Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1606: Ten people were killed!

"The mere Ye family dared to blackmail my father. How audacious. If I won't destroy you today, will everyone in this small city think my father is easy to bully tomorrow?"

Lin Momo spoke in a deep voice.

But the little girl was only seven or eight years old after all, and her voice was still very childish, with a milky sound and no murderous intent.

"That's right, if I don't wipe out your Ye family completely, won't you go to heaven?"

Ling'er also scolded with a pair of big watery eyes.

Jieyin City is undoubtedly the largest city the two sisters have ever seen, but in this case, how can the two sisters admit this fact.

Anyway, no matter what, the monks in Jieyin City together are no match for their father, so of course it can only be regarded as a small city.

There is absolutely no problem with the logic of the two little sisters. Lin Nan once said that even the entire Xuanwu Star Territory could be wiped out with just one thought.

"Don't talk nonsense, little kid. Although my Ye family is not as good as the Twelve Immortal Sects, we are not bandits or bandits. When did we end up needing to blackmail others?"

Ye Mingyu's face looked very ugly.

He didn't think the little sisters were lying, after all, neither of their fathers came forward.

Moreover, he knew exactly what Ye Zi's urine was like. He had corrected it for two million years, but it didn't change much.

This time, I am afraid that for some reason, some of the Ye family's children blackmailed these two little girls, which led to these two little girls bringing someone to the door.


Ye Mingyu was suddenly startled, thinking of the eighteen Golden Fairy Realm disciples who died one after another an hour ago. Could it be that they were those eighteen people who didn't know whether to live or die? He met these two little sisters when they were training outside. , and blackmailed the father of a pair of little sisters?

‘Asshole! You deserve to die, you deserve to die! ’ Ye Mingyu kept scolding in his heart.

Is the Ye family finally going to die at the hands of unsatisfactory children?

A follower who can easily give away mid-grade and high-grade immortal treasures and equip his own daughter with a follower is not inferior to the Feng family's four prides, or even stronger than the seven proud daughters of heaven.

Ye Mingyu didn't think there was such a thing. After discovering that his daughter was in danger, he would be unable to get over at the critical moment because of something.

Today, I am afraid that the intervention of the city lord's palace, or even the arrival of powerful immortals from the Haoqi Sect, may not be able to resolve the matter.

Even if the Ye family survives in the end, it has definitely lost its status in Jieyin City and has to be forced to evacuate Jieyin City. Otherwise, within a few years, the Ye family will be completely wiped out!

"But it's not that there is no room for relaxation. If you, the Ye family, want to extort one million immortal crystals from my father, then you, the Ye family, can just lay off ten Immortal King Realm monks."

Lin Momo was silent for a moment and then said seriously.


Upon hearing this, Ye Mingyu and other Ye Family Immortal King Realm experts couldn't help but take a breath. This little girl seemed harmless and innocent, but... this was too cruel!

"Oh my god, where did this man come from? It was actually because the children of the Ye family wanted to blackmail their father for one million immortal crystals. They didn't say anything before the blackmail was successful. Now they came to the door and broke the barrier of the Ye family's formation. , defeated one of the three halls of the Ye family, but still wants the Ye family to kill ten Immortal King Realm experts, this... is too arrogant!"

"Not necessarily. Don't you see that the master of the Ye family and other strong men of the Ye family, although angry, have never scolded or taken action directly? In my opinion, these nine strong men who have never appeared before are definitely leaning against the big tree. That little girl The father I am talking about is probably so powerful that he is not afraid of the Haoqi Sect, otherwise how could he dare to attack Jieyin City with such a big fanfare?"

"Hey, don't tell me, things are getting more and more interesting. I heard that Fairy Qingyu appeared in Fuchun Pavilion last night and was rewarded with a medium-grade and high-grade fairy treasure by a mysterious existence. Could it be those two little ones? The girl’s father?”

"What? Oh my God, a high-grade fairy treasure? Or a mid-grade treasure? Is this true? Even the ancestors of the Haoqi Sect can't be so heroic!"

"I didn't believe it when I heard it before, but now, I have to believe it. Otherwise, who can tell clearly that these are not the powerful people in the Immortal King Realm, but their fighting power is stronger than the ordinary early stage Immortal King Realm powerful women. Where did it come from?”

Ever since the two little sisters and the seventh sister broke down the door of the Ye family, the monks who had been watching the excitement from a distance were constantly talking and guessing about the identity of the group and how the Ye family would deal with the matter in the end.

"Sister, is Princess Momo's request a little too much?"

Among the crowd, Shangguan Boyang was also shocked by Lin Momo's words.

The fight hasn't really started yet. The front palace cost hundreds of millions of immortal crystals to cast. Now it's been smashed into pieces. They haven't even asked for compensation yet. You asked them to kill ten Immortal King Realm experts. No one would agree with this!

"Where is it too much? If we really fight, the Ye family will only be destroyed. Even if the powerful master of Haoqi Sect comes, he will not be able to stop the senior. Have you forgotten the Immortal Realm evil spirit in the evil domain?"

Shangguan Ming shook his head slightly and spoke to Shangguan Boyang through his spiritual voice.

"You guys, please don't do anything. If you have something to say, say it well. If you have something to say, say it well. Give our Haoqi Sect some face!"

While the onlookers were talking among the monks and the elders of the Ye family were waiting for the family leader Ye Mingyu to make a decision, a powerful Immortal King realm flew over, followed by more than fifty Immortal King realm powerhouses behind him.

Among the fifty or so Immortal Kings, more than twenty were from the Haoqi Sect, and the rest were sent by forces such as the Feng Family that had roots in the city to assist the Haoqi Sect monks in assessing the problem.

"Elder Yun, you are here at the right time. Please help tell the two friends that my Ye family is already lacking in top-level combat power. If we lose ten more Immortal King Realm powerhouses, it will really be the end of the world!"

Seeing the Haoqi Sect monk who came in the lead and started to persuade, Ye Mingyu clasped his fists in the air and did not hide anything, but directly begged him loudly.

"Ah? Is the Ye family admitting defeat? It's impossible, even if other immortal sects come knocking on the door, it's impossible for the Ye family to admit defeat!"

"Yeah, it's incredible. You have to know that 20 million years ago, Beidou Palace attacked Jieyin City. At that time, all the top families in Jieyin City rebelled. Only the Feng family and the Ye family never changed their stance and fought against Beidou. Gong fought to the end, and only then did the great master of Haoqi Sect agree to help refine the high-grade immortal treasure!"

"Oh my God! Look, look, Elder Yun is so polite to those two little girls. It's not like he's mediating a fight. He's just asking the little girls whether they're satisfied or not. If they're not satisfied, they can still talk!"

"I...I have never seen Elder Yun be so polite when dealing with fighting incidents in the city!"

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