Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1653: Rampant enough

The seventeen Beidou Palace disciples were stunned after their cultivation was abolished by Lin Nan. They were in a daze for a long time, and then fainted.

The reason why they didn't scream or roar was because they were completely shocked and frightened. There was no anger in their hearts, but only confusion. That's why they stayed stunned for so long.

When they regained consciousness a little, it was also when their spirits were about to collapse. They couldn't accept the reality and fainted.

Some monks came carefully and took away the seventeen Beidou Palace disciples who had fainted. They did not want to save the seventeen Beidou Palace disciples, but they just felt that the corpses of these Beidou Palace disciples lying here might affect the mysterious existence. Mood.

Especially when these Beidou Palace disciples wake up, they will inevitably howl like ghosts and wolves, which will inevitably disturb the tranquility.

Those monks who prevented Lin Nan from being disturbed also received their due rewards. A total of eleven Golden Immortal Realm monks were each rewarded with a middle-grade King-grade Immortal Treasure.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for them. After all, the highest level among them is only in the late stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. No one has a king-level immortal treasure, or even a top-grade immortal treasure, but now everyone has one. A middle-grade, king-grade fairy treasure.

All the other monks envied the eleven monks, but envy was useless. The Beidou Palace disciples had been moved away by the eleven monks, and there was nothing left for them to serve Lin Nan.

"Who killed my husband?"

Suddenly, a long roar came from the distance. It was the voice of a woman.

I haven't seen him yet, but the Golden Fairy Realm monks in the city already know who the visitor is.

Except for Chu Heng's Taoist companion Fairy Biyuan, no one would be so reckless in Beidou City.

It's not that no one dares, but the monks who dare are all powerful and famous people, and they will not tarnish their own image in this way. Therefore, under the Immortal Realm, only Fairy Biyuan dares to be so disrespectful. Pay attention to the monks in the city.

She does have that capital. In less than 20,000 years of cultivation, she has already become a strong person in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm.

Moreover, she is the descendant of an elder from the Beidou Palace. After becoming a Taoist couple with Mr. Chu Heng, she has another Immortal Realm master as a backer, so she has the capital.

"Twenty thousand years of practicing Taoism to reach the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, which is pretty good. It has never appeared before. It was just in retreat that you broke through the realm and reached the critical moment of entering the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, right?"

When Fairy Biyuan arrived, Lin Nan glanced at her and then spoke calmly.

"Who are you?"

Fairy Biyuan frowned and did not want to talk to Lin Nan, because she had never seen Lin Nan, and had never heard of Lin Nan.

Even though Lin Nan could see through her cultivation and saw that she had only entered the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, she still didn't take Lin Nan seriously.

This is Beidou City, and there is no one she needs to be afraid of in this city.

Even her husband, Mr. Chu Heng, would not have dared to live in debauchery if she hadn't been too lazy to restrain him.

"You're not qualified to know yet."

Lin Nan's tone was extremely calm.

What kind of person Fairy Biyuan is, with his level of cultivation, he can already see through it at a glance.

Being able to indulge Young Master Chu Heng in his debauchery, forcing female cultivators to practice sex, and bullying all kinds of monks who have not offended him at all, you can see that Fairy Biyuan is not a good person.

It can also be said that no monk is a good person, and everyone's hands are covered with blood, so Fairy Biyuan will not look good in front of Lin Nan.

"You are arrogant enough, but I don't know if you can still be arrogant in another twenty breaths."

Fairy Biyuan looked calm, and the angry look she had when she came had disappeared, but she was slowly retreating, keeping a distance from Lin Nan.

She was not a fool. When she came to the square, she didn't see a single Immortal King Realm powerhouse. The group of cultivators also hid far away. There was only the young man in black in the huge square.

She could figure it out with her toes that the young man in black was not an easy person.

But she didn't panic, she had already sent a message to her ancestor, and he was already on his way, and he would arrive in about twenty breaths.

At the same time, she also has a forbidden treasure on her body that can withstand the power of the mid-level Immortal Realm and ten full-power attacks.

After all, she is the descendant of a powerful late-stage Immortal Realm master from Beidou Palace, not like Chu Heng. She is just the grandson of a disciple of a powerful Immortal Realm master. The forbidden treasure on her body was personally refined by that ancestor.

"I will still be me after twenty breaths, and you should disappear now."

Lin Nan smiled, then raised his hand and pointed a finger.

In an instant, a wisp of white light shattered the void and rushed towards Fairy Biyuan, as if it was about to kill her in an instant.

"Little tricks."

Fairy Biyuan was not panicked at all, and even wanted to laugh.

The young man in black actually wanted to kill her with just a random finger. This was undoubtedly a big joke to Fairy Biyuan. She had never seen anything so funny.


Although she didn't pay attention to the flashy white light, Fairy Biyuan still took out the forbidden treasure.

Although she seems to be domineering and savage in daily life, as long as she fights with others, she has never really despised anyone. In other words, she has never despised any attack from others, even if the other party is just a young boy from Yining County who has not become an immortal. Monk.

Lin Nan, who was attacking her now, was obviously at a higher level than her, so naturally she would not take it lightly, and directly took out the forbidden treasure to resist the white light.


There was a crisp sound.

The light emitted by the forbidden treasure dimmed instantly.

Fairy Biyuan's beautiful eyes widened, and her pair of watery eyes looked as if they were about to fall off at any moment.

In the last moments of her life, all she had in her mind was shock and confusion, and no other thoughts.

She was different, it was just a flashy white light, just a finger casually pointed by the young man in black, how could it easily penetrate her forbidden treasure.

That was the self-defense treasure specially refined for her by her ancestor in the late stage of the Immortal Realm!

It is a top-notch forbidden treasure that can really withstand the power of the mid-level Immortal Realm and ten full blows. There are not many in the entire Central Continent!

But now, she had to believe that someone had defeated her biggest life-saving trump card with a random blow, and even took her life away!

Before Fairy Biyuan had time, she roared unwillingly and all her consciousness disappeared.

At the last moment of her life, she only heard a roar, just like the roar when she came, but it seemed angrier than her.

"Evil! How dare you hurt my Biyuan!"

That was Fairy Biyuan's ancestor, a Supreme Elder from Beidou Palace. His eyes were splitting at the moment, and he wanted to slap Lin Nan to death.

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