Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1558 Are you a human or a demon?

"What? Senior actually asked the little fairy to kill Wu You. Isn't this just to let the little fairy and Wu You fight? And it's just one of them, not two fairies joining forces. How can this be won? Wu You is at the pinnacle of the Golden Fairy Realm. What a genius!"

"Senior is confused! In this case, if the little fairy loses to Wu You, he will definitely take action. In that case, it would be more straightforward to kill Wu You directly!"

"Perhaps, this is senior deliberately playing tricks on Wu You. After all, Wu You used dirty methods to make Mr. Qiao and others target the two little fairies. Senior also said just now that he doesn't care what others think of him, so he is If you don't keep your word, senior will definitely not care."

Wu You, who was still in a daze, heard the words of the monks watching and suddenly felt as if he had eaten a bite of dead child meat, and it was still rotten.

Sure enough, there is no one good person among the monks. The stronger monks are more shameless than anyone else. Compared with Lin Nan, he is as innocent as a child!

"No need to worry, you two come together, I will show you the power of a strong man in the Golden Fairy Realm."

Wu You stood up and looked at the two little sisters who were guessing to decide who would appear, with a gloomy voice.

"Hey, sister, this ant is looking for death. I'm weaker than my sister, so just let me take action and let him see the terrifying combat power of the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm."

Ling'er grabbed Lin Momo's little hand and shook it, her pink face full of prayer and expectation.

"Okay, let me give it to my sister."

Lin Momo pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Ling'er suddenly became energetic. He took one step and appeared ten feet away. The unique terrifying aura of the golden fairy realm monks spread out, no longer covering up his true realm.

"Oh my God, the little fairy is not a true fairyland monk, but a strong person in the golden fairyland. This... is incredible!"

"I also find it unbelievable, but think about it, the senior is so powerful, how can the little fairy who is the daughter of the senior be weak."

"But the little fairy is only at the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, while Wu You is at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm. The difference is too big. Moreover, Wu You is able to save his life against the ordinary early stage of the Immortal King Realm. The little fairy still has no chance of winning!"

Seeing Ling'er exuding the energy unique to a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm, the monks onlookers were not surprised, but none of them believed that Ling'er could defeat Wu You. After all, there was several levels of difference between the two.

Although it is not a big realm, in the heaven realm, the difference between one level is the difference between heaven and earth. Unlike in the earth realm, you can not only be invincible in the same realm, but also kill powerful enemies across realms.

Moreover, Wu You is also a genius. Even if Ling'er's qualifications are much higher than Wu You, in the eyes of many onlookers, the gap between levels has completely offset Ling'er's talent advantage.

"Haha, little girl, I won't show mercy."

Wu You looked ferocious.

He had already made his decision. Even if he could defeat Ling'er, Lin Nan would intervene, so he would kill Ling'er with one blow to see what Lin Nan could do by then.

Compared to being directly obliterated by Lin Nan, Wu You felt it was worth it to be able to use Lin Nan's daughter as a backer.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law, the great road cares for me, open the sky with one palm!"

Wu You suddenly attacked, and his attack speed was no slower than that of an ordinary Immortal King Realm expert.

"So weak!"

Ling'er felt bored. If she had known this, she would have stopped fighting with her sister just now.

One finger pointed out that ordinary one finger had never used magical powers, let alone the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm.


Palm prints collided with fingerprints, and after an explosion, both palm prints and fingerprints disappeared without a trace.

"Just now... what Wu You used just now was actually Wu Lu's supreme magical power, opening the sky with one palm!"

"So fast, so strong! The decision has exceeded three hundred times the speed of sound. This is already comparable to the speed of many powerful people in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm. This... is really terrifying, simply terrifying!"

"What magical power does that finger of the little fairy have? It actually destroyed Wu You's palm in an understatement. This magical power is simply too strong! You must know that the little fairy is only in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm. If you are at the same level as Wu You, Then Wu You will be killed by the little fairy with one finger!"

"That... little fairy didn't seem to use any magical powers, she just pointed her finger!"

When everything came to an end, the onlookers realized what was going on and started talking among themselves.

It's really because the attack speed is too fast, exceeding three hundred times the speed of sound!

In the earth realm, any one of them can easily exceed the speed of light, but on this first day, even the strong ones in the Golden Fairy Realm can only reach several times the speed of sound. Even when facing the enemy, they can only expedite the speed of light. An attack at sixty or seventy times the speed of sound.

"This...how is it possible! How is it possible!"

Wu You was shocked more than anyone else and suffered an unprecedented blow.

"Are you a human or a demon? Why do you have such powerful fighting power!"

Wu You was on the verge of madness. The blow Ling'er had given him was so great that his Taoist heart was on the verge of collapse.

This is no wonder for him. When a person feels that there is no difference between himself and the most talented people in the world, and suddenly meets someone who is several levels below himself but can easily defeat him with a full blow, Anyone would be like Wu You.

The Taoist heart of a genius is extremely strong, but at the same time extremely fragile, like a double-edged sword.

"Dry tongue."

Ling'er frowned, feeling that Wu You's Taoist heart was really at a loss. She and her sister had never lost their composure like this when they met a monk who was stronger than them.

Clap it with one palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

In his heyday, Wu You was fully on guard, and there was no way he could resist Da Luo Mie Tian Palm. Now that his Taoist heart was in chaos, and he had no intention of taking action, he naturally couldn't resist it. When he realized that something was wrong, Da Luo Mie Tian Palm The Heavenly Palm has hit him.


A ball of blood mist bloomed, but before it fully bloomed, the strong energy from Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm annihilated all the blood flowers.

"Dead, the only heir of a strong man, a true genius, was killed by a little fairy in such an understatement!"

"I wonder what kind of bloody storm will happen when Wu Lu returns to Guanghan City tomorrow!"

"You shouldn't be able to make any waves. Although I have also heard that Wu Lu is very likely to have achieved the status of Immortal Lord, but the senior is an existence that even the ancestor of Guanghan Palace is afraid of. Wu You, who is in the early stage of Immortal Lord, is afraid It can only be given for free!”

The monks who were watching were all stunned, deeply shocked by Ling'er's powerful fighting power, but when the shock was too strong, people subconsciously avoided it.

It is understandable that it is all because I am out of reach and do not want to cause trouble for myself. It is better to talk about the death of the eldest son of the Wu family for entertainment.

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