily in her heart.

Just now, she had exerted all her strength, even beyond normal, but in the hands of the man on the other side, she still defeated her attack with just one finger.

This was beyond her expectation.

It can be seen that the strength of the man in front of him is actually stronger than himself, even much stronger!

Grandma Jiuli was already a little uneasy and even a little afraid.

After all, I can't kill the opponent, but the other party will most likely be able to kill me.


At the same time, in the sky, a dazzling white light did not dissipate after defeating Grandma Jiuli's attack, but attacked her again.

The white light shone with an astonishing aura, which was extremely powerful and seemed to be able to swallow up people's minds.

"What! Not good!"

At this moment, feeling the extremely powerful aura emanating from the white light, Grandma Jiuli's heart tightened and she secretly thought it was not good.


The smell of death frightened Grandma Jiuli. She only had one thought at this moment, which was to escape!


Grandma Jiuli's figure suddenly flashed, turned into a stream of light, and galloped away into the distance.

At this moment, Grandma Jiuli almost used all her strength to suck milk. She never thought that today she would be in the hands of a man with a golden fairy aura and could only run for her life in panic.

"What? Grandma Jiuli escaped!"

"Oh my god, no way, this man can actually force Grandma Jiuli to run for her life!"

"It's incredible. Did we all underestimate him before?"

Seeing the figure of Grandma Jiuli running away wildly, the monks in the realm of Immortal King all had a look of astonishment on their faces.

At this moment, the way they looked at Lin Nan also changed, with a hint of shock.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Grandma Jiuli's figure appeared thousands of meters away, and her speed was not unpleasant.

If she was given a few more moments to breathe, it might not be impossible to escape hundreds of miles away.

But at this moment, Lin Nan's finger of white light finally fell.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the flying figure of Grandma Jiuli, suddenly stagnant, and then fell down instantly like an out-of-control stray bullet.

But just after it fell less than a few meters, it exploded with a bang, turned into a ball of blood mist, and dissipated in mid-air.

"This this……!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was speechless.

As a powerful person in the early stage of Immortal King, Grandma Jiuli has been traversing the Eastern Continent for hundreds of thousands of years. Today, she died and was killed directly.

This makes those strong men in the same Immortal King realm feel unreal.

At this time, Lin Nan clapped his hands, as if he had done a trivial thing, with a calm look.

However, unlike Lin Nan who was so indifferent, the monks at the Immortal King Realm opposite had solemn expressions on their faces.

They didn't expect that these random people would be so powerful, which was really surprising.

"Boy, I have to say that the strength you have shown now makes you qualified to share a share of the pie. We can share a share of this fairy grass with you!"

At this time, an old man who was in the middle stage of Immortal King stood up and looked at Lin Nan and said.

Since Lin Nan was able to kill Grandma Jiuli just now, his strength has been recognized by several people.

In their view, now that there is one more Lin Nan and one less Grandma Jiuli, even if they are divided equally according to the number of people, they will not lose much.

And if the fight with Lin Nan continues, it is not certain what the final result will be.

Everyone still understands the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils.

"A share? You think too highly of yourself!"

After hearing the words of the old man in the middle stage of Immortal King, Lin Nan sneered.

A few ant-like Immortal King monks were nothing in Lin Nan's eyes. Now the other party actually proposed to share this fairy grass with him. Isn't this a big joke?

The majestic Emperor of Heaven, who is the one and only existence in these nine heavens and ten earths, will never share treasures with others.

"You! Do you want one person to take it all?"

As soon as Lin Nan finished speaking, a monk in the early stage of Immortal King jumped out and pointed at Lin Nan with an angry look on his face.

"Even if your strength is not weak, we have a strong person here who is in the middle stage of the Immortal King, and several of us join forces. Even if you are twice as strong, you are still no match for us!"

Another monk who was watching the early stage of the Immortal King also stood up and analyzed Lin Nan carefully.

"Yes, if you know the truth now, we can agree to give you a share, but if you don't, then we don't mind joining forces to kill you!"

The old man in the middle stage of Immortal King said again.

At the same time, several other powerful men in the Immortal King realm also stood up and surrounded Lin Nan in a fan shape.

Seeing this scene, Lin Nan looked indifferent and didn't even look at the monks.

"Give you three time to breathe. If you don't get out, I won't mind squeezing you all to death!"

Lin Nan's cold voice, with a hint of murderous intent, rang in everyone's ears.

As a Heavenly Emperor, he naturally has the majesty of a Heavenly Emperor.

But now, he gave the other party three breaths to leave, which was already a great mercy. If the other party dares to be arrogant, Lin Nan doesn't mind squeezing the people in front of him to death like ants.



"Be bold!"

"It's just a matter of life and death!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the monks at the Immortal King Realm instantly exploded, pointing at Lin Nan and yelling angrily.

As powerful Immortal Kings, they are aloof existence no matter where they are.

Not to mention ordinary True Immortal and Golden Immortal monks, even monks who are also in the Immortal King realm are always polite when meeting them.

But now, in Lin Nan's words, they were like the humblest ants. What a contempt.

A strong Immortal King naturally has the dignity of a strong Immortal King.

If anyone dares to insult him, he will kill him no matter what.

"This kid's attack is a bit weird. Let's all join in and kill him!"

"Yes, this officer must be killed! Let's all take action together to achieve a quick victory!"

"Killing him will save face for us and other Immortal King monks!"

Everyone glared at Lin Nan and said one after another. At the same time, they turned over their hands, and fairy treasures suddenly appeared out of thin air in their hands.

Those immortal treasures are all shining with powerful auras of Taoism and Dharma, surrounded by endless colorful lights, mixed with various attributes, and they are all king-level immortal treasures.

At this time, Lin Nan faced the situation where everyone was joining forces and preparing to attack, but he still looked calm and calm, with his hands behind his back and not even looking at the crowd.

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