Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1561 Premium Immortal Treasure!

After telling the story with Yun'er, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing learned that this middle-aged male monk was also a member of Fuchun Pavilion and one of the little bosses in charge of the central pavilion auction house.

The reason why I rushed here in a hurry was because I just received news that Yun'er and a pair of Taoist couples were going on a shopping spree.

Not to mention the immortal rope that was given to Yun'er worth 500,000 to 600,000 immortal crystals from the beginning and there was no place to buy it, more than 1 million immortal crystals were spent in less than an hour.

The auction of the central pavilion is about to be held, and what is needed is a wealthy person like Lin Nan who does not take the Immortal Crystal seriously.

There is no doubt that Lin Nan's revealed financial resources are much richer than those of the Qiao family, the Miao family, and the Huang family who are already in the central pavilion. It would be a waste not to invite Lin Nan to the auction house in the central pavilion. I can't get along with Xianjing.

"Honey, do you want to go?"

Lin Nan didn't care about this, the main thing was to see what Liu Ruqing wanted.

"Didn't you take your daughter to the auction house when you were in Twilight City? Today... forget it, I won't do it. Just buy all the items I like."

Liu Ruqing thought for a moment and then said.

Lin Nan smiled, and Liu Ruqing finally got rid of her restraints, understood that Xianjing was nothing to their family, and began to open her heart.

The auction house in the central pavilion is very grand, far from being comparable to the auction house in Twilight City.

There are no single rooms here, because those who can be invited or qualified to enter this auction house are the overlords of a party with prominent status and deep financial resources.

There are seats on a round platform with a diameter of more than ten meters. After Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing arrived, someone quickly sent two chairs of the real treasure level, and served various spiritual fruits and spiritual tea for the two of them to rest and taste.

"Huh? Why are there two little guys from the real fairyland here?"

"In this Fuchun auction house, monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm are very rare. These two little guys are very strange. I have never seen them in the Eastern Continent. Could they be descendants of the Immortal Sect or aristocratic families from the Central Continent? Disciple?"

"I just found out that the two of them are Taoist couples. The man just entered the small world and gave away a fairy-binding rope at the level of a king-level fairy treasure. In less than an hour, he spent more than one million fairy crystals, and all he bought were... Playthings, these Taoist couple should be strong men who have hidden their cultivation."

"Hiss... It's so generous. Even if we are the overlords of one party, we can't just give away a valuable and unmarketable king-grade fairy rope. And if the two of them hide their strength, it will be even more terrifying. I can't see through it!"

The arrival of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing aroused the thoughts of the strong men sitting on the other round platforms, and there was a lot of discussion.

However, these discussions were all made through spiritual transmission, and they all avoided Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing. However, how could they avoid Lin Nan's detection? Everyone's spiritual transmission was ignored by Lin Nan. captured.

"Dear sect masters, family heads, powerful men in the Immortal King Realm, geniuses in the Golden Immortal Realm, and all fairies and ladies. This auction will be the last auction of Fuchun Pavilion. After this auction, the members of Fuchun Pavilion will return to the Central Continent. , accept the appointment of the master of Fuchun Pavilion, and from now on there will be no Fuchun Pavilion in the Eastern Continent."

An old man with gray hair and a childlike face came on stage and spoke loudly.

The venue suddenly became quiet, but after the silence, there was unprecedented excitement.

"What's going on? Although few monks in the Eastern Continent know about Fuchun Pavilion, only the strong ones like me know the horror of Fuchun Pavilion. Even Wanshi Tower, which was clamoring that there was a master in the Central Continent, didn't I don’t dare to offend Fuchun Pavilion at all, and I have many contacts with Guanghan Palace. Why is this good guy going back to the Central Continent?”

"Yes, Fuchunge has a deep foundation in the Eastern Continent. If a powerful Immortal Realm comes from the Central Continent, Fuchunge can definitely rank among the top powers in the Eastern Continent and become the sixth largest Immortal Sect. Such a sudden departure Go, it’s really confusing!”

"Hey, do you think it has something to do with the Qingming Sect and the Beichen Palace being destroyed one after another? Maybe the strong men who destroyed the two sects came from the Central Continent. Now the situation in the Central Continent has begun to be chaotic, and everyone has to be recalled. Strength to ensure that Fuchun Tower’s foundation in the Central Continent is not damaged?”

"Well... the possibility is extremely high. Except for the Central Continent, there is no place where a strong man can easily destroy the two sects! I just don't know that the strong man's killing in the Eastern Continent has ended, he still has to kill the Eastern Continent Immortal I won’t stop until I’ve slaughtered all the people!”

The current discussion among many powerful people is no longer the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts, but direct speech, and their emotions and attitudes are therefore more intuitively revealed.

"Silence, fellow Taoists, please be quiet for now. I don't have much time. After the auction, I will lead my subordinates to set off. I hope you fellow Taoists will not make it difficult for me."

The old man on the high platform spoke again, and the auction house did become quiet.

It wasn't the old man's emotionless words that kept these overlords quiet, but the old man's identity as the head of Fuchun Pavilion, a generation at the top of the Immortal King Realm.

There are even rumors that this white-haired old man was once a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, but he fell down due to the war and came to the Eastern Continent purely for recreation.

Wan Shilou did not dare to provoke Fuchunge because the person in charge of Fuchunge was a white-haired old man who had never done anything but everyone knew that he was powerful. The person in charge of Wanshi Tower is only a person in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, so he naturally doesn't dare to act recklessly.

The old man said: "This last auction will be hosted by me. You can bid as much as you want. The first treasure is a pair of Tiandao Sun and Moon Pendants. It is said that when the Sun and Moon Dynasty in the Central Continent collapsed, a certain Gaidai was refined from the sun and moon in the Sun and Moon Cave, and they are a pair of high-grade and medium-grade immortal treasures. The base price is 50 million immortal crystals, and each quotation must not be less than 5 million."



There were uproar and gasps.

This time, the atmosphere in the venue was a bit more intense than when they learned that Fuchunge was going to withdraw from the Eastern Continent.

It was also at this time that the white-haired old man said this time: "Of course, this sun and moon pendant is a decorative treasure, and its attack power is only similar to that of an ordinary first-level immortal treasure. The pair of solar energy and taiyin energy in the sun and moon , has long been taken away by the original existence, otherwise it would not be just a middle-grade one."

Even though the white-haired old man said this, the atmosphere in the venue did not calm down.

After all, a high-grade immortal treasure is a treasure that is desired but unobtainable in the Eastern Continent. Apart from the five major immortal sects, who else or which party has the power to possess a high-grade fairy treasure in the Eastern Continent?

Now that the opportunity to obtain a high-grade immortal treasure was placed right in front of them, how could they miss it.

After the excitement, it’s time for a more intense quotation session!

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