Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1585: Kill an entire city with just one thought!

This time the attack was not a layer of thunderclouds, but a beam of light projected from the core of the formation high in the sky in the middle of the city.

A beam of light is real light. It is so fast that even if the six senses and combat power are not suppressed by the Evil Realm, it is still not as fast as the speed of this beam of light, because the speed of this beam of light has reached the speed of light, which is different from ordinary magical powers. Compared with the speed, it is already many times faster.

Under this blow, no one thought that Lin Nan could survive, because this beam of light was not the power of the Aries City defense formation itself, but an attack from the Evil Realm Supreme who sealed Aries City as a portal. The foundation gained from the first giant city.

But before the beam of light hit Lin Nan and the others, the evil spirits on the city wall were dumbfounded. Each one of them was dumbfounded and could not help but show fear. Even the Lord of Aries City, You Jiantian, was no exception.

Just because when that beam of light was still about a mile away from Lin Nan, it turned its route directly like ordinary light being reflected by a mirror, and headed straight for the magnificent city gate of Aries City.


With a loud noise, the barrier of Aries City's city defense formation was broken through.


There was another loud noise, and the south gate of Aries City, which was thick and equivalent to a king-level immortal treasure, was directly shattered.

The power of the light pillar had not completely dissipated, and it still rushed forward. In just the blink of an eye, Aries City, which was more than three hundred miles in diameter, was split into two by the light pillar, and the gate to the north was directly shattered by the light pillar.

The three-hundred-mile-long deep ditch in the city was more than thirty feet deep and more than a hundred feet wide. Countless buildings were destroyed along the way. Especially the city lord's palace in the center of the city was split into two. The evil spirits killed and injured nearly three hundred thousand people!

"Okay! What's going on? What happened?"

"This... this... who is that man in black! Even if the Supreme comes in person, he may not be able to change the direction of the attack so calmly. You must know that the beam of light is a shocking blow that contains 90% of the Supreme's cultivation. !”

"It's over, Aries City is over! The Evil Realm is over! Even if the Supreme Lord comes, he may not be able to stop the young man in black!"

"I'm not willing to give in! I haven't waited until the time to massacre the human race, but I was massacred by the human race monks in advance. This... the sky has no eyes, it is unfair!"

Sudden changes caused the evil spirits on the city wall to lose their fighting spirit. In the face of absolute power, no matter how powerful they are, they will feel powerless. If even the strongest person on their side may not be able to win, this feeling of powerlessness will turn into despair.

But when despair enveloped the body and mind, those powerful evil spirits also resolutely decided to die.

It is difficult for humans and evil spirits, or perhaps all races, to get along with each other. Especially evil spirits and other races are completely opposite and mortal enemies.

Facing the strong men of the enemy clan, even if they feel desperate and have no hope, the evil spirits will not give in. Instead, they will choose to understand their own lives by risking their lives.

"Asshole, even if it means death, I will not surrender to you!"

"Yes, the biggest difference between us evil spirits and you humans is that we can run away, but we will never surrender to the enemy!"

"For the sake of my tribe, for the glory, and for the Supreme, I... will die without regrets!"

With a decisive roar, the evil spirits on the city wall abandoned the destroyed city defense formation, flew out of the city wall one after another, formed a formation and rushed towards Lin Nan.

The leaders were the Lord of Aries City and those Immortal King Realm evil spirits.

But they didn't touch Lin Nan, let alone kill him.

Before the evil spirit masters had completely left the city wall, Lin Nan had already wiped out all the evil spirits in Aries City in one thought.

Hundreds of thousands of blood mist bloomed on the city walls, and more than 300,000 blood mist bloomed everywhere in Aries City.

Aries City is huge, let alone more than 30 million people. Even if you remember 300 million people, it won't seem crowded. After all, the buildings in the city are not small houses like ordinary buildings.

More than 30 million evil spirits were activated by Lin Nan's thought, and bloomed into a gorgeous blood mist all over the city at the same time, like blood-red epiphyllums. If someone looked down at Aries City from the sky, they would definitely think that this was A rare beauty in the world.

These evil spirits did not feel pain or fear when death came, because they did not even know that the strong men in the city were already facing the powerful enemies at the south gate. Most of the more than 30 million bright bloody epiphyllums were also It blooms in streets and shops.


Although Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Boyang could not see the situation inside Aries City, nearly a thousand evil spirits flying out of the city wall, as well as hundreds of thousands of evil spirits on top of the city wall, instantly exploded into clouds of blood mist. This scene was really shocking. The two siblings arrived.

Especially Ling'er's accustomed posture made the two siblings frightened. They really couldn't imagine how many powerful people and cities Lin Nan had to kill before he could let the seven or eight-year-old Ling'er... Children can get used to such bloody scenes!

"Here, keep it yourself. After you leave the Evil Realm, you can find a way to refine the magic weapon of your own life."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Nan grabbed the dark stone from Aries City and handed it to Shangguan Boyang.

For Lin Nan, the fact that he can lead the two siblings to hone their realm, enhance their combat experience, and search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures is already a great gift to them. He does not know how to refine their own magic weapons. No more help.

If a monk needs help from others even for his natal magic weapon, then there is no need to refine the natal magic weapon, and there is no need to continue practicing, because in that case, he will not be able to go far in the future.

A moment later, Lin Nan led Ling'er and Shangguan siblings across Aries City in the air.

When they saw the bloody scenes everywhere in the city, the two siblings were shocked again. At the same time, they also vaguely felt that even a fairy city in the Central Continent like Jieyin City would only end up being slaughtered in front of Lin Nan!

The Supreme City, the Supreme Palace, this is the residence of the first evil spirit that was born when the Evil Realm was condensed and opened up.

The evil spirit that accompanies the creation of each evil realm has already reached the early stage of the Immortal Realm when it was born. Compared with some ancestor gods born when the world was opened, it is not inferior in any way. It can be said to be the darling of heaven and earth.

And the accompanying evil spirit will also become the supreme of the evil realm where it is located, and will be respected and worshiped by thousands of evil spirits in future generations.

At this time, the Evil Spirit Supreme, who was in retreat, opened his eyes because he sensed that the attack he had left in Aries City had been triggered. He was curious about what kind of existence could force his combat power to be no less than that of ordinary immortals. You Jiantian, who was at the peak of the King Realm, activated the attack he left behind.

"Huh? Human monks? Aries City has been slaughtered!"

After integrating with the evil world and seeing clearly the situation in the direction of Aries City, the Evil Spirit Supreme was stunned.

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