Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1590 Return to Jieyin City!

"Shangguan Ming, go and get the title of No. 1 True Immortal in Jieyin City. As for Shangguan Boyang, let's see if we can get into the top 360."

Lin Nan ordered.

"Senior, don't worry, Ming'er will try his best."

Shangguan Ming was overjoyed when she heard this, because from Lin Nan's words, she could hear Lin Nan's affirmation of her.

"Ah? Senior, why does my sister want to take first place and I can only strive to enter the top 360?"

Shangguan Boyang felt very disappointed. He felt that the top 360 was appropriate, but Lin Nan didn't seem to think highly of him.

"You can only defeat the ordinary peak cultivators of the True Immortal Realm. There are too many True Immortal Realm cultivators who can defeat you. Moreover, the monks participating in the competition are not limited to the True Immortals who have been promoted in the past three thousand years. I asked you to fight for the former. Three hundred and sixty, but I’m still afraid that you think I don’t think highly of you. If you can get into the top 10,000 by then, I’ll think it’s pretty good.”

As soon as Lin Nan said these words, Shangguan Boyang became even more depressed. He just felt that he was just looking for trouble. Why did he ask this question when he was so good?

Seeing Shangguan Boyang's deflated appearance, Shangguan Ming, the madman who protects his younger brother, smiled for the first time in this situation.

"Father, father, where is Ling'er? Ling'er also wants to participate in the competition and win first place!"

Ling'er, who had been listening with her little ears pricked up, finally couldn't help but speak.

"During the Golden Immortal Competition, you, Momo, Lingxiao and the others will get the top ten in the Golden Immortal Realm."

Lin Nan said.

"Oh, then Ling'er can only take second place!" Ling'er said a little disappointed.

Then, the little girl counted on her fingers: "One sister, plus Ling'er, there are two, plus Lingxiao and the others, seven?"

"Huh?" Ling'er immediately realized something was wrong and looked up at Lin Nan, "Father, that's not right. There are only nine people. How can we win all the top ten?"

"Silly girl, have you forgotten your mother?" Lin Nan reached out and touched Ling'er's clean forehead.

"Ah? Then... then Ling'er can only take third place! Ling'er's life is so hard!" The little girl was even more disappointed.

Lin Nan had no interest in getting involved in the True Immortal Competition and the Golden Immortal Competition. When he was in Qingming Sect in the Eastern Continent, he only entered the arena to have fun because he was not limited to realms.

The two major competitions in the Central Continent have clearly limited the realm. Even if Lin Nan can easily break these rules, he will not touch them. After all, he still has to teach his two precious daughters.

It doesn't matter if his two daughters are raised into little devils, but if they are raised into two little bastards, that's not what he wants.

After returning to Jieyin City and walking into Shangguan's house, the servants had already changed their attitude towards the strange young man in black 360 degrees when they saw him coming back. Shangguan Ming and Lin Nan were more like their biological father and granddaughter when they were still alive. All the servants were dumbfounded.

Although the realm of these servants is not high, the realm they have reached, especially in this first heaven, is no problem to live for one or two thousand years. Even pure mortals who cannot cultivate can live for two or three hundred years, not to mention them, Therefore, more than half of them have met the old head of the Golden Fairy Realm of the Shangguan family.

"Senior, please wait a moment, Ming'er will prepare for the banquet."

After leading Lin Nan and his daughter to the main hall and pouring tea, Shangguan Ming couldn't wait to go to the kitchen to prepare for the banquet.

Lin Nan smiled and nodded.

But when the food was served almost an hour later, Lin Nan looked strange as he touched his chopsticks.

Shangguan Boyang looked extremely normal, as if he was used to eating this kind of food.

"Ah! Who cooked this? Xiao Ming, your servants are so useless. Come on, drag me out and give me a whipping of eighty thousand lashes!"

Ling'er just put it in her mouth and chewed it twice, then spit it out without hesitation, took a sip of spirit wine to moisten her throat, and then said with a strange cry.

"Ah? I cooked this myself. Isn't it delicious? But Boyang said that the food I cooked is more delicious than the food in Haoqi Tower!"

Seeing Ling'er's appearance, Shangguan Ming immediately panicked. After this period of contact, she had a clear understanding of Ling'er's character. This little girl always speaks directly and doesn't beat around the bush, especially when she calls herself When I was a princess, I would have reached an unbearable level, or I would be extremely happy.

But the current situation is obviously unbearable for the little girl. Is the food she cooked really so unpalatable?

"Shangguan Boyang!"

Shangguan Ming looked at Shangguan Boyang, anger arose in his heart, and spoke word by word.

She didn't expect that her precious brother had been lying to her. The most hateful thing was that her former self was so praised that she foolishly believed his lies.

The family was so poor that they were too happy to open the door. Even when my grandfather was still alive, he only went to a fine restaurant once in a while. When did my stupid brother go to Haoqilou, the first restaurant in Jieyin City!

"Um...sister, you...listen to my explanation..."

Shangguan Boyang was even more panicked than Shangguan Ming just now. He had been deceiving him for nearly a thousand years, but he didn't expect to be exposed by Ling'er today.

"You have never deceived anyone, but you have deceived your sister who owns everything in the municipal party committee for more than nine hundred years! I said that when I ate it, I felt it tasted weird. You also said that everyone eats their own food like this. Isn't that right? Grandma Li and the others were also instructed by you to answer me in the same way when I asked them?"

Shangguan Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed Shangguan Boyang's ear, and twisted it hard. Shangguan Boyang screamed in pain. After all, Shangguan Ming was not an ordinary person. With a little bit of spiritual power, Shangguan Boyang could instantly taste the only taste. It is a feeling that I have only experienced before I have practiced.

"Okay, let's eat first. It's your wish anyway, and it's not bad. It's just that Ling'er is used to eating pastries made from spiritual fruits and heavenly materials and earthly treasures, so she feels that the taste is unsatisfactory. If you give it to those in the lower world If the monks who dominate the area taste it, they probably won’t have to think about the food you cooked every day.”

When Lin Nan spoke, he was not saying something against his will, that was the fact.

"Father is right. You two, sister and brother, please settle down for this princess and eat your meals honestly. It's not appropriate to fight and fight at the dinner table."

Ling'er said in an old-fashioned way, then waved his hand to disperse the food he had just vomited out, and then continued to pick up vegetables and eat.

But the little girl took every bite slowly, as if the food was poisonous and would make her extremely uncomfortable and unable to swallow it.

Shangguan Ming, who was already smiling after hearing the words of the father and daughter, suddenly felt extremely aggrieved after seeing the little girl's appearance: If you don't want to eat, you won't eat. I won't say anything, why are you doing this? ah!

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