Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1554: Losing!

"That's not right. Those two silly girls just now clearly knew nothing about rough stones. How could they choose so quickly now, and most of them are high-grade products? Did these two silly girls buy waste stones on purpose before?"

"Oh my god, this rough stone looks like it has been contaminated by the energy flowing from the treasures of heaven and earth. I didn't expect it to be a waste stone. How did these two silly girls see it?"

"Look, look, the treasure of Fushiju's store is actually a piece of rubble with nothing! The Lord Stone God personally evaluated it and said that it can contain a treasure that can be used by the powerful Immortal King Realm to cultivate. I didn’t expect it to be a piece of rubble!”

"Mr. Qiao, they must have lost this time, but there is nothing to be ashamed of. Those two silly girls can each produce ten million fairy crystals, and they know the original stones very well. Is it possible that their divine thoughts Can you detect the inside of the original stone?"

As the two parties began to purchase rough stones in Wanshifang and continued to cut the expensive rough stones, more and more monks gathered around, and exclamations sounded more and more frequently.

Lingxiao was still by Lin Momo and Ling'er's side. Seeing the two sisters constantly producing waste stones and defective products, she no longer knew what to say.

In less than an hour, the two sisters had spent more than five million immortal crystals, while Qiao Shan and other children of the aristocratic family had only spent more than two million. In Lingxiao's view, Qiao Shan and others had lost this time. , lost completely.

But after seeing the two little sisters' wealth and their methods of selecting rough stones, no one felt that Qiao Shan and others had lost unjustly, and no one felt that Qiao Shan and others were embarrassed.

And knowing what kind of father's soul the two little sisters have, naturally they won't feel that Qiao Shan and others lost unjustly. It would be a very glorious thing if they could win, but Qiao Shan and others obviously have no hope. .

Another period of time has passed, and the sky has gradually darkened, but Wanshifang Street is still as bright as day, which is the light emitted by the lighting magic weapons hanging in each store.

"Hey, my sister and I have already spent 10 million immortal crystals, and the total value of the treasures of heaven and earth obtained is less than 20,000 immortal crystals. Have you finished spending them?"

After finding Qiao Shan and others with the monk who helped witness, Ling'er spoke impatiently.

"There are five million immortal crystals left. Wait a minute. We have asked the shopkeepers of the major shops to transfer the defective rough stones from their shops. It should be here in half a stick of incense time."

Qiao Shan said.

Qiao Shan, Miao Wei and Huang Xiang, the leading disciples of the aristocratic family, were not in a good mood at the moment.

They know that they have lost, but now that the results have not been announced, they can only continue to buy rough stones until they cut all the rough stones and compare the treasures of heaven, material and earth that were found, and finally they can say who loses and who wins. .

"Well, we still have two rough stones here. One is priced at 1.3 million immortal crystals, and the other is priced at 1.5 million immortal crystals. They are both the treasures of their respective stores. Later, After you have opened the rough stones, we will open these two more.”

Lin Momo nodded.

Qiao Shan and others had no objection, but they looked strange. These two little girls actually bought other people's treasures to compete with them!

You must know that on Wanshifang, a hundred-mile street, all the rough stones that can be called the treasures of the store have been evaluated by many experts who have deep research on rough stones, and the price is 500,000 immortal crystals. Get started.

The lowest-priced shop-building treasure is enough to buy several first-level king-grade immortal treasures. The heavenly materials and earthly treasures contained in them are definitely not ordinary goods, let alone waste rocks.

But when they heard the discussion of the monks who had followed the two sisters from beginning to end, Qiao Shan and others were a little dumbfounded.

Because they understood clearly, these two little girls not only bought these two pieces of treasure, but also bought three other pieces, but those three pieces had already been cut, and two of them were waste stones.

One piece yielded a true fairy fruit, but its value was only five to six thousand fairy crystals!

At this moment, Lin Nan, who was in Guanghan Ju Guanghan Pavilion and had finished fighting Liu Ruqing again, narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What happened?"

Liu Ruqing had already put on her clothes. Seeing Lin Nan's expression change, she asked.

"Momo and Ling'er are going to lose. One of the two remaining rough stones in their hands is interesting. I'm afraid it will make the three Immortal Realm monks from Guanghan Palace come forward."

Lin Nan said.

"Aren't there only two Immortal Realm experts in Guanghan Palace?"

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but wonder.

"The Great Elder of Guanghan Palace is also an Immortal Lord Realm monk. It's just that outsiders don't know it. I'm afraid not many of the Immortal King Realm elders of Guanghan Palace know that."

Lin Nan's thoughts changed, and he put on the robe, stood up, and walked out with Liu Ruqing.

In Guanghan Palace, some disciples walked into the fairy garden where many elders lived and reported the incident of Lin Nan and his wife walking out of Guanghan Pavilion.

"Where are fellow Taoist Lin and his fellow Taoists going?"

Although the Great Elder Qingyue paid great attention to Lin Nan's movements, he was also methodical and did not lose his composure.

"Great Elder, Senior Lin and his Taoist companions left Guanghan Residence and were just strolling on the street. It seemed that they had no purpose, but the direction was towards Wanshifang."

The disciple who came to report answered respectfully.

"Great Elder, Fellow Daoist Lin is not going to organize a competition between those little kids, right?"

An elder looked solemn.

They knew Lin Nan's strength, so even if Lin Nan stopped the fight between several juniors, they wouldn't say anything.

But what others don’t know is that if they collided with Lin Nan and went on a killing spree in anger, the most difficult thing to do would undoubtedly be Guanghan Palace.

"If Fellow Daoist Lin wants to stop it, he won't wait until now."

The Great Elder Qingyue shook her head, but she also frowned and looked solemn.

"I have a premonition that something big is going to happen, but I haven't been able to deduce the root cause. Don't act rashly for now, and continue to watch the progress in the direction of Wanshifang. I just hope that Fellow Daoist Lin will not block the projection of the spiritual array after arriving at Wanshifang."

After silently deducing in his mind for a while, the Great Elder Qingyue's expression became more solemn, but he remained calm and did not rush directly to Wanshifang.

At the same time, in Wanshifang, Qiao Shan and others finally gathered the original stones.

"Mr. Qiao and the others are not very lucky. The rough stone looked like a waste stone at first glance, but they cut out a plant of Astragalus. Although the medicinal effect has dissipated a lot, it is still worth 50,000 to 60,000 immortal crystals."

"It's true. Look, something was cut out of that rough stone. It seems to be a purple pearl fruit. By the way... it should be worth fifty or sixty thousand immortal crystals!"

"Damn it, it's so irritating to see people compare to each other. They only want waste rocks, but they continuously offer heavenly materials and earthly treasures. I only want to offer something worth twenty or thirty thousand immortal crystals, but I never get what I want!"

"Why are you angry? Mr. Qiao and the others spent ten million immortal crystals, ten million! The total value of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures now available is not even two hundred thousand immortal crystals. If they were put on your head, I’m afraid my heart will collapse immediately.”

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