Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1603 Give you two ways!

Ye Yangyun and others were dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

They were mentally prepared to be rejected before coming, but they didn't expect Lin Nan to reject them so boldly, completely unlike the attitude of other strong men when they refused to accept others as disciples.

Especially the words Lin Nan said made them worthless, but if you think about it carefully, they are still so good at it.

Most of the monks who ascended from the lower world to the Central Continent have only practiced for 20,000 to 30,000 years, and none have been more than 50,000 years old. Among them, there are also many who are amazingly talented, and they have only practiced for a few thousand years. Ascension is successful.

You must know that even in the middle continent of the Xuanwu Star Territory, one can become a True Immortal Realm monk within ten thousand years, and one's basic skills are not bad.

Those who have cultivated to the level of true immortals in the lower world for thousands of years, or even one or two thousand years, if they were born in the middle continent, would probably be able to become true immortals in hundreds of years. Even the Shangguan brothers and sisters cannot compete with those monsters who ascended from the lower world. Compare.

Of course, Ye Yangyun and others did not know that the Shangguan siblings had special physiques. After completely stimulating their physiques, the Shangguan siblings were much stronger than those monks who ascended after practicing in the lower realm for three to four thousand years.

There is no doubt that Lin Nan's words cannot be refuted by Ye Yangyun and others. It is really because their qualifications are really not good. If they were born in the lower realm, they would have turned into loess long ago.

"Okay, you can stay here if you want, and leave if you want. This is not my home. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't cause any damage."

Lin Nan waved his hand, then ignored the group of True Immortal Realm monks and turned towards the stone table.

"Lord, if you have nothing to do, you can teach these little guys a lesson, which will relieve your boredom, right?"

After Han Yue sat down and saw Ye Yangyun and others still staying there, she said with a smile.

"Don't, don't. After taking Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Boyang with me, I feel exhausted physically and mentally. I'm still not suitable to take care of a disciple. I just need to teach my family Ruqing and the two little ones well. The rest has nothing to do with me." Lin Nan waved his hand.

The three girls couldn't help laughing when they heard this. A peerless being like Lin Nan could use his magical power to elevate Ye Yangyun and others to the Golden Immortal Realm. Perhaps the Immortal King Realm is not impossible, and teaching Ye Yangyun and others can also be done. It won't be a laborious task, but even if you don't want to give advice, it can only mean that Ye Yangyun and others don't have such an opportunity.

Throughout the ages, there have been too many powerful people who randomly selected useless people to teach. Although they cannot be compared with geniuses, those lucky ones who were selected have undoubtedly achieved achievements that they could not even imagine in the past.

But although my master plays in the world, he is obviously not the kind of person who likes to give advice.

"Your Majesty, I think Shangguan Ming should be given to me. Ancestor can just go to Guanxian Holy Realm with peace of mind. As for Senior Sister... My Lord also said that Senior Sister's physique is Shangguan Ming's nemesis. If Senior Sister can't teach her well, besides, Senior sister is just like the master, she is someone who doesn't know how to teach her disciples." Qingyue said with a smile.

"I have taught you two sisters, and I no longer want to be a preacher. Now that I have followed the Lord, I can just practice with peace of mind. Don't worry, I won't argue with you girl."

Yue Shi glanced at Qing Yue and felt it was funny. She guessed that Qing Yue was afraid that after she accepted Shangguan Ming as her disciple, a young cultivator in the True Immortal Realm would have the highest seniority among the cultivators in Guanghan Hall. More than hundreds of thousands of people.

Although Yue Shi is the real preacher of Han Yue and Qing Yue, he is not their master. The master of the two sisters has already transformed into the world of heaven and earth.

"In this way, Qing'er will thank the ancestor."

Qingyue hurriedly thanked her. She had become a powerful person in the Immortal Realm. In front of Yue Shi, she still had the character of a girl. She could not see the charm of having been in charge of the affairs of Guanghan Palace for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Junior sister, if you want to accept Shangguan Ming as your disciple, I'm afraid you will have to accept Shangguan Boyang as well."

The cold moon laughs.

She had never thought about accepting Shangguan Ming as her disciple. Even if her physique could not restrain Shangguan Ming, she would not consider accepting Shangguan Ming as her disciple.

Qingyue said that she couldn't teach her disciples well, not because she was trying to bully her, but because she had never accepted a disciple and only occasionally gave guidance to Lingxiao. That was because Lingxiao was her junior sister's niece. She didn't even bother to give advice to Lingxiao.

After all, Han Yue and Lin Nan are very similar. It's not that they can't teach apprentices well, but they don't want to teach and are too lazy to teach. They would rather be idle and bored to the point of doubting life than accept apprentices.

"Forget it, Shangguan Boyang. This child's nature is to be coy and foolish because of his sister. Let's hand him over to the Sixth Elder. As the Sixth Elder, he is only one step away from entering the Immortal Realm. Existence, teaching Shangguan Boyang is like killing a chicken with a knife."

Lin Nan had already made plans for Shangguan Boyang's ownership.

Although Qingyue taught Lingxiao and the two other seven fairies of Guanghan Palace, Qingyue's temperament does not belong to the sharp type, and the sixth elder who was once responsible for Guanghan Residence was the type to go to that place. Standing there is an imposing presence.

Asking Shangguan Boyang to worship the Sixth Elder as his teacher can be regarded as a fool who has met a suitable famous teacher.

"Since the Lord has said so, Qingyue is bound to do anything."

Qingyue had no objection to Lin Nan's decision. After all, Guanghan Palace had never accepted a male disciple. When she listened to Lin Nan describe the situation of Shangguan sister and brother, she had no thoughts of accepting Shangguan Boyang as a disciple. , even though Shangguan Boyang's physique is no worse than Shangguan Ming.

"Senior, can you also choose a master for us?"

Ye Yangyun came closer and asked cautiously.

Now, he and his companions no longer dare to think anything wrong about the three girls of Yue Shi.

From the conversation between Lin Nan and the others just now, they had already heard that Yue Shi and the others were powerful experts in the Immortal Realm, and Yue Shi was a peerless expert at the top level of the Immortal Realm.

The status of a powerful person in the Immortal Realm can completely intimidate their Taoist heart, which is not really strong.

"Don't even think about it. There are only female monks in Guanghan Palace. Who would want to accept you as disciples? I do have a male servant, but that guy is busy restoring his Dao foundation and cultivation, and has no time to talk to you."

Lin Nan refused directly without any room for detours.

"But... doesn't Boyang have a master who is at the top of the Immortal King Realm!"

Ye Yangyun is about to collapse. What is this? This world is so unfair. Others can worship female monks as their teachers, why can't they?

"I'll give you two paths, life or death. Choose your own."

Lin Nan picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said calmly.


Ye Yangyun suddenly became speechless.

His companions were also shocked. Only now did they realize that the young man in black in front of them was not a kind person!

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