Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1645 It’s incredible!

There is no doubt that the monks in the lower realm who can still maintain the belief of invincibility when they are at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm insist on walking their own path and do not abandon their own path and change the path of their predecessors when they enter the Golden Immortal Realm. Vertical talent.

Just like Ling Man, among the thirteen of them, she was the only one who still adhered to her own path when she entered the Golden Fairy Realm, and did not change her path like the other twelve.

Only by always adhering to one's own path can one hope to reach the realm of immortality. This is a recognized fact in the world of immortality.

However, you can't just stick to it if you want to. Otherwise, everyone would go their own way, and there would be nothing unusual about monks ascending from the lower world.

Just like ordinary people are forced by life to make helpless choices, monks also have too many times when they cannot help themselves.

The twelve people who walked with Lingman gave up their own path because at the moment of breakthrough, they discovered that their path was actually a short-term path, so they had to change their path and follow the path that their predecessors had already taken. Yangguan Avenue.

Of course, not all the dead ends that everyone sees when they break through are really dead ends.

Like Lingman, when she broke through, she also felt that her path was a dead end, but she still chose to stick to her heart. Afterwards, from Lin Nan's words, Lingman was convinced that her choice was not wrong, and that her road was not a dead end.

As for the Black Ming Supreme, he is a monk who has been groping for his own way from beginning to end. Now that he sees Liu Ruqing, he can naturally see that Liu Ruqing is also a monk who is walking on his own way, so he appreciates his talents even more. stand up.

Therefore, he did not make the first move, but stretched out his hand in a very gentlemanly manner, signaling Liu Ruqing to use his magical power first.

"Little mute, are all of you monks who ascended from the lower world so stupid?"

Ling'er opened her watery eyes wide and felt incredible. The guy who was so normal just now and not stupid at all actually let her mother take action first. Isn't this looking for death?

"This... he should think that the emperor and empress are talented people, and he has a heart to cherish talents. He also feels that the empress and empress are not as good as him, and their combat power is definitely not as good as his. That's why he behaves like a gentleman. It's not stupid. It's like Like the monks that the seniors met, except for the martial ancestor of the Ye family, it seems that as long as the monks know the methods of the seniors, they will no longer argue with the seniors. It is not that those monks are stupid, but because of their attitude towards the seniors. The strength is unclear, and this guy is exaggerating like this because he doesn’t understand the strength of the empress!”

Lingman's face turned red, and then she opened her mouth to explain.

After all, she herself felt that the man in black was stupid. The two little princesses were only in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm, but they had the strength to kill the strong men in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm.

The emperor and empress recently entered the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. How terrifying is that?

Why do you need the courtesy of a monk who ascended from the lower world? You are simply looking for death!

Over there, Liu Ruqing stopped being polite and slapped him directly.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

She didn't use all her strength, but only used 30% to 40% of her strength. She estimated that the man in black wouldn't be able to catch it.


When he saw the big golden handprint rushing towards him at high speed, the Black Ming Supreme's pupils suddenly contracted.

He was shocked!

What the hell is this?

This is stronger than the attacks of the powerful people in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm!

Was it really shot by that woman?


The Black Ming Supreme roared into the sky and quickly mobilized all the power of the fairy spirit in his body to display his strongest magical power.

He is not afraid.

But he doesn’t want to be embarrassed!

He has fought against strong men in the Immortal King Realm. He can kill the strong men in the early stage of the ordinary Immortal King Realm, and he can also save his life from the attacks of the strong men in the middle stage of the ordinary Immortal King Realm.

But... that golden big hand seal was slightly stronger than the attack of a strong person in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm. This made him stunned and had to go all out to resist it.

If he was slapped down by the big golden palm print, coupled with his previous words and gentlemanly actions, he would be humiliated and thrown into his grandma's house!


The big golden palm print was very fast and hit the Black Ming Supreme instantly.


The Black Ming Supreme looked down at his chest, seeing the blood flowing in front and back, feeling bitter in his heart.

It’s so unreasonable!

Even if that woman conceals her realm, if she can enter the secret realm of mountains and rivers and participate in the Golden Immortal Competition, she can only be a master at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm at best.

He, the Black Ming Supreme, has reached the pinnacle that a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm can reach!

However, that woman actually penetrated his body with one palm, leaving him unable to muster any defensive means!

Thinking about the previous conversation between him and that woman, it was a slap in the face!

It hurts so much!

It’s not the body that was pierced that hurt, it’s the face that hurts!

"Ah? What's going on? I only used a little more than 30% of my strength. Why didn't you even block it? My husband said that my combat power is not strong and needs to be improved. You...are Isn’t it too weak?”

Liu Ruqing was stunned the moment the Black Ming Supreme was pierced through the body by Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm.

Lin Nan clearly told her that although she was very strong, she had not yet reached the peak of the Golden Fairyland. She was still far away from the peak of combat power that the Golden Fairyland could reach. If she used a mountain metaphor, she was not there yet. We're halfway up the mountain.

But isn't the man in black a very strong being? Moreover, he was a master at the pinnacle level of the Golden Fairy Realm. How come he couldn't even catch the attack that she had only used 30% of her strength?


Black Ming Supreme felt that he was ashamed of himself.

What a shame! Others actually only used 30% of their strength!

Especially Liu Ruqing's surprised look, which was not staged at all, made him unable to find any excuse even if he wanted to.

How sad!

If he had known that the woman was such a perverted guy, he wouldn't have been the one to stand out!

"It's... incredible!"

"According to fellow Taoists, the woman said that she only used 30% of her strength. Is it credible?"

"Her surprised look was not fake, she was really surprised why Hei Ming was so weak. Therefore, she should...really only used a little more than 30% of her strength!"

"This...that would be too terrifying, almost equivalent to a strong person at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm, right?"

"Well... it seems that she has not concealed her Qi. She is really just a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. This... is really terrifying and really defies the heaven!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, it's not us, but Hei Ming who appears. Otherwise, we would have lost all face!"

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