Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1565 The remnant soul of a half-step immortal saint!

"You have lost, so you can cultivate yourself."

Lin Nan turned a deaf ear to the discussions of the monks around him, and ignored the words of the gamblers in the Immortal King Realm. He just spoke calmly.

"What? Boy, you dare to play tricks on me. Do you know that you are seeking death?"

The Immortal King Realm gambler suddenly became angry.

He originally thought that Lin Nan was a generous guy, but he didn't expect that he would be a rogue. He hadn't even rolled the dice yet, but he actually said that he lost the game because of the inevitable outcome.

What a fate!

The highest game in the Heavenly Gambling Game, within the rules, there is no bigger game than the Tianjue Picture.

"When did I say I would roll the dice with you?"

Lin Nan asked calmly.

"You...bastard, you're looking for death!"

The Immortal King Realm gambler finally couldn't bear it anymore and smashed the gambling table into pieces with a slap.

At the same time, the Qi of his realm was no longer hidden, and the Qi unique to the Immortal King Realm powerhouse began to flow out.

"Oh my god, the Gambling Immortal who has disappeared for tens of thousands of years has actually broken through. When he disappeared, he was already a strong man in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm. Could it be that now he has become the ultimate Immortal King Realm?" A top-level existence!"

"That man is finished. Gambling Immortal is not a kind person. He actually dares to play tricks on Gambling Immortal. He will definitely be killed by Gambling Immortal!"

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard before that the father of the two little girls is a being that even the ancestors of Guanghan Palace have to treat with respect. Although Gambling Immortal has become a strong man at the top of the Immortal King Realm, he and Guanghan Compared with the ancestor of the palace, he is still just an ant."

"Hmm... He can let his daughter squander tens of millions of immortal crystals without feeling distressed. That man should be the descendant of a super family or powerful son. He may be from the mainland, but no matter how prominent his status is, he does not have enough cultivation. Dealing with the gambling fairy can only lead to death."

"Yes, Senior Gambling Immortal is a free-spirited being. He killed the niece of the Lord of Fuguang City back then. Killing a person from the Central Continent was just a matter of waving his hand for him."

The monks onlookers were optimistic about Lin Nan at first, but as the discussion started, it was obvious that they were no longer optimistic about Lin Nan.

At the same time, as a gambler, he also looks down on people who are backed by big families and powerful forces. Naturally, he is jealous. Why do they have to work hard on their own? Those children of aristocratic families and disciples of big forces have countless resources, rich family backgrounds, and can do whatever they want. The wealth they spread is something they will never get in their lifetime!

Therefore, most gamblers on the road now hope that the moment will come when the Gambler Immortal slaps Lin Nan to death, which will make them feel extremely comfortable.

"Come out."

Lin Nan raised his hand, and a streak of dark green light flew out of the sea of ​​gambling immortal consciousness and stayed in Lin Nan's palm.

The dark green light seemed to have a sense of autonomy, struggling hard to break away from Lin Nan's restraints, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not break away from Lin Nan's restraints on it.

"you you……"

Gambling Immortal stood dumbfounded on the spot, speechless. He never thought that someone could see through his roots and gain insight into the secret that allowed him to pull off a fateful outcome.

"No, this is not true. Even a powerful person in the Immortal Realm cannot detect the existence of Master. You..."

Gambler roared crazily, and at the same time turned his magical powers to attack Lin Nan, but found that he was frozen in place, unable to move his feet, and unable to turn around the spiritual power in his body.

"The remnant soul of a half-step immortal saint ant also wants to take over my body, and it is overestimating its own capabilities."

Lin Nan spoke calmly and annihilated the dark green light in his palm that was struggling to perform the Soul Forbidden Technique.


The moment Lin Nan annihilated the dark green light, Gambling Immortal roared in grief.

Everything he had was brought to him by the remnant soul of the Half-Step Immortal Saint. Otherwise, he would still be just a Golden Immortal Realm monk and would not be able to win countless Immortal Crystals through gambling.

Although most of those fairy crystals were used to purchase heavenly materials and earthly treasures to restore the strength of the remnant soul, he had become dependent on the remnant soul. Now that the remnant soul was destroyed, he could not imagine how miserable his future life would be!

"Since you like to show others your cultivation in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, then I will help you."

Lin Nan knocked down the realm of Gambling Immortal with a flick of his finger, turning him into a true middle-stage Golden Immortal monk.

After doing this, Lin Nan no longer looked at the decadent gambling fairy, and left the casino with Liu Ruqing and others.

"I... who just said that that bastard made Ancestor Guanghan jealous because of his backstage support? This... is an understatement of knocking down a powerful person at the top of the Immortal King Realm. What kind of cultivation is this! "

"He didn't take away the more than two million fairy crystals that the gambling fairy won from her daughter. How rich must he be to not take the fairy crystals seriously! God, I feel like I have lost hope in life. The wealth that I have been unable to accumulate after hundreds of thousands of years of hard work is actually given up when others say I don’t want it!”

"The Gambling Immortal is over, completely over. That man never took the Immortal Crystal away. He clearly wanted us to target the Gambling Immortal!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Even if Gambling Immortal has the best king-grade immortal treasure, he is completely unable to activate it at his current state. I want to take action. Do you want to take action?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't want the free fairy crystal? Come on, come on, there are exactly twenty-one strong men at the top of the Golden Fairy Realm. Let's join forces and we can get 100,000 fairy crystals each."

"Yes, just leave the Wangpin Immortal Treasure to the casino, we only want the Immortal Crystal!"

In just an instant, the Gambling Immortal, who had not yet recovered from the blow of having his soul destroyed and his realm knocked down, was killed on the spot by twenty-one strong men at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm!

"Senior, the most beautiful place in Guanghan City is Guanghan Palace."

Following Lin Nan walking down the street, Lingxiao finally spoke after being silent all the way.

"Then let's go to the Advertising Palace and lead the way."

Lin Nan nodded.

Guanghan Palace, Guanghan Palace, Patriarch Yue Shi was discussing with many elders whether to follow Lin Nan, while the palace master Han Yue was playing with the Heavenly Dao Stone.

"Girl Qingyue, please tell me your opinion."

Ancestor Guanghan Yue Shi was finally tired of hearing the nonsense of many elders and looked at the great elder Qingyue who was sitting next to the master of Guanghan Palace. She had not spoken from the beginning to the end, but was listening to everyone's words attentively.

"Ancestor, I feel that following Fellow Daoist Lin will be a great avenue to the sky for my Guanghan Palace."

Great Elder Qingyue's answer was very brief.

Yue Shi was quite satisfied with Qingyue's words. After all, Qingyue stated her position directly, unlike other elders who were so ambiguous and entangled.

Yue Shi looked at Han Yue: "Han Yue, you make the decision."

"Of course I am following. Fellow Daoist Lin must know the mystery of the Tiandao Stone, but he exchanged it with us generously. Moreover, Fellow Daoist Lin should know what Guanghan Ling is, what it has and its uses. His strength is unfathomable and not something we can do. Speculative."

Han Yue put away the Heavenly Dao Stone, glanced at the many elders, and then spoke calmly.

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