Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1657 I’m really scared!

She is the granddaughter of the Supreme Supreme Being of the Second Heaven, and her parents are also the Supreme Supreme Being of the Immortal Saint level.

She was born with countless brilliance and countless favors!

However, Beichen's life experience is no worse than hers, and his talent is no worse than hers. They were both born in the same year.

The reason why Beichen lags behind her in her realm improvement is because in order to be with her, Beichen gave up his extremely illustrious life experience, gave up the peerless skills and magical powers that he was about to learn, and accompanied her to the first level of honing her foundation.

They also had a son, Bei Chi, in this first heaven. Bei Chi brought together almost all the advantages of both of them, and was extremely talented, far surpassing her and Bei Chi as parents.

There were rumors in the Eastern Continent that Beichi had caught Beichen's formation and beheaded an Immortal from the Central Continent before he achieved the Immortal Realm. This was actually wrong.

That Immortal Realm great power does not exist at the early stage of the Immortal Realm, but exists at the middle level of the Immortal Realm.

It was not the Eastern Continent that went from the Central Continent, but the Eastern Continent that went directly from the Second Heaven. It was a small character sent by Beichen's family to test Beichi's abilities.

Everything was perfect. The Bei family in the second heaven was very optimistic about Bei Chi and agreed to let Bei Chi return to the second level and enter the half-step of the Immortal Saint level in the Bei family's body training pool after Bei Chi entered the peak level of the Immortal Sovereign Realm.

Then he taught Bei Chi all the magical skills that only the head of the Bei family could practice, and directly trained Bei Chi as the next head of the Bei family.

However, all this has come to nothing with the bad news that came two months ago!

The Bei family and their Tian family had already been preparing to kill Lin Nan in the world, but she still didn't expect that before the two top families in the second world were ready, Lin Nan, a thief, had already arrived in Beidou City!

Now, he killed Beichen with one finger in front of her!

"Lin Nan, I want you to be reincarnated forever!"

Hugging Beichen, who was about to fall downwards, Tianxuan's original cold and charming face began to distort.

Before the revenge for killing her son and for abusing her husband was avenged, another one was revenged for killing her husband. This made Tianxuan no longer able to remain calm and aloof.

She already wanted to kill Lin Nan on the spot!

"I don't want to kill him, but he always comes to my side. Don't imitate him. Otherwise, when your family of three reunites, you will all think that your son is the shrewdest. After all, he is here to protect Beichen Palace. And dying in battle is one or two levels higher than you and Beichen dying because of their emotions."

Lin Nan shook his head slightly.

What he said was indeed true to his heart. He didn't want to kill Patriarch Beichen, but Patriarch Beichen still provoked him like he did in the Eastern Continent, so he had to kill him.

When he originally saw Patriarch Beichen and Mighty Tianxuan, he seemed to see the shadows of himself and Liu Ruqing, so he felt compassion and thought of only killing other Mighty Men, and then threw Patriarch Beichen and Mighty Tianxuan away. Go to the second heaven.

But these guys could never make him show kindness once, and they always slammed their heads on his blades, which made him a little speechless.


Tianxuan was so furious that he was so angry that he could not speak.

The thief Lin Nan killed her husband in front of her, and now he was still looking regretful and making sarcastic remarks. This was something that no one could bear.

What's more, she would be regarded as the moon in the second heaven, surrounded by stars like a moon!

"Thief...you are so brave!"

"Obstacle, take your life!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill this evil obstacle!"

The eleven Beidou Palace Immortal Masters who were stunned finally came to their senses. They all looked angry and roared, and they all took out their precious natal immortal treasures.

However, after everyone roared, no one rushed forward to fight Lin Nan!

"Holy shit! What is going on? There are so many powerful people in Beidou Palace, and the owner of Beidou Palace is also here. Are you giving in?"

"It's not incomprehensible. The Great Master Beichen is also one of the seven strongest people in the Beidou Palace. The Great Master Tianheng and the Great Master Tianguan, who were not easily killed by Senior Lin Nan before, are also among the seven strongest people in the Beidou Palace. Column. Now we are watching the great master Beichen being killed with just one finger, and he was killed without many powerful masters being aware of it. If it were us, we wouldn't dare to do it!"

"That's right, it's not that the great masters of Beidou Palace bully the weak and fear the strong, but that Senior Lin Nan is so unfaithful that they can only die if they rush forward!"

"Before, Great Master Tianheng, Fairy Biyuan, and Great Master Tianguan all ran to die. Now there is only one Great Master Beichen to die. There are still twelve great masters left in Beidou Palace. I don't know which one Senior Lin Nan will kill first. !”

"It's hard to say, but Senior Lin Nan said before that he would spare Tianxuan's life. It seems that except for Tianxuan, the other eleven powers will be killed by Lin Nan regardless of whether they want to die or not. The seniors obliterated it.”

"Yes, they will be killed whether they die or not. Then... why don't they choose to be more heroic and just run over to die? Although it looks stupid, it is more beautiful than being killed after running away, isn't it? One and a half stars!”

"I feel the same way, so I think the Great Master of Beidou Palace is really scared."

The onlookers saw the eleven powerful Beidou Palace masters, all of whom took out their natal immortal treasures. After each roared, they did not rush towards Lin Nan, and did not even make a single attack. They immediately exploded.

After watching for such a long time, they had already figured out some of Lin Nan's temper. As long as they didn't deliberately ridicule him, he was too lazy to pay attention to them, so the group of cultivators immediately started a discussion.

The monks who were bullied by the Beidou Palace monks on weekdays even directly ridiculed the powerful people in the Beidou Palace, and they were not afraid of retaliation at all.

What a joke, your Beidou Palace full-time program is going to end today. Senior Lin Nan is here too, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Beidou Palace, this name is very domineering, but it's a pity that the gate is full of trash!"

These words were not spoken by Lin Nan. He spread the sound transmission of a monk's spiritual thoughts so that the entire Beidou City could hear them clearly.


The monk's face suddenly fell, and he felt extremely annoyed and regretful.

He was not afraid that the great powers of Beidou Palace would take action against him. After all, since Lin Nan had used him to ridicule Beidou Palace, with the methods and domineering Lin Nan had shown before, he would definitely not be destroyed by the great powers of Beidou Palace. Killed.

But... just this time, he became completely famous!

Being famous is not always a good thing. If Beidou Palace is in trouble, there will definitely be good people who will lift him up in the future, and then someone will come to kill him. By killing him, he will get a more famous name!

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