Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1726 Myna, it’s done!

The evil spirits were angry, unwilling, and frightened at the same time.

Nowadays, they all have the fighting power of immortal saints. With just two words from the natives, they were able to neutralize all their attacks and cut off their connection with the evil world. Inexplicably, they knelt down unable to resist. Go down.

These methods are too weird and too powerful. Their evil spirit clan is the most noble clan in the world. There has never been such a powerful existence in ancient times. Even in legends, there has never been such a powerful existence. But now they are Met one.

But after shouting for a while, they became even more confused. Their First Heavenly Father did not respond to them, so it was okay to rescue them. After all, the First Heavenly Father had made it clear when he asked them to go down to the next world. It’s not good for Heavenly Father to take action against that native.

But...why don't you even want to kill them?

This made them extremely puzzled. They really couldn't figure out why the mighty Heavenly Father was not even willing to kill them. Could it be that the cause and effect on that native was so powerful that as long as he came into contact with that native and had entanglements, he could contaminate the whole family? In the first place, even Heavenly Father was unwilling to kill them?

Over there, the Ninth Brother of the Evil Spirit, who was on the ground with both hands and feet, understood one thing after hearing the roars and roars of those brothers and the various words begging the First Heavenly Father to take action.

Brother Ninth Brother Evil Spirit knew that when Lin Nan made those brothers kneel down, he not only retained the ability of those brothers to speak, but also did not let those brothers sense that he was a more tyrannical existence than the First Heavenly Father.

The Ninth Brother of the Evil Spirit was extremely angry. Even if the First Heavenly Father abandoned them, it was only because of Lin Nan's coercion. Their lives were given by the First Heavenly Father, so even if the First Heavenly Father wanted them to die, they would not No complaints.

But what Lin Nan is doing now not only lets those brothers know that the First Heavenly Father has abandoned them, but also makes those brothers think that the First Heavenly Father is cowardly and incompetent. This is what the Ninth Brother Evil Spirit does not want to see, and it also makes those brothers think that the First Heavenly Father is weak and incompetent. Unwilling to accept.

The First Heavenly Father, the Second Heavenly Father, and the Third Heavenly Father whom he had never sensed before were the three beings that he was willing to kneel down and worship. Now Lin Nan actually caused those brothers to misunderstand the First Heavenly Father. This made the evil spirit brother Ninth extremely angry.

It was also at this moment that Brother Ninth Evil Spirit realized that the most important thing in his heart was not the Evil Spirit clan, but the three heavenly fathers!


Lin Nan spoke again, just one word.





Nearly a thousand blood-colored fireworks bloomed one after another, and roars came and went until finally it was completely quiet.

Nearly a thousand evil spirits at the level of half-step immortal saints, and five evil spirits at the level of immortal saints, after Lin Nan said two or three words, completely disappeared between heaven and earth, and they will never appear again, even if Even the Spirit of Heaven cannot resurrect those evil spirits.

In these nine heavens and ten lands, no one but him can resurrect the creatures that died in his hands unless he gives permission.


The evil spirit brother Ninth roared and actually made a sound, but the sound he made was like a beast's roar.

His complexion was already ferocious, his eyes were extremely red, and the corners of his eyes were cracked, with blood mixed with tears dripping down.

He saw brothers of the same race dying one after another, and there were so many brothers, and those brothers all died in despair and grief, and yet he couldn't even think about dying, and his life and death actually depended on that little girl. In his mind, this made him extremely sad and angry, and felt extremely humiliated!


Outside the Black Abyss Evil Territory, Liu Ruqing had once again taught Ling'er that she did not dare to talk nonsense. The little girl was pouting her mouth in grievance, with tears still hanging on her face.

"Empress, look!"

Yue Shi suddenly spoke, pointing to the former Black Abyss ancient battlefield and now the Black Abyss Evil Territory.

Yue Shi and Han Yue Qingyue have always been paying attention to the ancient battlefield. Unlike Pastor Xiao Yue Wu, brother and sister, and Princess Fu Han, they know that Lin Nan is unmatched. Nothing in this world seems to be able to hurt him. No one can hurt him. He was able to compete with him, so he was not surprised that Lin Nan could kill all those evil spirits with the combat power of the Immortal Saint with just words.

The three women, Lingxiao, Shangguan Ming and others, were observing the changes in the ancient battlefield from beginning to end, for fear of missing the opportunity for enlightenment mentioned by Lin Nan.

Now, after Lin Nan killed nearly a thousand evil spirits at once, the Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield and today's Black Abyss Evil Territory have finally changed!

The evil aura is permeating the air, but it is not like before. Although the evil aura before was overwhelming, it was the kind of evil aura that was solid and restrained and could not be absorbed by outsiders.

But it is different now. Nearly half of the overwhelming evil energy that enveloped the Black Abyss Evil Territory is no longer solidified, as if it has lost its restraints, running around like headless flies, and they are all contaminated with a little bit of the Black Abyss Evil Territory. The original qi machine.

Lin Nan mentioned earlier that this was the opportunity for Yue Shi and others to gain enlightenment. Although the Evil Realm is essentially different from the Great World, there is no doubt that the Evil Realm was nurtured by the Great Heaven and Earth, and the origin of the Evil Realm is That is part of the origin of the great world.

Therefore, if Yue Shi and others can understand some ways from the dissipated origins of the Black Abyss Evil Realm, they will definitely benefit a lot, and their steps in cultivating the Tao will be faster and more stable in the future. , the height that can be achieved will also be greatly improved.


"Damn it, why can't we detect the situation near that native! What kind of treasure does that native possess?"

The eighth brother of the evil spirit, who was guarding the second and third brothers of the evil spirit, suddenly became furious.

He was almost dying of anxiety now. Laojiu and his brothers left before, and it also happened after they got close to the native. He was unable to check the situation in that area. Not long after, only two little brothers returned, and the remaining little brothers and two The old brother was killed, and Lao Jiu was imprisoned and suppressed.

Now the same scene is happening again. Although I want to comfort myself, those brothers have their own destiny and will be fine. They are just an indigenous ant. There is no reason why so many brothers can't kill that indigenous ant together.

However, those were five old brothers and nearly a thousand younger brothers. He could not comfort himself with peace of mind!

"Bago, it's okay! It's okay! Second brother and any of you have finally connected the world of evil!"

The evil spirits left behind were restless. When they were considering whether to rush over to deal with the indigenous ant in person, the evil spirits around them shouted excitedly.


The evil brother was stunned when he heard this, and looked at where the second and third brothers were. When he saw the situation over there, the evil brother suddenly smiled.

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