Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1679 The auction begins

The arrival of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing did not cause any changes. After all, Lin Nan only exuded the aura of the Immortal King Realm. Although it was very strong, it was not weaker than the aura of a strong person at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm.

However, there are many powerful people at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm in the auction house. They all have the same view on Lin Nan. They believe that Lin Nan has a secret treasure that conceals the realm, but because he wants to enter the auction house, he is scattered. He lost his breath and this scene happened.

As for having never met Lin Nan, no one thought it was strange. The Central Continent was too big and there were too many strong people who liked to remain anonymous.

Once upon a time, there was even a little-known Immortal Realm great master. Although that Immortal Realm mighty man was later driven away to the Southern Continent by the Twelve Immortal Sects, he also left a mark on the Central Continent.

But the strong man in Wanshilou who was hosting the auction changed his expression immediately after receiving the report, and hurriedly greeted Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing.

"Fellow Taoist, please come forward."

The Immortal King Realm expert from the Wanshi Sect who presided over the auction was very attentive, really because he couldn't afford to offend him, and also because he was too surprised.

A powerful Immortal King Realm who is less than forty years old!

It’s the only one from ancient times!

Moreover, he is actually the hidden son of Fuchun Tower. This is so fucking terrifying. He is just begging for food in the realm of Fuchun Tower, so he must not be provoked.

If you provoke this only evildoer in ancient times, you are tantamount to provoking the entire Fuchun Tower. Not to mention him, even the Wanshi Tower under the name of Wanshi Sect will no longer appear in the jurisdiction of Fuchun Tower in the future!

"Seven Moon Yin Grasses, and they were just sent here. Why not do some publicity before auctioning them?"

Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing and asked himself casually while walking forward with the Wanshi Sect monk.

Although he knew in his heart that someone had set up a trap for him to lure him out, he still wanted to get some information from Wanshilou.

"I am also puzzled by this. I only know that it is an order from within the sect, so I don't dare to delay at all and prepare for the auction in a hurry."

Although the Wanshi Sect monk was a peerless expert at the pinnacle level of the Immortal King Realm, he did not dare to stand up in front of Lin Nan.

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Lin Nan stopped talking nonsense and took Liu Ruqing to the front row of the bleachers. He sat on a chair, sipped tea, and talked about some small things that both husband and wife were interested in.

"Who is that guy's background? Why does he make Lao Wang so cautious?"

"Hmm...I don't know. Could it be that Lao Wang met him when he was traveling abroad and was beaten to death by him, so he was so groveling after meeting him?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? That guy is at most a strong man at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm, and he is not a powerful Immortal King Realm. This is Wanshi Tower. If he really has a grudge against Old Wang, Old Wang will have to take the initiative to summon him. Kill him with human hands?"

"That should be a monk with a good background. I don't know which immortal sect he is. He should be an existence that is extremely likely to enter the immortal realm. Otherwise, Old Wang is also one of the twelve immortal sects, the Wanshi Sect. There is no need for a strong man to be so groveling."

"Maybe it's the existence of Fuchun Tower, but it's not quite right. Fuchun Tower just summoned all the Immortal King Realm experts back not long ago. There's no reason to return so soon."

"It's really weird. There are abnormalities everywhere today. First, Fuchun Tower inexplicably recalled all the Immortal King Realm experts, and then Wanshi Tower hurriedly auctioned off the Moon Yin Grass, and auctioned seven plants at once. Now here comes another unknown person. This guy is really weird!"

"Okay, just wait calmly for the Moon Yin Grass. I wonder if I can auction one for my precious grandson!"

"Don't think about it. At last month's auction, you almost threw all your wealth into it for a magic weapon that is expected to be upgraded to a high-grade fairy treasure. Just watch us bid here today."

"Hahaha... Yes, yes, without Lao Li's stubborn fight, we should be less angry today."

Lin Nan heard clearly the discussion of those powerful people in the Immortal King Realm. After confirming that he was not taken seriously, Lin Nan was not angry. After all, he was not a real playboy, he was just pretending.

Next, I have to pretend, but I still have to wait until the auction starts completely, otherwise the pretending will be too substandard.

"You must also know that this auction mainly focuses on seven Moon Yin Grasses. As for the Moon Yin Grass, I don't need to say more. The geniuses and strong men present also know its effectiveness. It can not only be used for The descendants can improve their root bones. It can also allow those who practice the Moon Technique to transform when they break through. It is a rare sacred object. Usually, a huge city would only auction one plant for thousands of years, but now seven plants are being auctioned directly. What is the secret among them? Wang doesn’t know the reason, and you don’t need to ask. In short, whoever takes the photo of the Moon Yin Grass will make a profit without losing anything.”

The powerful man from the Wanshi Sect who had led the way for Lin Nan and his wife announced the start of the auction. Although he said there was no need to say more, he still rambled on about the effectiveness of the Moon Yin Grass.

This is also a common method used by auction organizers. It is nothing more than to arouse the interest of cultivators so that they can actively bid.

But at this moment, the elder of Wanshi Zong named Wang had just finished speaking, and another elder of Wanshi Sect used his spiritual mind to say something to Elder Wang.

Elder Wang was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and said with a smile: "Although this auction is the home of Yueyin Grass, our Wanshi Sect Wanshi Tower has never been shabby, so how can we let many geniuses and strong men go to waste? Take a trip? Therefore, the first item to be auctioned is not the Moon Yin Grass, but a top-grade king-grade fairy treasure."

Lin Nan had no interest in this at all.

It can be said that he has no interest in the Moon Yin Grass. The reason why he appears here is just to see whether the person who is controlling this behind the scenes is a real immortal saint or just a half-step immortal saint.

"Damn...a top-grade king-grade fairy treasure. This is incredible. I missed it last time. If anyone dares to snatch it from me this time, I'll smash his head!"

Lin Nan didn't care about the King-grade Immortal Treasure, but a lot of people who participated in the auction did. After all, only a small number of people at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm.

"Hey, he's just a guy in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, but he still dares to speak arrogant words? This time, I will definitely take this top-grade king-grade immortal treasure into my pocket. Who dares to snatch it from me, see if I don't destroy his whole family."

"Huh? You are just a guy in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm, and you dare to speak arrogantly? This time, I will definitely put this top-grade king-grade immortal treasure in my bag. I can snatch it from anyone who wants it. Anyway, they don't have my money. many."

"Old Li, do you think that since our eyes are on the Moon Cloud Grass, we won't compete with you for the Immortal Treasure? Isn't that too naive?"

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