Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1744 We are more childish

When Lin Nan also removed his hidden magical power, the two little sisters came to their senses completely, beamed with joy, and ran towards the place where the couple was from more than ten miles away.

Liu Ruqing smiled, bent slightly, stretched out her hands, and waited for the two little sisters to fall into her arms.

But soon Liu Ruqing's smile froze, her expression became awkward and stiff, and her outstretched hands were neither retracted nor retracted.

The two little sisters arrived instantly, but they did not throw themselves into Liu Ruqing's arms. Instead, they hugged Lin Nan directly and rubbed their little faces against Lin Nan's hand with extreme intimacy like kittens.

"Momo knew how his father could be willing to leave Momo and Ling'er alone."

"Yes, yes, Linger knows it too."

The two little sisters sang and sang together, as if they were afraid that Lin Nan wouldn't know how much they trusted Lin Nan.

"Momo, Ling'er, you guys!"

Liu Ruqing finally came to her senses, retracted her outstretched hand, stood up straight, turned around and looked at the two little things beside her who were expressing their loyalty to Lin Nan. She was so angry that she felt like she was about to be pissed to death.

She was so angry that these two little things had different words and deeds. Just now they were saying that they would no longer like Lin Nan from now on. After meeting again, they would ignore Lin Nan and only like her.

But now?

No wonder your mother was looking forward to it and greeted you warmly with joy, but you just acted like you didn't see her and went straight to your father to show your loyalty!

I really disappoint your mother!

These two little guys...are really heartless! It really deserves a beating!

"Mother, do you have anything to say to me and Ling'er?"

Lin Momo looked at Liu Ruqing, her little face was full of confusion, and she looked at Liu Ruqing in a daze.

"Yes, yes, does mother have anything to say to Ling'er and sister?"

Ling'er also hurriedly asked, looking equally puzzled and foolish.

Liu Ruqing became even more angry and uncomfortable. The attitude of these two little things was really too much to be beaten. They actually looked like she was looking for trouble. What did this mean?

"Husband, let's ignore these two little things and leave them here!"

After hesitating for a long time, Liu Ruqing finally found a breakthrough point.

Don't you two little things like your father? Mom, I will take your father away to see if you cry or not!


Lin Nan nodded, and skillfully pulled his hands out of the two sisters' hands. At the same time, he raised his hand and nodded their heads.

Then, Lin Nan held Liu Ruqing's hand again, and then disappeared without a trace again.

However, this time he really disappeared and left, and it was not a cover-up.

"Hey! The queen is really like a child who has not grown up. She actually needs us to be so considerate to her!"

Linger shook his head and sighed.

"Okay, please stop talking. We are both too ungrateful. What else can the queen do if she doesn't get angry?"

Lin Momo raised her hand and gently knocked on Ling'er's forehead, feeling a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"Mother has the nature of a child, and Ling'er is right, why did sister hit Ling'er!"

Ling'er glared at Lin Momo angrily.

The little girl felt that what she said was right. Although she and her sister were also children and indeed had children's nature, her father rarely needed to understand their feelings.

It's different on my mother's side, just now... huh? It doesn't seem right. When my father took my mother to leave, he tapped his little head and sent a message with his spiritual mind. Wasn't he being considerate of his little mood?

"Okay, okay, we are more childish, mother... mother is much better, not like us!"

Ling'er changed her angry attitude and said with a guilty conscience.

Lin Momo glanced sideways at Ling'er and didn't say much. She was thinking about the mine opened by the Dayan Sect 130,000 miles away that Lin Nan had just said when she transmitted her spiritual thoughts.


"Husband, do you want to call us directly, or do you want to play for a while first?"

Being led by Lin Nan across hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, Liu Ruqing looked at Dayan City more than thirty miles away in front of him, Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan beside him and asked.

Dayan City is directly connected to Dayan Sect, somewhat similar to Wanshi City and Wanshi Holy Land. Dayan Sect's mountain gate is located not far from Dayan City, only three to four hundred miles apart. For a powerful person in the realm of respect, it only takes a few dozen breaths or the blink of an eye.

But Liu Ruqing doesn't like to fight and kill, and it's just a Dayan Sect. Lin Nan can destroy it at any time if he wants to, but she and Lin Nan don't have many opportunities to be alone. If those two heartless little things follow later, When she came up, didn't she miss the little time she had to spend alone with Lin Nan?

That was absolutely impossible. She had to take into account the feelings of her two little sisters and couldn't occupy her husband for too long. This made her feel very angry, but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, the palms and backs of her hands were all flesh.

Therefore, when she finally had time, Liu Ruqing definitely didn't want to just stand by and watch Lin Nan kill people. She had to let Lin Nan go shopping with her!

"My wife wants to knock on the door directly, so I will. If my wife wants to hang out for a while, I will accompany my wife peacefully."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

Of course he knew Liu Ruqing's thoughts, and at the same time he was a little annoyed with those two little things. In the scene just now, he felt Liu Ruqing's embarrassment as if he had experienced it personally. Those two little things were so heartless.

Otherwise, with Lin Nan's love for the two little ones, how could he really be willing to let them leave him and act alone?

The purpose of letting the two little sisters go to the mine 300,000 miles away alone this time is to make the two little sisters suffer a lot and punish these two ignorant little things.

He, Lin Nan, did not allow outsiders to hurt the two little sisters, but he was still cruel enough to let them suffer a little. After all, he had really pampered the two little sisters too much in the past and would not let them suffer. When it was time to start participating, At the stage of enlightenment, it was difficult for him to keep the two sisters in a stable state of mind.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan was stunned. He didn't let the little sisters go to the mine to punish them, but for the sake of their future?

Looking at Liu Ruqing beside him, Lin Nan felt for a moment that he owed her so much.

The two little ones made her so angry, but he actually didn't punish them seriously. As a husband, he seemed to be acting a little badly.

"Then let's take a stroll first and see what fun things there are in this city, so that you won't get beaten to a pulp by you when you fight with those guys later and nothing will be left."

Liu Ruqing smiled happily, took Lin Nan's hand and flew to Dayan City in the air.

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