Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1552 One million fairy crystals!

In Wanshifang, the most magnificent pavilion on this street is three thousand feet high. Although it cannot be compared with Guanghan Ju and Guanghan Palace hanging high in the clouds, it is still one of the most magnificent buildings in Guanghan City. .

Wu You is currently in the upper floors of this building, and beside him is a person in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, who is a good friend of Wu You's father, Wu Lu.

There was a light curtain in front, and every move of Lin Momo, Ling'er and others was projected inside the light curtain.

"Uncle, excuse me. If it weren't for the spiritual formation projection in Wanshi Tower, Lingxiao wouldn't notice it, and my nephew wouldn't come to disturb your old man's Qingxiu."

Wu You saluted the Immortal King Realm powerhouse very respectfully.

"Your father and I are close friends of life and death. There is no need to be polite if we have a life-long friendship."

The strong man in the Immortal King Realm stroked his beard and smiled.

In a shop in Wanshifang, Ling'er frowned slightly, Lin Momo also frowned slightly, but Lingxiao beside her couldn't laugh or cry.

"Whose silly children are these two little dolls from? I told them just now that it was just a piece of waste stone, but they bought it without listening to the advice. Now they have lost all their money."

"Tsk, tsk, thirty fairy crystals are just gone. Looking at the looks of these two silly girls, although they are a little angry, they don't seem to feel sorry for the fairy crystals. Instead, they seem to be angry about their bad luck. You can't turn stone into gold."

"Do you know who the parents of these two silly girls are? To be able to ask Fairy Lingxiao to help take care of the baby, she must have a great background. You must know that although Miss Lingxiao is not the first among the seven fairies in Guanghan, she is the best in talent. Yes, and she has not been practicing for a long time. She is also the niece of the great elder of Guanghan Palace, and the granddaughter of the ancestor of the Immortal Lord!"

"In my opinion, either he is a member of a big outside force, and he is a fierce man with unparalleled strength. Or he is a close friend of Fairy Lingxiao, so that Fairy Lingxiao can be so willing to help take care of the baby."

Most of the monks watching were strong men who had been around Guanghan City all year round, so they all recognized Lingxiao, one of the seven fairies of Guanghan.

"Two little fairies, you can't blame us for this. This is the case in the stone betting industry. All rough stones are clearly marked with prices. If you like them, you can buy them. If you don't like them, no one dares to force anyone to buy them. You two Don’t get angry!”

The shopkeeper's forehead was covered with sweat, not because he was afraid of the two little girls, but because he was afraid of Lingxiao following behind the little sisters.

"It's just thirty fairy crystals. Who would anger you because of this drizzle? Just do your business with peace of mind."

Ling'er glanced at the shopkeeper and said in a sweet voice.

The reason why the two little sisters frowned and said nothing just now was not because the original stone was waste stone, but because the two little sisters sensed that at that moment, someone was already monitoring them through the spiritual formation from a distance.

You must know that although the two little sisters are only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, their combat power is extremely powerful. They can kill ordinary middle-stage Immortal King Realm experts, and they have the magic weapon given by Lin Nan.

Not to mention a strong person in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm who monitors the two little sisters through a spiritual formation. Even if the master of Guanghan Hall uses his great magical power to detect the two little sisters, the two little sisters can also notice it.

"Hey, you two little sisters, could it be that you say you don't feel sorry for yourself, but you already regret it in your heart? It's not a good thing for you to be duplicitous. Do you want me to compensate you with the fairy crystal?"

A voice came, and then a group of people came. When the onlookers saw the group of people approaching, they all hurriedly made way.

"Isn't this Qiao Shan, the eldest son of the Qiao family in Luobei? That one is Miao Wei, the eldest daughter of the Miao family in Yuanshui, and that one is actually Huang Xiang, the eldest son of the Huang family in the extreme south. What are these young ladies doing here? ?”

"It seems that they are here to find those two silly girls, but they don't seem to know each other. I wonder if there is going to be another fierce fight between the children of the aristocratic family!"

"That's not the case. In the past, it was because the heirs of the five major forces were not involved. Young Master Qiao and other aristocratic families could fight fiercely, and Guanghan Palace turned a blind eye. Now Fairy Lingxiao is here, obviously I still act as the nanny for those two silly girls for the time being, so Mr. Qiao and the others won’t be stupid enough to attack those two silly girls.”

As soon as a group of disciples from aristocratic families entered the shop, the monks onlookers started talking.

"Qiao Shan, Miao Wei, Huang Xiang, you'd better calm down, otherwise I won't mind throwing you out of Guanghan City."

Lingxiao looked at Qiao Shan and his party calmly, his tone was calm, but it gave people an unquestionable sense of oppression.

"Sister Xiaoer, we are not here to fight, we are here to play with these two little sisters."

Miao Wei spoke with a smile and looked at Lin Momo and Ling'er at the same time.

"Oh? What do you want from me and Ling'er?"

Lin Momo looked at Miao Wei with interest.

Ling'er cleared her throat. As long as the children of the aristocratic families dared to take action, she would yell out and call Lin Nan directly.

It's not that the two little sisters can't deal with Qiao Shan and others, but they are afraid that the strong men of Guanghan Palace will suppress her two people after they kill Qiao Shan and others, which will be very embarrassing.

"I heard from Wu You that the two sisters are very wealthy, so we came to take a look. To be honest, in terms of wealth, although our Miao family is not as good as the five major powers, in terms of financial strength, it is not much worse."

Miao Wei said.

Lin Momo and Ling'er looked at each other and understood that the other party was here to compete with them for financial resources, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Lingxiao wanted to stop them, but seeing that the two little sisters were actually smiling, he didn't say anything. She was also very curious about how many fairy crystals these two little girls had on their bodies, and they were actually willing to spend more than 10,000 fairy crystals to buy items that were completely useless.

"It seems that the two sisters have no objection."

Miao Wei and others also looked at each other and smiled.

The Qiao family, the Miao family, and the Huang family together had much more immortal crystals than Guanghan Palace, so there was no reason to lose to two little-known little girls.

"Of course I have no objection. When it comes to financial resources, as long as my father and mother don't give up, my sister and I have never lost to anyone."

Ling'er raised her eyebrows, looking like she had a winning chance.

"Okay, the rules are as follows. One million fairy crystals are used to purchase the rough stone. Whichever party buys the rough stone and gets the lowest receipt after cutting it will win. How about that?"

Qiao Shan told the rules of this rich fight.

"Oh my god, one million immortal crystals were sold at once. These major families are really extremely rich. No wonder even the five major forces have to make many compromises in business cooperation!"

"Compared with the rules promulgated by Qiao Shan, one million fairy crystals are nothing. Spending one million fairy crystals to buy waste rough stones is inhumane!"

"Damn it, I don't want to live anymore! I, a powerful person in the late Golden Immortal Realm, would kill people and steal goods for ten thousand Immortal Crystals. These children from aristocratic families can get millions of Immortal Crystals at the same time. What a fucking bully!"

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