Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1563 Lin Nan’s generous move!

"Nineteen billion!"

The head of the Huang family had already sat back on his seat, glanced at Lin Nan lightly, and continued to quote.

To be able to manage the Huang family, which does not have the power of the Immortal Realm, to a point where the amount of immortal crystals stored is not much worse than any of the five major immortal sects. Naturally, the head of the Huang family is neither stupid nor reckless.

Looking at Lin Nan's indifferent attitude, the Huang Family Master already knew after he calmed down a little. Lin Nan deliberately made the offer at the end. Now he only needs to compare with him to get the treasure.

At the same time, this approach will only offend the Huang family and will not offend other forces. The calculation is extremely shrewd.

"Nineteen hundred and ninety-five million."

Lin Nan made a quiet offer again.

No one in the field was discussing anymore. They all held their breath and watched the competition between the two in silence.

Lin Nan only quoted five million more than the Huang family leader every time, but the base price was too high, so no one felt that Lin Nan's momentum was insufficient, but that he was menacing.

This was brought about by the contrast effect. After all, the Huang family leader had lost his composure just now, but Lin Nan was always calm.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, I'm too lazy to make a quote. From now on, whatever price that kid offers, I'll just pay five million more immortal crystals than him."

The head of the Huang family glanced at Lin Nan coldly, and then looked at the white-haired old man on the high platform.

If others can see it, he can also see it, but Lin Nan, a young boy, wants to suppress him, the overlord of the party. That is simply a joke, and he is simply desperate.


The old man named Yi Daoyou by the Huang Family Master became energetic.

The guy they quoted has already exceeded his expectations. Even if he sells the Sun and Moon Pendant at this price, he can give the owner Fuchun Tower three more high-quality fairy treasures in a short period of time after returning to the Central Continent.

The old man surnamed Yi turned his attention to Lin Nan, wanting to see what kind of price this young man who had never seen before, and whose cultivation seemed to be just in the True Immortal Realm, would quote.

"Three billion."

Lin Nan still made the offer calmly.

"Damn it, this kid is too cruel. Three billion has taken away all the Huang family's wealth. I'm afraid the Huang family leader will be pissed to death!"

"Three billion is really a strain on the Huang family. The immortal crystals that can be mobilized are directly emptied. It won't take a thousand years to recover."

"Master Huang made a mistake this time, but that guy quoted such a good price directly. Even if he breaks the contract, no one will say anything to him, and Master Yi probably won't hold on to it."

"Hey, but the head of the Huang family has been embarrassed this time. That boy really offended the Huang family to death. After leaving Fuchun Pavilion, I'm afraid there will be a war!"

Regarding Lin Nan's move to directly raise the price to 3 billion, there was a deathly silence in the venue for a moment, and then an uproar broke out.

However, there were not many exclamations. Most of them were just watching the excitement, and their words also contained a hint of ridicule towards the head of the Huang family.

"Nonsense, just nonsense!"

The head of the Huang family became angry and immediately turned into powder when he sat down on the real treasure chair. The discussion in the room suddenly disappeared.

You must know that the head of the Huang family is at the top of the Immortal King Realm. The only ones who can compete with him in this auction are the head of the Qiao family and the head of the Miao family. The only one who can hold him down is Master Yi on the high platform.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, this kid is obviously messing around. The price just now is nothing!"

Although the Huang family leader was extremely angry, he also knew that taking action here would not give Master Yi face.

Director Yi nodded slightly and looked at Lin Nan: "Fellow Daoist Lin, if you don't have three billion immortal crystals on your body, you won't be able to quote such a high price."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words and agreed with Master Yi.

They all also knew that this was what the Huang family leader wanted to say just now, but he was so angry that he lost his temper, so he only said that Lin Nan was fooling around and did not tell this key point.

"I wonder how much these three Dao crystals are worth in the eyes of Master Yi?"

Lin Nan waved his hand and threw the three Dao Crystals in front of Master Yi.


Master Yi's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Dao Crystal, it is something of a higher level than Immortal Crystal. It only exists in legends. Not to mention the Eastern Continent, not many people in the Central Continent recognize Dao Crystal.

But Master Yi is one of the few people who recognizes Dao Jing and has seen Dao Jing’s existence with his own eyes!

"In terms of price conversion in the Central Continent, a Dao Crystal is worth 1.5 billion Immortal Crystals, but this is just a wishful thinking. Every time a Dao Crystal comes out, it will cause a bloody storm in the Central Continent. This contains the true meaning of the Dao. The most precious treasure, even though I, Fuchun Tower, have only obtained two Dao crystals in endless years!"

Manager Yi murmured to himself, not loudly, but who were the people present? They all heard Master Yi's words clearly.

Everyone looked at each other, and even the head of the Huang family calmed down. They didn't know Dao Jing, nor had they heard of Dao Jing, but Master Yi told them that their cousins, Fuchun Tower, the top immortal sect in the mainland, only had two Dao crystals. This shows how precious the Dao Crystal is!

But Lin Nan took out three pieces at once, and he was not afraid of anyone taking action against him. It was obvious that Lin Nan did not pay attention to everyone present.

It was also at this moment that everyone understood why Lin Nan was so calm from beginning to end. As some people had guessed before, this guy was really a strong man who had hidden his cultivation!

"The Dao Crystal is a priceless treasure. The 1.5 billion Immortal Crystals assessed by the Central Continent are just a joke. Even if 10 billion Immortal Crystals are produced, no sect will sell the Dao Crystal. And this Sun and Moon Pendant is only It’s a plaything, and since Fellow Daoist Lin likes it, I will give it to Fellow Daoist Lin on behalf of Fuchunlou, and I also ask Fellow Daoist Lin not to refuse.”

Master Yi finally came to his senses and bowed to Lin Nan from a distance.

"I never owe anyone a favor."

Lin Nan waved his hand, took back two Dao crystals, and also took a photo of the sun and moon pendant.

"This...then I will accept it. If Fellow Daoist Lin goes to the Central Continent, if you are interested, you can go to Fuchun Tower to stay for a few days. Fellow Daoist Lin will definitely be my most distinguished guest in Fuchun Tower for endless years."

Master Yi put away the Dao Crystal with some anxiety and bowed to Lin Nan again. This time he bent slightly when bowing, which showed that he was sincerely afraid of Lin Nan.

"What on earth is that Dao Crystal? That boy only took out three pieces, but he actually made Master Yi so polite... No, it's not as simple as being polite, but respectful and fearful!"

"As powerful as Fuchun Tower, there are only two Dao crystals. Every time a Dao crystal comes out, it will cause war in the Central Continent. This... is simply not a treasure that we can imagine and get our hands on!"

"Master Huang is not unjust. Listening to Master Yi's words, even if Master Huang offers 10 billion immortal crystals, he will eventually choose Dao crystals. This is no longer on the same level. I'm afraid he will face the immortal monks with the true immortal realm." There is no difference between the supreme realm and the great power!”

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