Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1532 There is only one way, death!

Afterwards, the two elders from the outer gate of Beichen Palace set off directly to look for Lin Nan in Beichen City.

At this time, Lin Nan was taking Liu Ruqing and his two daughters to wander in a trading shop.

"Daddy, look, there are many cultivation secrets, magical powers, as well as fairy treasures, spiritual herbs, and spiritual objects here!"

Seeing the dazzling array of treasures on the counter, Lin Momo opened her eyes wide and became a little excited.

Although there are many treasures in her little purse, and each treasure is extremely precious, she is still salivating over these treasures that do not belong to her.

Ling'er on the side also opened a pair of watery eyes. She and her sister Lin Momo were like two hungry little pigs, eager to pick up every treasure and look at it.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing followed behind them, strolling leisurely and enjoying the good time together as a family.


But at this moment, a huge spiritual thought suddenly enveloped the monks in the entire shop.

"Elder Taiyue, we found the man!"

In mid-air, a Golden Immortal monk quickly said to Elder Taiyue beside him.

"In that shop!"

The Golden Immortal monk pointed at the shop where Lin Nan and others were, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Go, get down!"

Elder Taiyue nodded, waved his hand, and said to Elder Taiqing beside him who had also reached the early stage of Immortal King.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, two elders from the Immortal King realm arrived outside the shop and stepped directly into it.

Behind the two of them were several outer disciples of the Golden Immortal Realm from Beichen Palace.


Seeing a monk coming, the monks in the shop quickly stepped forward to greet him.


But then, a sound like rolling came over like thunder, knocking the clerk back three or four meters.

The clerk opened his eyes in horror, looking at the powerful monks in front of him, but he dared not speak in anger.

This scene also attracted the attention of Lin Nan's family and other monks who were buying immortal treasures in the shop.

"You were the one who killed my elder Long from Beichen Palace?"

Soon, the Taiyue elder who was in the early stage of Immortal King came to Lin Nan, glanced at Lin Nan coldly, and said coldly.

"If you're talking about the ant I pinched to death before, that's right!"

Lin Nan also looked indifferent. He didn't even look at the other person and replied in an understatement.

"good very good!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, Elder Taiyue's face became gloomy, almost dripping with water.

However, he did not get angry immediately. Instead, he nodded several times, and his sharp eyes fell on Lin Nan.

At this moment, not only Elder Taiyue, but also Elder Taiqing and other outer disciples of Beichen Palace were also looking at Lin Nan carefully.

After all, this was a strong man who could kill Elder Long, so they naturally did not dare to underestimate him.

However, after looking at it, several people frowned.

Lin Nan's aura was not powerful in their spiritual exploration, and even his realm was just that of a golden immortal.

How such a monk could kill Elder Long was really unbelievable.

"Since you admit it, then go die!"

Then, Elder Taiyue also took a deep breath, looked at Lin Nan, and said coldly.

After all, no matter whether the opponent is really only a Golden Immortal, or whether he is hiding his strength, as long as he offends their Beichen Palace, there is only one way, death!

"What's going on? Has this man offended Beichen Palace?"

"It's over. The elders from Beichen Palace are here. I'm afraid this man is really going to die!"

"This... what kind of trouble did this cause? It actually caused the elders of Beichen Palace to come to seek revenge!"

The monks who were watching were a little surprised when they saw this scene, and they all made guesses.

They looked at Lin Nan with a hint of regret.

After all, in their opinion, offending Beichen Palace would definitely lead to death.

"A mere Immortal King monk dares to say such arrogant words. He is seeking death!"

Hearing the words of Elder Taiyue, Lin Nan's eyes also turned cold, with a hint of murderous intent in his tone.



"Be bold!"

The group of outer disciples from Beichen Palace were extremely angry at this moment.

In the eyes of these outer sect disciples, when someone dares to speak like this to their Immortal King elder, it is simply a matter of life and death.

"Elder, kill him!"

"Yes, kill him to avenge Elder Long!"

"Elder Taiyue, don't let this officer go!"

The group of outer disciples from Beichen Palace were all filled with indignation and wanted to tear Lin Nan alive on the spot.


At this moment, Elder Taiyue also waved his hand, and a white light suddenly shot out from his hand, covering Lin Nan without saying a word.

The white light was surrounded by powerful Dao Dharma rays, like torn air, and it was in front of Lin Nan in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Lin Nan still looked indifferent, not even bothering to dodge.

This scene fell in the eyes of the outer disciples of Beichen Palace, making them all excited.

"I thought this kid had any abilities, but that's all!"

"Yes, Elder Taiyue can kill this officer with one move!"

"You are looking for death, you are really looking for death! Even if he kneels down and begs for mercy, it is already too late!"

The outer disciples of Beichen Palace all talked about it one after another, their voices full of arrogance.


But at this moment, the white light suddenly hit Lin Nan, but was blocked by a green light shield three feet in front of him.

In the eyes of everyone, an incredible scene appeared.

I saw that the light shield was not only undamaged by Elder Taiyue's blow, but it did not even cause a ripple.

But with one blow from the incomparably powerful Immortal King, the early stage warrior instantly disappeared into smoke, as if he had never appeared before.

"What? What...what is going on?"

"I must have seen it wrong! How is this possible!"

"It's so easy to resist it. It's unbelievable. It's really unbelievable. That was a blow from the powerful Immortal King!"

When the monks who were watching saw this scene, they were all stunned and in disbelief.

Elder Taiyue is a strong man in the early stage of Immortal King, and he is also an elder of Beichen Palace! It is not easy to dodge a blow from such a powerful person, let alone resist it!

But now, Lin Nan has done it all, and he still does it so lightly.

The Golden Immortal disciples of Beichen Palace also looked astonished at this moment, with their mouths opened so wide that they could almost stuff a few eggs into them.

All of them looked like they had eaten a child to death and were speechless.

After all, this is really far from what they thought just now.

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