Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1629 The competition is over!

Lin Nan had been sitting on the high platform and watching for three full days, and half a year had passed in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

Lin Nan did notice that the thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world, and only the thirteen overlords who were kings and hegemons in the lower world, could unite so many casual cultivators, and this was also unprecedented in history. feat.

But Lin Nan had no idea about the thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world.

He didn't need thugs in the first place. He was allowed to run rampant in the nine heavens and ten earths. In many heavens, no matter which realm or domain he was in, he could smash them all with one slap if he wanted to.

How could a being like him need any followers?

If Yue Shi hadn't brought out a Taoist artifact that was of great help to Liu Ruqing, he wouldn't have accepted Guanghan Palace.

Now there were thirteen monks who had ascended from the lower world and came up with various ideas in order to be favored by him and be accepted by him. This was completely unnecessary in Lin Nan's opinion.

The monks who ascended from the lower world were all unruly people and had little sense of belonging to the sect. Lin Nan did not want to keep a group of white-eyed wolves around him.

He does have countless treasures of heaven and earth. If he wants, he can knock down the Xuanwu Star Territory to the lower realm, and he can also raise the Xuanwu Star Territory to the highest level.

It's just that it's not interesting, he is too lazy to do it, just like he doesn't want to be taken advantage of for no reason.

"Father, your thirteen people are all pretty good. Do you want to accept them as your followers?"

Ling'er didn't know what Lin Nan was thinking, but she felt that Lingman was not much weaker than Shangguan Ming and was on the same level, so she thought it was very constructive, so she asked Lin Nan this question.

"No, they won't be willing to be followers."

Lin Nan shook his head slightly and reached out to rub Ling'er's little head.

"But their foundation and strength are quite good."

Ling'er nodded, took out a spirit fruit, took a bite, and then said something to himself.

"There are many monks who are not bad at all in terms of strength, but we don't need followers."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

Ling'er nodded again, focusing all his attention on the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

"Father, half a month has passed inside. The monks who ascended from the lower realm led a fight with Shangguan Ming and the others."

Lin Momo reached out and patted Lin Nan. The little girl's attention was always on the secret realm of mountains and rivers and did not move away, unlike Ling'er who was restless.

"I know, I'm watching." Lin Nan responded.

Many strong men on the high platform were a little dizzy, not because of the never-before-seen showdown between the two armies in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, but because of Lin Nan's attitude towards the two little girls.

Lin Nan made them feel that he was too unusual. Not only was the monk unpredictable, but even the Immortal Realm masters did not dare to guess him. His personality was completely different from that of a strong person.

You know, any strong man who has Taoist companions will not have a bunch of heirs? But there are almost no heirs who can truly be cared for. After all, in the journey of cultivating immortality, the most important thing is always oneself, and even close relatives are not as important as cultivation.

There are only a few people in ancient times who can give up everything for the sake of their loved ones, and are even willing to give up their cultivation. Some of them are just some unworthy monks. After entering the golden fairyland, almost no one will destroy the Taoist foundation for the sake of their loved ones.

But the Lin Nan they saw was different. He regarded the two little girls as the apple of his eye. He was no different from those people who deeply loved their children in the world. The only difference was that Lin Nan was so powerful that he would never let them down. They can only look up and dare not expect to be on an equal footing with him.

The fight in the secret realm of the mountains and rivers did not last long, which was something that surprised everyone.

The thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world gathered another group of monks, including casual cultivators and disciples from various sects. The total number exceeded fifty thousand, which was equal to Shangguan Ming's party half a month ago.

Shangguan Ming's side, on the other hand, has not absorbed many monks in the past half month. It still only absorbed the monks from Jieyin City. However, all the foreign monks were killed and eliminated, so the number only increased by more than a thousand.

The two evenly matched sides actually ended the battle within just a few hours after it started!

After the battle, the rankings of the True Immortal Competition were also announced.

Shangguan Ming, the only one who survives in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, deserves the first place, while Shangguan Boyang is ranked 37th.

The thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world all entered the top thirty, and the rest of the thirty were all Jie Yin City monks.

Seventy percent of the top ten thousand people are Jieyin City monks, and 90% of the top one thousand people are Jieyin City monks.

If it were not for the participation of the thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world, in this true immortal competition, there is no doubt that the first 50,000 people would be occupied by the monks from Jieyin City!

This time Jieyin City will definitely cause a storm in the Central Continent. Whether it is a confrontation between two armies that has never happened in the True Immortal Competition, or a monk from one place almost dominates the rankings, or the competition ends in just three days, This is all shocking news, enough to make the other 359 passengers stunned and confused.

"Senior, senior, I not only entered the top 360, but also the top 40."

After being teleported out of the secret realm of mountains and rivers, Shangguan Boyang calmed down a little, ran to the high platform, and said to Lin Nan excitedly.

"It's clearly in the top one hundred. I insist on being in the top forty. I've never seen such a shameless guy like you."

Ling'er glanced at Shangguan Boyang, who was full of excitement, and said with disdain.

"That's it, top fifty. That's no problem, right?"

Shangguan Boyang thought for a moment and then said to Ling'er with a smile. He didn't care at all about Ling'er's disdain for him.

After all, it can be said that his killings and his combat experience were all taught by Ling'er. Although he did not have the title of master and disciple, he actually had the gift of teaching. Naturally, he would not be angry with Ling'er.

"Senior, those thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world want to see you!"

A powerful Immortal King Realm man came over and reported to Lin Nan respectfully.

This Immortal King Realm powerhouse was very optimistic about the thirteen monks who had ascended from the lower world. However, others just wanted to join Lin Nan's sect and had not considered becoming their disciples like him, a Immortal King Realm powerhouse.

However, it is normal. As long as the monks who ascended from the lower world are not too old and frail, or they were injured when they ascended, it is appropriate for them to enter the Golden Immortal Realm. The top batch among them will become the powerful Immortal King Realm. It's just a matter of time.

Beings like Yue Shi, who were astonishingly talented and beautiful, had just entered the Immortal Realm in less than 200,000 years after ascending to the Central Continent without anyone’s guidance!

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