Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1651 You little thing

"Oh? You are a disgusting, filthy bitch, do you want to bully my little mute who is not as good as you?"

Ling'er took a few steps forward, her pink face full of teasing.

"What? You little thing dares to slander me, you... you are so angry with me! If I don't kill you little thing today, I will not be a disciple of Beidou Palace!"

The female Beidou Palace disciple was so angry that she couldn't even speak.

who is she?

The proud daughter of Beidou Palace!

When would anyone dare to slander her? Slander her?

Nowadays, little girls who have not yet been weaned appear one after another, and they dare to point at her, slander her, and slander her, which makes her extremely angry.

Looking for death, all looking for death!

"I should have killed you, but... now I have changed my mind. None of you want to die. I will suppress you, and then refine you into a soul-refining lamp, so that you can live forever and suffer the pain of divine fire burning your soul. !”

The expression of the Beidou Palace female disciple suddenly changed, becoming ferocious and murderous.

"Oh, for a little grasshopper like you, I don't even bother to refine you into a soul-refining lamp, I will just kill you."

Ling'er said nonchalantly.

The little girl really doesn't care.

Previously in the Eastern Continent, Lin Nan refined Yuanliu Shen, the peak True Immortal Realm monk who dared to speak rudely to Liu Ruqing, into a soul-refining lamp. He threw it away before he reached Guanghan City, because it was just like holding it with him. It's a burden, and it keeps crying and howling.

Therefore, since then, the little girl has stopped clamoring about who she wants to refine into a soul-refining lamp. It is really unnecessary and she can just kill them.



"court death!"

This time, the male disciples in Beidou Palace could not bear it anymore.

The reason why there is only one female disciple in their group of Beidou Palace disciples is this junior sister, because they all have an affair with that junior sister and have practiced dual cultivation with her.

Now, there is actually a young girl slandering their beloved junior sister. How can they endure it?

If you endure it any longer, you are no longer a man!

"Junior sister, please step back and watch how my brother kills this little thing."

"Yes, junior sister, please calm down and let's see how the senior brothers vent their anger for you."

"Damn it, kill all these eleven things, and don't spare those eight women. No matter how beautiful they are, they can't compare to the position of my junior sister in my heart. How dare you slander my beloved junior sister? Gotta die!”



A total of seventeen male disciples from the Beidou Palace took out their own immortal treasures, and then launched attacks without hesitation.

There is no longer any emphasis on playing one-on-one and testing each other's depth.

My beloved junior sister is already so angry that they still talk about the gentlemanly demeanor and the demeanor of a famous family!

Just kill him!

"court death!"

Lin Momo's face was frosty and her tone was cold. She took one step and stood side by side with Ling'er.

The two little sisters looked at each other, nodded, and then raised a little hand at the same time and struck out a palm at the same time.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

Two Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palms!

Although they were two Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palms performed by two people, the two golden hand seals actually blended with each other, as if they were magical powers performed by the same person.

"The worm shakes the tree!"

"Hahaha, it's so ridiculous. These two little guys are so stupid. They actually think that their early stage cultivation in the Golden Fairy Realm can resist us!"

"It's just that they are not high in cultivation and low in realm. They still practice such flashy magical powers. I really don't know what kind of things taught these two idiots."

"Hahaha, yes, it really made me laugh to death. I really don't know what kind of thing can teach these two idiots."

"Ha...uh...what's going on?"

"That's... someone is forcibly intervening in the secret realm of mountains and rivers from the outside!"

"Could it be... a powerful person in the Immortal Realm?"

"Impossible! Even if the Palace Master comes in person, he can only stop the operation of the secret realm of mountains and rivers, and then enter the secret realm of mountains and rivers to take action. Now that person... is actually... forcibly intervening!"

"Oh my god! What happened! How strong is that? It actually... locked all my magical powers!"

The Beidou Palace disciples, who were originally extremely arrogant and thought they could easily kill the two little sisters, felt an irresistible pressure and saw that the magical attack they sent out was actually directly dispelled. Their expressions suddenly changed, and everyone changed their colors. He was extremely pale, and his heart was filled with fear.

They dare not even think about beings who can forcibly interfere with the secret realms of mountains and rivers. Such beings should not exist in this world!

But now, it has really appeared.

And...it's aimed at them!

This is Beidou City! The city directly under the Beidou Palace! Someone actually dares to care about this place and forcibly intervene in the secret realm of mountains and rivers, and take action against them, the geniuses of Beidou Palace!

"Huh? It's father!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er's attacks were also dispelled, but the two sisters did not panic.

Although they couldn't see who had done it, they were convinced that no one except their father could interfere so forcefully in the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

At the same time, with their invincible father outside, absolutely no one can forcibly interfere with the secret realm of mountains and rivers.

Therefore, the only person who can intervene in the secret realm of mountains and rivers is their father Lin Nan!


With a soft sound, a space crack appeared, and all seventeen Beidou Palace disciples were pulled into the void crack.

They did not die, but were forcibly detained to the outside world!

"What...what is going on? How is it possible! No one can forcibly interfere with the secret realm of mountains and rivers! No! Never!"

The female disciple from Beidou Palace has turned pale.

The scene that just happened had such a strong impact on her.

The seventeen senior brothers who regarded her as a treasure were actually pulled into the cracks in the void in an instant. They didn't even have the ability to resist, just like an ant being crushed to death under the giant feet of an elephant. Just average!

"Hey, dirty bitch old woman, it was my father who took action just now. Your idiot brothers successfully angered my father. Your Beidou Palace will be wiped out this time."

Ling'er's tone was very cheerful, and he looked at the female disciple of Beidou Palace with full of schadenfreude.

Although Lin Nan would destroy Beidou Palace if these disciples of Beidou Palace provoked them, the little girl didn't mind using this matter to scare the female disciple of Beidou Palace.

"You... you little thing, little fool, you... I... Beidou Palace will not be destroyed! My Beidou Palace has stood in the middle of the continent for endless years. Even if the world collapses, Beidou Palace will still stand firm and last forever. live!"

The female Beidou Palace disciple's face turned pale and her body was trembling, but she still didn't believe Ling'er's words.

Beidou Palace, as one of the twelve Immortal Sects in the Central Continent, is a supreme sect with more than a dozen Immortal Realm experts. How could it be destroyed?

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