Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1681 What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be?

Fifty thousand immortal crystals are nothing to Old Li.

However, these 50,000 Immortal Crystals are just his addition! That guy bid for 80 million immortal crystals at once, what a bargain!

Who is this old Li?

That is the ancestor of the Li family, one of the eight aristocratic families in Fuchun City. Although the expenses have been too high over the years, and 800 million immortal crystals were filled in a month ago, there are still more than 2 billion immortal crystals, and the reputation and status are steadily increasing. .

However, spending 80 million immortal crystals to buy a top-grade king-grade immortal treasure is not worth it at all!

"Fellow Daoist Wang, to be fair, if that kid wants to buy it himself, then congratulations to Wanshilou for earning 80 million immortal crystals. But, if I am the one paying the bill, 30 million, just 30 million, no No more!”

After roaring at Lin Nan, Lao Li ignored Lin Nan and looked at the Supreme Elder Wang.

After all, the most important person to speak in the auction house is the organizer, unless... there is a powerful Immortal Realm coming.


Elder Wang is really not easy to deal with. Let’s not mention that this is the boundary of Fuchun Tower. Let’s just say that there is no problem with Lao Li’s proposal. After all, a top-quality fairy treasure sold for 30 million fairy crystals is already far beyond the value. .

However, the young man in black is the peerless genius of Fuchun Tower. He, Old Wang, is not a domineering and arrogant person to begin with, otherwise he would not have been appointed as the head of Wanshi Tower. This is not the realm of Wanshi Sect, so naturally we cannot be overbearing.

The main reason is that the identity of the young man in black is too outrageous. If he offends him, he will offend the entire Fuchun Tower. He, Old Wang, cannot afford it!

At the moment, he could only turn his gaze to Lin Nan and ask, "What do fellow Taoists think?"

Lin Nan slowly picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. After putting down the teacup, he glanced at Lao Li who was standing in the stands with a sullen face. Then he turned his attention to Elder Wang and said: "I am not a poor man. I say 80 million." If you buy it, it means buying it for 80 million. I have always said that I am the same. Even if you are a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, you can only be regarded as a poor ghost in my eyes. So, are you doubting my character? You actually have the guts to confirm what I said. Do you think that I am a wild and unreasonable person? A poor guy who can't afford a mere 80 million Immortal Crystals?"


Elder Wang is about to cry. Every genius has his own temper. He was also a genius at the beginning, so he naturally knew that Lin Nan might not be easy to serve.

But he never expected that Lin Nan was not easy to take care of, but she still behaved like a mother-in-law. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a messy person, but he still says that he is not a messy person.

If Lin Nan wasn't a peerless genius in Fuchun Tower, Elder Wang would have kicked Lin Nan out. This guy was too talkative, just like an old woman in the world!

"Boy, who do you think is the poor guy?"

Lao Li suddenly became angry.

He can be deficient and tolerate others being stupider than him, but he absolutely cannot tolerate others calling him a poor man.

Who is this Lao Li?

What is the status of the ancestor of the Li family, one of the eight great families in Fuchun City?

Even if you meet a powerful person in the Immortal Realm of Fuchun Tower, you only need to bow slightly and salute, there is no need to bow deeply, let alone kneel down!

He, Lao Liqiong?

That's a big joke. There are few people in Fuchun City who are richer than him, Old Li.

"Well, I'll spend 100 million immortal crystals to buy the jade pendant on Elder Wang's waist, and you spend 80 million to buy the top-grade king-grade immortal treasure. How about that?"

Lin Nan was very calm.

Having seen and beaten up too many dandy boys, he naturally knew how to make a person angry but unable to do anything about him.

The feeling of a heavy fist hitting cotton is always one of the most maddening things in the world.

"Fuck you!"

Lao Li felt like he was going crazy. He really felt a little poor now.

That kid is simply a mad dog!

In order for him to spend 80 million immortal crystals to buy the top-grade king-grade immortal treasure, he actually had to spend 100 million immortal crystals to buy the jade pendant on Elder Wang's waist.

Although that piece of jade pendant is good, it is not a good magic weapon. It is just a middle-grade fairy treasure, which is used by Elder Wang as a decoration!

Spending 100 million immortal crystals to buy a medium-grade immortal treasure. Apart from the word "mad dog", Lao Li really couldn't think of a better word to describe Lin Nan!

"You poor guy, you just sit there without money, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?"

Lin Nan glanced at Lao Li indifferently. He didn't take it seriously when Lao Li cursed him out of anger. After all, he was just angry and didn't curse him by name. It was also because of him.

And his goal is very simple, that is, only Wanshi Tower, so naturally he will not care too much about Lao Li.

But if Lao Li was too ignorant, he wouldn't mind getting rid of Lao Li.

"Okay! Okay! You have the guts!"

Lao Li was so angry that he couldn't bear it, but he really couldn't bear to spend 80 million immortal crystals to buy a top-grade king-level immortal treasure.

After all, although he has money, it doesn't come from strong winds, so there is no reason to waste it in vain.

"Old Wang, bring me the king-grade immortal treasure and the jade pendant around your waist. After the auction is over, I will pay you 180 million for the immortal crystal. Is that okay?"

Lin Nan picked up the tea again, took a sip of tea, and spoke leisurely for ten minutes.

"This... no problem, no problem, but... if fellow Taoist likes it, this king-grade immortal treasure and this jade pendant should be regarded as given by Wang to fellow Taoist, and you don't have to spend any money."

Elder Wang came to his senses and hurriedly recruited people to send the top-grade king-grade fairy treasure to Lin Nan. Naturally, he did not send his own jade pendant too.

Elder Wang is now completely convinced. Except for Fuchunlou Yinzi, Lin Nan has no reason to be so rampant here, and no reason not to take the 180 million Immortal Crystals seriously.

It's so damn crazy. Fu Chunlou has put all his heritage into this kid. Who dares to provoke this kid if he is impatient!

"Oh my god... is there something wrong with my ears? Elder Wang... actually... actually wants to give the Wangpin Immortal Treasure and Jade Pendant to that guy for free?"

"This... I think there is something wrong with my ears. That is a top-grade king-grade immortal treasure! That jade pendant is also worth one or two thousand immortal crystals, so just give it away for nothing?"

"Could it be that Lao Wang's head was squeezed by the door? That guy said he wanted to bid 180 million, but he kicked out the fat sheep he got. What's going on?"

"Something's wrong. Old Wang respectfully led the way for the couple before, and now he's even more groveling. He's just fawning over! Could it be that... that guy's status is so outrageous that even Wanshi Sect has to go to him if he wants to touch him? Think twice?"

"That should be the case, otherwise why would Lao Wang be like this!"

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