Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1672 This Princess’s Man

Lin Nan was in a pretty good mood. No one jumped out to cause trouble, and no one came to die.

Lin Momo and Ling'er, the two little sisters, had gone crazy playing under the leadership of Lingman and had long since disappeared. Lingxiao's seventh daughter was also sent by him to follow the two little sisters.

Rarely, he and Liu Ruqing had another chance to live in a world of two.

However, since Lin Nan escaped from fate and was no longer bound by the great road, he seemed to have a special charm that attracted the attention of dandies.

No, there was a dude blocking his and Liu Ruqing's way.

That's a...dandy!

She has a very iconic appearance. She has cultivation at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm. Her appearance and figure are actually on the same level as Liu Ruqing. In other words, she is no worse than an ordinary female powerful woman in the Immortal Realm.

This... can truly be regarded as a natural beauty, an innate beauty!

"My princess thinks you are very unique. You are different from others. There is an inexplicable aura about you that attracts me. Today... I, my princess, have a competition to recruit a bride. The only one who can take the stage is you."

The lady pointed at Lin Nan and said arrogantly, as if she had taken a liking to Lin Nan, which was Lin Nan's blessing. There was no need to ask Lin Nan if he was happy.

"Wouldn't that mean no one would want to go on stage?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

He found it extremely interesting. He had seen many dandy boys, but this was the first time he saw a female dandy.

Moreover, she actually took a fancy to him and wanted to force him into a martial arts competition to recruit him to marry him. This is really not ordinary fun.

"If you don't go on stage, that's fine. It means that you already have feelings for this princess. Now we will get married as Taoist couples and enter the bridal chamber... Hey, do you know what to do in the bridal chamber?"

The female dandy said matter-of-factly, but was stunned after speaking, and then looked at Lin Nan sideways and asked.

"A female hooligan at the pinnacle level of the Golden Fairy Realm, are you and I pretending to be pure here?"

Lin Nan looked at the playgirl like a fool.


The dandy felt herself very hurt.

She naturally knew what to do after entering the bridal chamber. After all, she had never eaten pork but she had seen pigs running away.

But, she is a girl! Be more reserved!

"I wonder if my husband will marry you if he wins in the ring, or will he marry you if he loses?"

Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

She was not angry, but found it quite interesting. After all, this naughty woman was not like the idiots who blasphemed her, and she did not openly say what she wanted to do to Lin Nan.

Moreover, the playgirl couldn't do anything to Lin Nan, so she didn't mind watching the fun.

After all, since she came to the first heaven, it seemed that this was the first time that a woman had bluntly said that she had a crush on Lin Nan in front of her.

"That's not easy. As long as your husband goes into the ring and beats me, he will marry me. If he is defeated by me, he will marry me. How about it? Is it fair?"

The playgirl raised her eyebrows and said matter-of-factly.

"That's fair."

Liu Ruqing nodded with a smile, and she felt like she could hardly help laughing.

Where did this stupid girl come from?

Could it be your first day as a dandy?

"Go back and forth wherever you come from. Don't disturb the world between me and my wife. Otherwise, I will let a bunch of beggars enter the bridal chamber with you."

Lin Nan couldn't help it, even though he felt smiling at first.

But now Liu Ruqing spoke. Although Liu Ruqing seemed very happy, he was afraid!

A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea!

The most poisonous thing in the world is a woman’s heart!

There is no keyboard to kneel on now, and the durian is useless, but when his wife gets angry, it will make him extremely distressed.

"No matter how you provoke this princess, I will not be angry. Instead, I will find your aura more and more attractive to me. Just obey me. Try to beat me in the ring. In that case, if you marry this princess, you don’t have to separate from your Taoist companion.”

The playgirl spoke again, as usual.

She felt that she really loved the young man in black in front of her so much that she loved him to the core of her bones.

Otherwise, how could she, the dignified first princess of Fuchun Tower, talk to a man like this? How could you not mind if the other party has a Taoist companion?

She also felt that she was really a good person and so compassionate that she actually gave Lin Nan a choice. As long as he defeated her, he would not be separated from Liu Ruqing.

Of course, she would never admit it because she saw the Golden Immortal Order hanging on Liu Ruqing's waist and felt that Liu Ruqing must have hidden her realm. She was not easy to deal with. It was too embarrassing to ask the strong men in the sect to take action. Show mercy.

She would not even admit that it was because she did not see Lin Nan hanging the Golden Immortal Order, and his realm was erratic, as if he was in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, or in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, that she gave Lin Nan the promise that he would not have to separate from Liu Ruqing after winning the battle. .

All in all, she is a great person.

Falling in love with Lin Nan was already her greatest gift to Lin Nan. She also gave Lin Nan so many choices. If people like her were not good people, would there be any good people in this world?

"Okay then, I promised you on my husband's behalf that I will fight with you. However, if I beat you until you are convinced, will you not use my husband to marry you or let my husband marry you?"

Liu Ruqing reached out and took Lin Nan's hand, not letting Lin Nan scold the playgirl, and then asked with a smile.

She found this female dandy interesting. She didn't seem to be a real dandy, but her personality was just like that. She really fell in love with Lin Nan, so she didn't feel any disgust at all.

"Huh? Okay."

The playgirl was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile on her face.

What a joke, will she be beaten into submission?

who is she?

The first princess of Fu Chun Tower, Princess Fu Han, the proud daughter of this generation!

Even the stupid aunt in Beidou Palace would have been almost killed by her if she didn't have that top-grade immortal treasure.

It's just that she is a good person and doesn't want to make a big splash, so she didn't spread the word about what happened in the Jedi.


Lin Nan looked at Liu Ruqing, and he finally understood that there was no way his wife would be angry, and she was still worried about the world being in chaos!

"It's okay, just teach this kid a lesson."

Liu Ruqing came over, kissed Lin Nan on the cheek, and said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, can you please pay attention to the occasion? Is this princess' man a man you can kiss randomly?"

Seeing Liu Ruqing kissing Lin Nan, the playboy Princess Fuhan suddenly became anxious.

Out of sight, out of mind, he doesn't mind that his man has had a woman before, but how can he bear it when he flirts with her in front of her?

"Oh? I'm sorry, now... he is still my husband, from now on... he can only be my husband."

Hearing Princess Fuhan's words, Liu Ruqing smiled even sweeter, put her arms around Lin Nan, snuggled into his arms, and said to Princess Fuhan with a smile.

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