Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1573 Another extinct divine body! (Seventh update)

After a while, Shangguan Boyang returned to the living room behind a woman, who was obviously his sister.

"Shangguan Ming?"

When he arrived, Lin Nan had already learned his sister's name from Shangguan Boyang.

In Lin Nan's opinion, the name Shangguan Ming is more suitable for Shangguan Boyang, but although he is very idle, he is not boring enough to let others change his name.

"Why do you want to return the Immortal Crystal for us? Although Boyang's qualifications are good, not to mention in the entire Central Continent, in this Jieyin City alone, a monk with better qualifications than Boyang would have to have 800 if not 10 million. Ten thousand."

Shangguan Ming was very wary of Lin Nan and did not treat Lin Nan as a guest just because Lin Nan returned the fairy crystal for them.

"You look down on your brother too much. At the same time, your physique is no worse than your brother. They are both unique to ancient times. In today's era, they can still appear, and they appear in the same family. They are still brother and sister. It kind of surprised me.”

Lin Nan's tone was calm.

"Oh? I heard that Boyang said that you came to my house just to take a look at me. If I have good qualifications, you will find a master for me. I heard what you said, and I have obviously fallen in your eyes. I don't know if you What kind of master will you find for me?"

Shangguan Ming asked.

After a slight pause, he continued to ask: "Is he a powerful person in the Golden Immortal Realm like you, or is he a powerful person in the Immortal King Realm?"

Lin Nan smiled, stood up, and said calmly: "I looked down on your brother just now, but now you think too highly of yourself."

"In that case, please leave and leave your address. I will pay you back the 10,000 immortal crystals I owe you as soon as possible."

Shangguan Ming's tone was equally calm.

"Sister, how can you talk to your senior like this? You said that what you hate the most is your father, just because he is ungrateful and ungrateful. But you are so wordy with your senior. This is different from your father. What a difference!"

Shangguan Boyang on the side finally spoke.

Although she felt uncomfortable before, Shangguan Ming's words were not unpleasant and were no different from her usual ones, but this last sentence made him unbearable.


Shangguan Ming looked at Shangguan Boyang, stared at him for a while, said nothing, turned around and left the living room.

"Shangguan Boyang, is there a suitable place for monks to practice near Jieyin City? It would be best if there is a place where monks in the Golden Immortal Realm have a 90% chance of falling. I will take you to try it out."

Lin Nan still spoke calmly.

"If you dare to take Boyang to the ancient battlefield of Black Abyss, I will fight you to the death!"

Shangguan Ming, who had turned around and started walking, suddenly stopped, turned around, and stared at Lin Nan for a moment.

"Senior, my sister has already spoken out. The ancient battlefield of Black Abyss, fifty thousand miles away, meets the requirements of senior. Shall we get on the road now?"

Shangguan Boyang spoke without looking at Shangguan Ming, but judging from his nervous look, it was obvious that he did not dare to look at Shangguan Ming because he was afraid of being scolded by Shangguan Ming.

"Let's go."

Lin Nan nodded, and then walked out first.

Shangguan Boyang looked at Shangguan Ming cautiously, but when he saw Shangguan Ming's almost angry eyes, he was frightened and quickly turned his eyes away. After a moment of hesitation, he chased after him.

"Boyang, stop!"

Shangguan Ming suddenly became anxious and hurriedly chased after him.

"Sister, you know that Master Feng is very good to us. You also said that no matter whether Master Feng punishes us for the delay, you will not complain about Master Feng. But senior, I was in an extremely embarrassing situation. I don’t want to disappoint the person who showed up and helped me, and I don’t want to be like my father.”

Shangguan Boyang stopped and after saying these words seriously, he turned around again and chased Lin Nan.

"You bastard!"

Shangguan Ming was so angry that his delicate body was trembling slightly, but he had to go along.

As Shangguan Boyang said, he didn't want to be like their father, and she didn't want him to be like her father.

The most important thing is that Shangguan Boyang's Taoist mind is too limited. If he feels that he has violated his original intention, his Taoist mind will be disordered, and he may not be able to make any progress in this life.

In this mainland, even if it is only one of the cities, Jie Yin City, a True Immortal Realm monk is really nothing.

If it weren't for the ban on fighting in the city, just walking on the street would have to worry about being slapped so hard by some strong man in a bad mood that he wouldn't even be able to survive.

"I have experienced on the edge of the ancient battlefield of Black Abyss, and I am relatively familiar with it. I will lead the way for you. But if you encounter danger, you must first ensure Boyang's safety. Otherwise, I will touch the taboo existence deep in the ancient battlefield. I also have to let you be killed by the forbidden existence on the ancient battlefield of Black Abyss."

After catching up with Lin Nan, Shangguan Ming's tone was cold and he didn't even look at Lin Nan.

Lin Nan didn't care about this and didn't try to run against Shangguan Ming.

Grandpa owes an astronomical amount of debt, and his father is still unsatisfactory. He has to raise his younger brother while he repays the debt. If Feng Baiwu, the moneylender, hadn't been an upright man, and Shang Guan Ming's appearance, he might have been arrested long ago for dual cultivation, or used as a furnace.

It was precisely these kinds of things that made Shangguan Ming develop a character of not trusting anyone.

Lin Nan, who has seen the vicissitudes of life and the changes over the years, can understand these factors even if he has not explored the state of mind and memories of the two siblings. This is why he can tolerate Shangguan Ming running against him.

If Lin Nan had met Shangguan and his brother before they even had a pair of daughters, they would have convinced them directly and forcefully, and it would have been even less likely that he would have allowed Shangguan Ming to squeeze him out like this.

But he already had two little girls with Liu Ruqing. On the way home with Shangguan Boyang, after hearing what happened to the siblings, he just thought for a moment that if he and Liu Ruqing were suddenly gone, what would happen to Lin Momo and Ling'er? I felt extremely heartbroken about what life would be like, so I immediately cut off that thought.

Liu Ruqing is Lin Nan's enemy, and the two little ones are Lin Nan's weaknesses!


Shangguan Boyang approached Lin Nan and shouted quietly.

"If you want to talk to me alone, just use your spiritual voice to communicate. If you come over directly like this, unless your sister is blind and deaf, and her spiritual voice is blocked, she won't be able to see that you have something to say to me behind her back. .”

Lin Nan glanced at Shangguan Boyang and knew that he was not really stupid, but just too naive. She was brought up purely because of the constant protection of her sister Shangguan Ming, and she is a complete novice when it comes to human relations.

Shangguan Ming, who was a few feet away from Yukong Flying and Lin Nan, glanced here, but didn't say anything.

She also knew that her younger brother had always been protected by her, which made him still as innocent as a twelve or thirteen-year-old child. She also thought about reversing this situation, but there was no suitable candidate.

As for her own teachings, she was reluctant to let Shangguan Boyang come into contact with the sophistication of human nature.

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