Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1594 Is he the supreme being?

"What? A mid-grade, high-grade immortal treasure? What the hell, except for the Twelve Immortal Sects and a few top-notch families and sects like the Feng Family that rely on the Twelve Immortal Sects, who else in the mainland can hold a high-grade immortal treasure? Taste the Immortal Treasure!”

"Huh? Why is she a little girl? It's okay for a proud girl like Feng Baihuang to join in the fun. Why is such a little girl like this coming out now!"

"This little girl is in trouble. How can she get the high-grade immortal treasure? She is playing with Fairy Qingyu. Even if Fairy Qingyu doesn't care about her, there are so many monks who admire Fairy Qingyu! "

"Hehe, once we leave Fuchun Pavilion and go outside, I'm afraid there will be many monks who break the city's rules and take action against that little girl. Then there will be a lot of fun to watch."

Ling'er's words made the monks in the building stunned for a while, but when they came back to their senses, many monks suddenly became excited.

How many years has it been since no one dared to play tricks on Fairy Qingyu?

Today, one appeared, and she was still a little girl. This is really strange. There are all kinds of strange things in the world!

On the high platform, Fairy Qingyu, wearing a veil and sitting on a stool, couldn't help but follow the sound.

Then he saw Ling'er being held in Lin Nan's arms, and also saw Feng Baiwu and Yan'er standing beside the father and daughter.

"Little sister, if you want to hear your elder sister playing the piano, just ask her to play a song for you. As for the high-quality fairy treasure you mentioned, my kind sister understands it, but you should keep the magic treasure for yourself."

Qingyu spoke for the first time since she appeared, and her voice was so beautiful that it sounded even more beautiful than her music.

"Oh my god, I'm drunk, totally drunk! It sounds so...sounds so good!"

"Fairy Qingyu is indeed my goddess, she is so easy-going and tender!"

"Oh my God, I'm lost. I... I'm afraid I will never fall in love with anyone again in this life. Only goddesses like Fairy Qingyu are the best candidates for Taoist companions in the hearts of monks like me!"

"Ah! I'm so envious of that little girl. I...I also want to do it once. Can you all agree not to settle the accounts after next autumn?"

"You are thinking nonsense. If you dare to do that, I will ruin your cultivation."

Fairy Qingyu's words actually made the monks who originally admired her become even more obsessed with her, as if they regarded her as the most sacred goddess in their hearts.

"Do you think this princess is a liar?"

Ling'er was unhappy. No one had ever been able to reject her, let alone treat her as a lying girl. This was absolutely intolerable.

Fairy Qingyu didn't pay attention to Ling'er's words and thought it was a child having a tantrum.

As for the other monks, naturally they will not take Ling'er's words seriously, respecting the Immortal Treasure! Or is it a mid-grade, high-grade fairy treasure that can be produced just by talking?

In the box, the Shangguan siblings, Feng Baiwu and Yan'er held their breaths, waiting for the moment when Ling'er took out the high-quality immortal treasure.

The Shangguan siblings knew that Ling'er disdained lying, so they believed that Ling'er had a high-grade fairy treasure. What's more, Ling'er also lent a jade toad, a top-grade king-grade fairy treasure, to Shangguan Ming to gain spiritual power. This made the two siblings have no doubt that Ling'er had a high-grade immortal treasure on his body.

As for Feng Baiwu and Yan'er, because they knew that Lin Nan was the existence that Master Yi was deeply afraid of, they also believed that Ling'er could produce the high-grade immortal treasure.

The two of them held their breath for a different reason than the Shangguan siblings. They were afraid that Ling'er would be angry and attack Qingyu. Even if Qingyu could suppress Ling'er, she would definitely not be Lin Nan's opponent.

Although they were in Fuchun Pavilion, they still had to abide by the city rules set by the Haoqi Sect. The two were afraid that the Haoqi Sect would not know Lin Nan's terror and would fight with Lin Nan, causing the life of Jie Yin City to be ruined.

"If you are asked to play the piano, you can do it. If you continue to talk nonsense, I will kill you with a finger."

Lin Nan finally spoke, his tone cold and unquestionable.

Lin Nan's words also angered the monks, and Fairy Qingyu also frowned slightly.

But before the monks could scold Lin Nan, they saw Lin Nan wave his hand and a magic weapon flew towards the high platform. The speed was so fast that even the powerful Immortal King Realm present felt their eyes were dazzled. When he looked again, The magic weapon that Lin Nan played was already within three inches of Fairy Qingyu's eyes.

"The magic weapon has been given to Qingyu. If anyone dares to say that this princess is talking nonsense again, then I will blame this princess for being rude and slaughtering all of you."

Taking a look at the magic weapon hovering in front of Qingyu's eyes, Ling'er raised his eyebrows and said fiercely.


Fairy Qingyu was stunned for a long time. When she came back to her senses, she saw clearly the string of bracelets in front of her and the grade of the magic weapon. It was a middle-grade and respected fairy treasure, and it was mainly for defense. Unexpectedly, she didn't wait. After she refined it, it connected with her mind, and she was immediately shocked and speechless.

Looking up at Lin Nan's parents, she saw that Lin Nan's expression was indifferent and did not change in any way due to her watching. However, Ling'er's gaze gave her a feeling as if she was looking down at ants, which made her even more frightened, and she secretly mourned in her heart. Which Immortal Sect's Immortal Realm Ancestor goes out to play?

But it is impossible, even if it is a powerful Immortal Realm from the Twelve Immortal Sects, it is impossible to give her a high-grade Immortal Treasure, let alone a mid-grade high-grade Immortal Treasure, and even if he has no interest in her at all.

"Just... was that just... really a high-quality fairy treasure?"

"I think... I think the world must be crazy, or we are crazy, and someone actually directly gave away a high-grade fairy treasure. This is a supreme treasure that even fairy crystals cannot buy!"

"Who are the young man and the little girl in black? Why did they give away a high-quality fairy treasure as calmly as we throw out a few fairy crystals at random?"

"I don't know...could it be...that some immortal sect invited the supreme being from the second heaven to come down, right?!"

"Hush! If there is such a possibility, don't discuss it any more, or you will anger the Supreme!"

All the monks were stunned for a long time before they reacted. When they started talking again, they were not too excited because this time they were all whispering.

You must know that he is a fierce man who can throw out a high-grade immortal treasure casually. If what he said angers him and he really slaughters all the monks present as the little girl said, then he will not even cry. The place went to tears!

"Thank you, senior and little... princess, Qingyu will play the music now."

Qingyu thought about it, put away the bracelet, stood up and bowed to the father and daughter, then sat down and started playing the piano.

"Brother Lin...Senior Lin, that...that is a high-quality fairy treasure!"

Feng Baiwu looked at Lin Nan blankly.

"I'm just helping him. He's also a miserable person. His soul is controlled by a foreign race and he can't get the freedom he wants. When this song ends, she will understand everything."

Lin Nan glanced at Feng Baiwu, and then said unhurriedly.

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