Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1634 The spiritual road!

Time passed day by day, and Lingman gradually looked down upon everything in the shock again and again.

From Lingman's point of view, Lin Nan, who was neither easy-going nor indifferent, but gave people a vague sense of isolation, was simply a god-like existence.

Of course, this divine character was not the kind of god she knew.

In the lower world she controls, gods are just a group of soft-footed shrimps at her disposal.

The word "divine" she used to describe Lin Nan was like a mortal who would say she was a fairy or a god when they saw her.

When she met Lin Nan, especially after she gradually got to know Lin Nan, she realized that when she was in front of Lin Nan, she was like the mortals who met her. Lin Nan was completely beyond her imagination, beyond comparison, and could only look up to her. The presence!

The reason why I have this feeling is that I can know some of Lin Nan's deeds.

It's because when she was telling the little sisters about her story in the lower world during this period, the little sisters would also tell some things about Lin Nan.

After hearing this, she felt that no matter how powerful a being appeared, Lin Nan would always be stronger than the opponent. If he wanted to, he could always kill the strong person who came to provoke him with just one finger, no matter how powerful he came before. How powerful is the strong man who comes to challenge!

This is true invincibility!

What makes Lingman feel a little pity is that Lin Nan has not given her any advice or talked to her during this period. It seems that she who often follows the two sisters in front of Lin Nan is just air, just a transparent person. .

This made Lingman feel frustrated for the first time.

She is the greatest genius from ancient times in the lower world!

It took nine hundred years to ascend to the level of a True Immortal. Now she has only stayed in the Central Continent for two thousand and one hundred years and has already achieved the level of a Golden Immortal. She is also just three thousand years old.

She didn't compare with Shangguan Ming, there was no way to compare.

Although Shangguan Ming has a lot of debts to repay, he has a cultivation method that can reach the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm and even the Immortal King Realm since he was a child.

But she was different. In the lower world, she did not come from a family of cultivators, nor did she come from a sect. She just picked up a foundation-building method on the roadside, and then started to practice in a bumpy way.

Everything depends on oneself. He is over 900 years old, but his cultivation years are less than 900 years, and he has successfully ascended!

Today she finally couldn't help it anymore. The Golden Immortal Competition will be held tomorrow, and the two little sisters insisted on dragging her, the guy who got the fifth place in the True Immortal Competition, to participate in the Golden Immortal Competition. It is said that it can get her to the eleventh place.

But she was not happy because her family was going to participate in the Golden Immortal Competition. No matter how you looked at it, she was the weakest and a sluggish person, so she wanted Lin Nan to give her some guidance so that her cultivation could be improved. In order to improve, the combat power has been enhanced.

"Senior, do you... have anything you want to say to me?"

But when he walked in front of Lin Nan, Lingman gave up.

This was something that had never happened in front of others, but with Lin Nan, she couldn't control herself at all, she was inexplicably afraid of Lin Nan.

Especially as I get to know Lin Nan better, my inexplicable fear of Lin Nan becomes stronger in my heart!

"The path you have taken is good. Just think about it slowly. When you really reach the bottleneck stage or go astray, I will remind you."

Lin Nan was looking at the fish in the pond with some boredom. After hearing Lingman's words, he responded softly.

Among the thirteen monks who ascended from the lower world that day, Lin Nan could see everything about them clearly. If he had to choose one disciple among the thirteen, he would only choose Lingman.

The reason is the same. Ling Chang looks like a little girl, but her heart is still like a little girl, similar to the little sisters Lin Momo and Ling'er.

In other words, if you live longer, experience more, and become more murderous, you will see that you are not at the same stage as the two little sisters.

It was precisely because he saw Lingman's heels clearly that Lin Nan did not stop Ling'er from taking Lingman home.

Otherwise, as he has no shortage of followers now, no matter how much he dotes on Ling'er, he will not just let her bring a monk who ascended from the lower world with him. After all, the monks from the lower world are really not easy to raise.

One is more rebellious than the other, and one is crueler than the other. I don't know how many people have deceived their teachers and destroyed their ancestors, and repaid kindness to those who were kind to them.

There is no need to be surprised no matter what kind of things or people you see in the world of immortality, and there is no need to veto others or target others just because they do not conform to your own ideas.

But you can choose to stay away from people who disagree with your own ideas.

"Really? Senior didn't lie to me?"

Lingman was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't quite believe what Lin Nan said.

The avenue she had cultivated by herself was clear to her. Although it was good, it was not so incredible that it could be recognized by a being like Lin Nan.

"In terms of bones, you are no better than Shangguan Ming, but in terms of talent, Shangguan Ming is not as good as you, and your twelve companions are not as good as you. When you enter the golden fairyland, all your companions have already I gave up my own path and chose to follow the path trodden by my predecessors, so there is no hope anymore. At most, I can only become a monk at the peak of the Immortal King Realm."

Lin Nan turned around and said slowly.

"Although I am still following the path I have built, my path is not strong. It is no better than when they chose the old path!"

Lingman was very confused and annoyed. She had already regretted it after walking on her own path and entering the Golden Fairyland.

Because her own way requires her own exploration and exploration, but the twelve companions directly follow the path that has been explored by their predecessors, and they can practice smoothly all the way. The speed of practice can be said to be a thousand miles, and she will become The slow turtle.

"Any avenue is not very strong until it has reached its ultimate level. Strength and weakness are just comparisons between monks. In fact, it is not the essence of the avenue. You just need to meditate and perfect your own avenue. After entering the Immortal Realm, You will understand everything."

Lin Nan said, then turned around and continued to watch the fish swimming in the pond.

Lingman saw that Lin Nan no longer wanted to say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But her belief that she had begun to doubt herself, to the point where her Taoist heart was no longer clear, solidified once again, and her invincible belief surged once again.

Lin Nan's words just now made her realize that ever since she came to the upper continent, her temperament had become impetuous, and she had gradually lost her belief in invincibility.

Lin Nan's words just now awakened her, especially the sentence that any avenue is not very strong until it reaches its extreme.

This made her sigh: "Yes! Didn't I get to where I am now through a very poor foundation-building method?"

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