Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1655 He is looking up at the sky!

"You are too stupid for not realizing this until now."

Lin's tone was still calm, giving people the feeling that his state of mind had not fluctuated at all from beginning to end.

Even an immortal cannot be emotionless, especially if his mood does not change from beginning to end.

But Lin Nan was like this, which made the onlookers and cultivators completely understand that they were indeed just ants in Lin Nan's eyes.

In Lin Nan's eyes, the entire Beidou Palace was no different from ants like them. They were all ants that could be killed easily.

When they realized this, the onlookers took a breath. They all knew that Lin Nan was strong, but they didn't expect that Lin Nan could be so strong that he could directly ignore the entire Beidou Palace.

But this is the reality, which also makes them who have not discussed anything since Fairy Biyuan appeared, and they are even more afraid to speak out.

The main reason is that I am afraid of taking the wrong position. After all, we have learned from the past and no one dares to discuss it casually.

"Haha, Lin Nan, you can defeat Beichen. I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. However, if you dare to run wild in the Central Continent, especially in Beidou Palace, one of the twelve immortal sects, then today It’s your time to die, and no one can save you.”

Tianguan Almighty sneered and said, Beidou Palace is one of the twelve immortal sects in the Central Continent. What are the twelve immortal sects in the Central Continent?

Those are the twelve most powerful sects in the entire Xuanwu Starfield!

Since ancient times, no one has ever been able to shake any of the Twelve Immortal Sects. The reason is very simple. The strongest combat power of the Twelve Immortal Sects is not the Immortal Realm.

But those supreme immortal saints who are high above and dominate the second heaven!

Now Lin Nan has arrived in Beidou City and has already killed the great master Tian Heng, but the great master Tian Guan is not panic at all. As long as Lin Nan dares to attack the mountain gate of Beidou Palace, that's when Lin Nan will be crushed and killed.

When the power of the Immortal Saint from the second heaven comes, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will not be able to save Lin Nan!

"I said you were stupid, but I never wronged you."

Lin Nan said this indifferently, then raised his hand and struck out.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

The golden big handprint condensed in the void in an instant, and then flew towards the Heavenly Crown Power.

The momentum is so strong that the wind and clouds change color and the void is shattered by it!

"Nie Zhan, how dare you attack me secretly!"

The Heavenly Crown Power shouted loudly, then took out his own Immortal Treasure, and once again used his magical power to fight against Lin Nan.

Time flies!

It is still the number one magical power in Beidou Palace!

Although the Heavenly Crown Power was extremely furious, he had already seen Lin Nan being beaten into a dog by his magical power.

The great magical power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is too strong, and the great power of Heavenly Crown is also extremely powerful. Now it is the great supernatural power triggered by the above-grade natal immortal treasure. The great power of Heavenly Crown is convinced that Lin Nan has no chance of resisting it.

The characteristic of the Great Dipper Transformation Star Transformation Power that transforms all magical powers will not be ineffective in this attack. When Lin Nan's magical power, the Great Dipper Transformation Star Transformation Power, merges with it, it will give Lin Nan a counterattack.

Thinking about this scene, Tianguan Almighty felt comfortable, and the anger in his heart also calmed down.

After all, after transforming the magical power activated by Lin Nan, the great magical power of Dou Zhuan Xing Shift can definitely seriously injure Lin Nan's evil barrier, and maybe even kill Lin Nan directly.

Thinking about it makes me feel excited. He is a powerful and powerful person, the supreme elder of Beidou Palace. What reason does he have to be angry?


The great magical power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and the golden big handprint collided with each other.

The picture that Tianguan Might had foreseen in advance did not happen, and the reality was completely contrary to the picture he imagined.

The golden big hand seal did not dissipate like the white light that Lin Nan pointed out before, but the great power of the Heavenly Crown, triggered by the high-grade natal immortal treasure, dissipated like the last time. No trace, as if it had never appeared.


The Heavenly Crown mighty man was stunned for a moment, then let out a roar full of unwillingness.

He didn't want to believe what he saw. The greatest magical power in Beidou Palace that he had unleashed with all his strength was once again easily dispelled by Lin Nan's evil barrier.

Moreover, Lin Nan's golden hand seal spurred by evil obstacles did not stagnate at all. The passage of time did not weaken the power of the golden hand seal. It was still majestic and majestic, causing the sky to change color and the void to tremble and break because of it!

"Don't be so arrogant, evildoer! There is no way that I will be defeated by evildoer like you!"

After the roar, the Heavenly Crown Power roared angrily through the sound transmission of his spiritual thoughts. At the same time, he took out various defensive magic weapons and displayed various defensive magical powers, just to resist the menacing golden big hand seal.


There was a collision again, and the golden handprint still showed no stagnation, and its power still did not weaken at all.

And all the defensive magical powers displayed by Heavenly Crown Power's defensive premium immortal treasures were like tofu in front of the golden hand seal, being destroyed and completely dispersed!


This time, the distance was too close. Before the Heavenly Crown Power could let out any unwilling roar, he was hit by the golden hand seal and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Blood mist bloomed in the air, making the onlookers feel desolate.

The supreme power in the late Immortal Realm, which was as powerful as Tianguan Power, was actually killed by the young man in black named Lin Nan with a single palm. At the last moment, he used his spiritual thoughts to transmit his voice and roared without even having time. !

It's so strong that no one in this world can match it!

This was what the surrounding cultivators were thinking at the moment. They had no words to say to Lin Nan, the mysterious being who suddenly came to Beidou City.

They no longer dare to ridicule Lin Nan!

Flattering Lin Nan seemed to be tantamount to seeking death!

Lamenting Lin Nan's incredible strength, it seems that this is not necessary!

The onlookers were stunned, their minds went blank, and they felt like they had no more thoughts.

This time, they finally realized that the previous Great Power Tian Heng had indeed been played like a monkey by Lin Nan for a while. Otherwise, Great Power Tian Heng would have been killed with one palm just like the Great Power Tian Guan. !

The sky suddenly changed and became blood red, with blood clouds rolling and blood rain falling.

"You were still calm just now, but now you are sad about the spring and autumn. Do you really want me to erase you and give birth to a new will for this first level of heaven?"

Lin Nan looked up at the sky, his tone was indifferent, and his invincible aura was as majestic as chaos.

Although he was looking up at the sky, in the eyes of the onlookers, the sky was shorter than him!


The thunder from the sky sounded, but it was not as shocking as usual. It was like a child praying to an elder in a low voice.

The blood clouds in the sky disappeared, the color of blood faded, and the rain of blood stopped falling.

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